Trump Tops Obama in "2020's Most Admired" Gallup Poll


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Ok. Which one of you 6-percenters chose Biden?

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup

"President Trump has ended former President Obama's 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.

Eighteen percent of the survey's respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden. Three percent named National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, while two percent said Pope Francis."

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup
Biden took some votes from Obama while Trump hit the list for the first time ever. It’s math. Real question is why didn’t Trump beat out a former president which happened 85% of the time prior to Trump but only 25% under Trump. LOSER.

In the 74 times Gallup has asked the open-ended most admired man question since 1946, the incumbent president has topped the list 60 times. Harry Truman (1946-1947 and 1950-1952), Lyndon Johnson (1967-1968), Richard Nixon (1973), Gerald Ford (1974-1975), Jimmy Carter (1980), George W. Bush (2008) and Trump (2017-2018) are the incumbent presidents who did not finish first in past years.

Forty-eight percent of Republicans name Trump this year, with no other public figure receiving more than 2% of Republicans' votes.
  • Forty-eight percent of Republicans name Trump this year, with no other public figure receiving more than 2% of Republicans' votes.
  • Obama is the top choice among Democrats, at 32%, but that is down from 41% last year. President-elect Joe Biden (13%) is also commonly named by Democrats.
  • Additionally, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, is named by 5% of Democrats but only 1% of Republicans, further contributing to Democrats' relative dispersion of choices.
  • Independents are evenly split between Trump (11%) and Obama (11%), with another 3% naming Biden and 2% Fauci.
And? Since Obama's been largely out of the news for four years and we've seen nothing but Trump 24x7 over the last year or so, is this really a shock? No. What is pathetic is that the difference in popularity is only 3%. So a man who's been in the news nonstop beats out his predecessor who's been largely absent from public view for the last four years? Someone alert the media!!!...oh wait..nevermind. It was only a 3% difference. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Any list that has barry "boy" soetoro is on, is a fucking useless list. We're talking about the boy that got a nobel peace prize and then went on to set the record for the number of countries bombed back to the Stone Age at..... wait for it..... 7. His specialty was weddings, funerals.... and brown children. Fuck that list.
Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man

I don't believe that crap.

There's no way Obumma was ever the most admired man in America. Everything he ever achieved was GIVEN to him. He's never achieved a thing in his life without a whole a community paving the way for him, handing him it on a silver platter.

But very telling that the hated evil Trump got THREE TIMES the votes as the "so-popular" Biden which no one actually gives a flying shit about! Tell me that election was straight up again?

But not surprising at all that 5% of Dizzy Democrats picked Dr. Fauci as their "most admired person." :smoke:
Ok. Which one of you 6-percenters chose Biden?

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup

"President Trump has ended former President Obama's 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.

Eighteen percent of the survey's respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden. Three percent named National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, while two percent said Pope Francis."

Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup
The collective american IQ has dropped, I see.
Since Obama's been largely out of the news for four years

The only shock is that you think Obama was ever out of the news! The guy travels the world blasting Trump in office and was more visible on the Biden campaign trail than Biden was! :21:

And once Joe "gets in," Obumma will be right down the street STILL IN DC still pulling Joe's strings telling the marionette how to do his job.

Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 9.47.14 AM.png

What's hilarious is that after the year in the Primaries and the Fall campaigning and his "record-shattering" election, Joe still only gets A THIRD the votes of Trump. That says it all.
Since Obama's been largely out of the news for four years

The only shock is that you think Obama was ever out of the news! The guy travels the world blasting Trump in office and was more visible on the Biden campaign trail than Biden was! :21:

And once Joe "gets in," Obumma will be right down the street STILL IN DC still pulling Joe's strings telling the marionette how to do his job.

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I'd like to see all the ex's not in public Bush is a perfect example.
Biden will srill be named as our new President as we kick Donald Dork down the road as the worst and most despised President in history.
Once again already a thread..
The person that is "most admired" is probably among the "most hated". Usually a person who is a very polarizing figure wins the top spot for most admired because the poll does not subtract the negative opinions on the other side of the curve.

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