Trump to stop freedom of speech

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?

So they can create more fake news?

I'd like to know what, if anything, our Representatives know.

Do you think he'd still be occupying his position if there was any there, there?
It is not the governments right to decide that they can silence stuff that they dont like.

A free press is a necessity in any democracy. And unfortunately that allows a lot of shysters into the conversation.

But giving them the authority to close down Info Wars and Breitbart means they get to shut down the next Watergate scandal is not a price I would want to pay.

Correct. Nor is it anyone's right to shut down anyone's speech, "Under any circumstances," in a free country, unless it is on your own personal property.

You may not like what someone says, but in this country, I find it offensive to silence them. Rioting because you say you are offended is not freedom of speech.

My employer can control my speech, but I will not permit your attempt to silence me in public.

I'm all for the freedom of press. I rarely watch t.v. or MSM, for the outright lies and falsehoods presented daily.

I won't shut them down but I will not support their efforts.

Many want to shut down websites, news outlets, and individuals.

In their effort to do so they have resorted to violence. Burning, looting and destroying property.

Tommy, we are paying one hell of a price to hold on to our Constitutional rights.
But this is why Trumps ideas are so dangerous. He isnt talking about stuff that is illegal. He is talking about stuff he doesnt like.

Consider the Russia story. Im not convinced either way. If you push me on it I would say that its unlikely that Trump has real obligations to Putin.

But..................I am happy that people are looking at this.

Putin has form when it comes to meddling in foreign elections. There are links between the two sides as has been proven. And Trumps affairs are shrouded in secrecy.

Its outrageous that Trump thinks he can shut this down.

Melania has already proven that the libel laws work when protecting somebodies name. Nothing more is needed.
First of all, I'm not a snowflake, asshole.

Sure you are. You cry when your opinions are challenged. That makes you a textbook snowflake. Don't worry. You've got lots of company. Most modern conservatives are snowflakes.

Your side does something worse then restrict freedom of speech, it negates opposing views
under the guise of negativity, hate, discrimination and personal freedom, through violence and propaganda,
in order to advance the agenda that the majority opposes and to eliminate future opposition through indoctrination

You're getting all PC on us now, crying that certain terms of speech should be forbidden because they offend you. Screw that. We liberals reject your politically correct demands for a SafeSpace where those awful liberals can't say mean things to you. A certain saying about heat and kitchens comes to mind.
You don't get to push the term snowflake on us. Liberal's own that name.
It is not the governments right to decide that they can silence stuff that they dont like.

A free press is a necessity in any democracy. And unfortunately that allows a lot of shysters into the conversation.

But giving them the authority to close down Info Wars and Breitbart means they get to shut down the next Watergate scandal is not a price I would want to pay.
Agreed, which is another reason why Socialists a wrong and socialism doesn't work.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

Funny, your country doesn't have freedom of speech at all.
How do you come to that conclusion ?

From your own laws that say abusive or insulting words or behavior intending or likely to cause alarm of distress isn't allowed. "Defamation" laws are well known to be some of the most strict in the world. But I'm sure you prefer to just play dumb and pretend that's not the case.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

Funny, your country doesn't have freedom of speech at all.
How do you come to that conclusion ?
He's just ignorant.

Obviously you've never heard of Michael Savage being banned in the UK for just having an opposing viewpoint to the globalist pro-Muslim regressives.

Apparently it's you that is ignorant. Most European countries don't have anywhere near the freedom of speech the US has.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

Funny, your country doesn't have freedom of speech at all.
How do you come to that conclusion ?

From your own laws that say abusive or insulting words or behavior intending or likely to cause alarm of distress isn't allowed. "Defamation" laws are well known to be some of the most strict in the world. But I'm sure you prefer to just play dumb and pretend that's not the case.
Free speech comes with responsibilities. If you say something that damages my reputation,or business, and it isnt true then be prepared to pay for that abuse.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

You just called the President of my Country an "orange rodent" and helped make the case that there should be some legal changes.
I have to wonder about your view point on other "hate speech".

He's a Brit. His definition of "free speech" is whatever he feels isn't offensive.

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