Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter, Google over alleged censorship

Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
This lawsuit is similar to all other trumptard clowns' lawsuits. In that, it is all to solicit funds. "I am suing the big bad FB. Send Cash!!"
He's already got a fund-raising site up and running for this.
Cons are so stupid, they'll actually pour money to him for a legal defense he will never pay. This is how he earns a living these days.
As long as it is not done arbitrarily. FB and tech companies CENSORED falsehoods dependent on WHO made the post not by whether or not the post was true or not. Many of the CENSORED posts have been proven to be true.
You and your fellow rightwing hypocrites are having a hissy-fit because social media are being ‘mean’ to Trump and not tolerating conservative hate speech – so your anti-big government, anti-government regulation rhetoric goes out the window.
Try again moron. When you choose to discuss stick to the topic and don't let your own personal prejudices enter into the discussion. I have discussed the legality of arbitrarily banning someone from a media site and not exercising their policies EQUALLY. You haven't a clue as to what my anti...whatever is. So please keep your assumptions to yourself as so far you have been totally WRONG.

Facebook will argue that Trump's lies led to 1/6.

Even if there was some sort of small crack the courts have ruled many times that schools can step on students Constitutional rights to maintain peace. Facebook would win here.
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.

Neither you, nor Donald Trump, have a coherent understanding of our First Amendment rights.

I would agree that a private company cant really violate a person's 1st Amendment rights (wasnt that the arguement about the NFL and the kneeling? Funny how everyone has switched stances on basically the same issue). That said these social media platforms have set themselves up as the defacto "public square" so there are, and rightfully so, concerns about their ability to squash speech they dont like. And make no mistake that's what's happening. They can say it's about lying or misinformation or violations of their terms of service but it's that they dont like what's being said.

They also enjoy protections against liable and other forms of litigation based on their status as a platform and not a publisher. Once you start picking and choosing which things end up on your platform I think you should probably lose that protection.

The other issue is why would we want them to stifle speech? Regardless of what's being said. I want people like David Duke to run off at the mouth about their dip shit ideas. It lets me know who they. You arent changing his or people like him mind by kicking them off twitter. Dumb ideas only go away when they are drug out into the sunlight and argued in the open so that everyone can see exactly how stupid they are. Pushing them into the dark only lets them ferment and I would argue gives the purveyors of the ideas credibility by making it seem like they are truths society is afraid to admit or deal with.
So would you say that violent killing, terrorist recruitment and pornography be permitted to freely flow through these sites? No regulation permitted at all?
Would be fun to see all those posters who have been banned from various forums piggy back on his lawsuit to sue those mods who banned them.
Thanks the thing and the best part... You CAN join the class action! Just send Trump a check for $1999.99 to cover basic legal and processing fees and you're in! I think that is a monthly installment btw
who will be his lawyer? lin wood? orly taitz? sidney krackhead?
Nope, he has screwed them over pay so now he must find another sucker, that can spell his or her own name correctly.
It would be good to see the courts establish that companies cant set their own terms of service. Will trump have to prove that the election was stolen ?
That would be amazing.
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

No it is not discrimination and not illegal.
Then florists and bakers don't have to serve gays and pizza shop owners don't have to serve Kaepernick supporters.
The bakers' thing was overruled. Hopefully the courts will slap down Trumpsters in similar fashion.
Oh, come on Ev its not like you to not answer a direct question. Its an easy one as well and like it or not it is an unfortunate part of our world, ignoring it does not make it go away. There are ugly things out there and when you have a platform that exposes information to millions of people then you have a responsibility to either do something or nothing about it. So what would you do if you owned one of these platforms... Allow this kind of disgusting vulgarity to spread throughout it or not? Simple question. Answer it please
I do not engage in the vulgarity that you wish to discuss. I wish lefties would stop exploiting Western Civilization, our Constitution, and God given Freedom in order to advance their perverted agenda with children. Commies have no place here, send them back.
Wow, you bugged out of this discussion quickly... Can you just give a quick yes or no to my question? Do you expose vulgar content to children on your platform if you own one? yes or no?
Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
Dumb Donald has never read nor does he comprehend COTUS.

The First Amendment does not prevent the private sector from censoring anyone; only, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
The lawsuit isn’t strictly about the First Amendment. It’s about Facebook et all censoring conservatives when they never violated the their own terms. They can prove that. In addition to that, they will argue those platforms hide behind section 230 protections while infringing on Americans’ freedom of speech.

They did not infringe on anyone's right to free speech. Only the government can do that. This actually has nothing to do with section 230. Conservatives have violated the terms of agreement by using it to pass misinformation.
It's gotta be tough for a republican politician to sue any news source not to mention the powerful left wing intrenched blog sources. When you factor in the democrats running the show and the other media sources protecting their own not to mention a politically orientated federal law enforcement, the former president has his hands full.
I’m going to demand my free speech right to stand in Trumps MaroLaga clubhouse and shout “Trump is a pussy grabbing pedophile!” All day and night. That’s basically what Trump wants to do to Facebook but he has less evidence to shout fraud than I do to shout my line.
As long as it is not done arbitrarily. FB and tech companies CENSORED falsehoods dependent on WHO made the post not by whether or not the post was true or not. Many of the CENSORED posts have been proven to be true.
You and your fellow rightwing hypocrites are having a hissy-fit because social media are being ‘mean’ to Trump and not tolerating conservative hate speech – so your anti-big government, anti-government regulation rhetoric goes out the window.
Try again moron. When you choose to discuss stick to the topic and don't let your own personal prejudices enter into the discussion. I have discussed the legality of arbitrarily banning someone from a media site and not exercising their policies EQUALLY. You haven't a clue as to what my anti...whatever is. So please keep your assumptions to yourself as so far you have been totally WRONG.

Facebook will argue that Trump's lies led to 1/6.

Even if there was some sort of small crack the courts have ruled many times that schools can step on students Constitutional rights to maintain peace. Facebook would win here.
That's if it ever even gets that far. My guess is it'll get thrown out with the first motion to dismiss since they can ban anyone not following their rules. They only ones they can't ban is if they try to ban members from a protected class -- and rightard is not a protected class.
Oh, come on Ev its not like you to not answer a direct question. Its an easy one as well and like it or not it is an unfortunate part of our world, ignoring it does not make it go away. There are ugly things out there and when you have a platform that exposes information to millions of people then you have a responsibility to either do something or nothing about it. So what would you do if you owned one of these platforms... Allow this kind of disgusting vulgarity to spread throughout it or not? Simple question. Answer it please
I do not engage in the vulgarity that you wish to discuss. I wish lefties would stop exploiting Western Civilization, our Constitution, and God given Freedom in order to advance their perverted agenda with children. Commies have no place here, send them back.
Wow, you bugged out of this discussion quickly... Can you just give a quick yes or no to my question? Do you expose vulgar content to children on your platform if you own one? yes or no?
You won't get an answer from him. He already lost and he knows it. He tried deflecting but that failed him miserably.

Good job!
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

Private social media have the First Amendment right to freedom of association – they’re at liberty to determine who will or will not participate, who will or will not be a member, and may exclude anyone they so desire for whatever reason, whereby doing so is neither discrimination nor illegal.
HaHaHa, I guess those rules only apply to florists and bakers and pizza outlets. SMH.

Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
Dumb Donald has never read nor does he comprehend COTUS.

The First Amendment does not prevent the private sector from censoring anyone; only, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
The lawsuit isn’t strictly about the First Amendment. It’s about Facebook et all censoring conservatives when they never violated the their own terms. They can prove that. In addition to that, they will argue those platforms hide behind section 230 protections while infringing on Americans’ freedom of speech.
Nah. Rump does not have a leg to stand on. He and everyone else knows it except you trumptards. This is just another way to gyp you out of cash.

The case will be thrown out of court but by then, Rump would have already gotten your money and he will move on. Move on to some other made-up outrage to scam his idiotic followers. The circle of scams will continue.
As long as it is not done arbitrarily. FB and tech companies CENSORED falsehoods dependent on WHO made the post not by whether or not the post was true or not. Many of the CENSORED posts have been proven to be true.
You and your fellow rightwing hypocrites are having a hissy-fit because social media are being ‘mean’ to Trump and not tolerating conservative hate speech – so your anti-big government, anti-government regulation rhetoric goes out the window.
Try again moron. When you choose to discuss stick to the topic and don't let your own personal prejudices enter into the discussion. I have discussed the legality of arbitrarily banning someone from a media site and not exercising their policies EQUALLY. You haven't a clue as to what my anti...whatever is. So please keep your assumptions to yourself as so far you have been totally WRONG.

Facebook will argue that Trump's lies led to 1/6.

Even if there was some sort of small crack the courts have ruled many times that schools can step on students Constitutional rights to maintain peace. Facebook would win here.
That's if it ever even gets that far. My guess is it'll get thrown out with the first motion to dismiss since they can ban anyone not following their rules. They only ones they can't ban is if they try to ban members from a protected class -- and rightard is not a protected class.

My bet is that it never gets filed.
As long as it is not done arbitrarily. FB and tech companies CENSORED falsehoods dependent on WHO made the post not by whether or not the post was true or not. Many of the CENSORED posts have been proven to be true.
You and your fellow rightwing hypocrites are having a hissy-fit because social media are being ‘mean’ to Trump and not tolerating conservative hate speech – so your anti-big government, anti-government regulation rhetoric goes out the window.
Try again moron. When you choose to discuss stick to the topic and don't let your own personal prejudices enter into the discussion. I have discussed the legality of arbitrarily banning someone from a media site and not exercising their policies EQUALLY. You haven't a clue as to what my anti...whatever is. So please keep your assumptions to yourself as so far you have been totally WRONG.

Facebook will argue that Trump's lies led to 1/6.

Even if there was some sort of small crack the courts have ruled many times that schools can step on students Constitutional rights to maintain peace. Facebook would win here.
That's if it ever even gets that far. My guess is it'll get thrown out with the first motion to dismiss since they can ban anyone not following their rules. They only ones they can't ban is if they try to ban members from a protected class -- and rightard is not a protected class.

My bet is that it never gets filed.
I don't think so because then it's fraud on his part. My guess is he will file it -- but like with Giuliani, he won't pay his attorneys. Then it's not fraud and he keeps all the money these schmucks hand a billionaire.
They cannot discriminate based on who you are. Social media has not discriminated against people based on what they are.
They banned Trump based on who he was and for his political stance.
Political stance isn't a protected class. There should be no "protected classes", the entire concept is corrupt, but he has no legal standing in that regard.
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Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
Dumb Donald has never read nor does he comprehend COTUS.

The First Amendment does not prevent the private sector from censoring anyone; only, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Then it’s discrimination. Dems love that one.
They wouldn’t bake his republican cake.

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