Trump Tower Meet....and Steele's dossier...

Didn't a Britt set up the Trump tower meeting? So you're just a hypocrite right?

No, moron........Setting up a meeting AND offering Trump dirt on Hillary with Russian spies is not exactly the same.......Is there a grown up around your trailer park to help your comprehension?


You're the one who said if it came through the Birtts it was all good. Now when called on it you try to move the goal posts. Your bullshit contention that if you pay a Britt to get Russian dirt it's somehow different than if they give it to ya for free is as moronic as it gets.

You are equating Steel with a person know to be at least a lobbyist the Russian govt, if not a spy?

Wrong, the Trump tower meeting was facilitated by Rob Goldstone, a British music promoter/publicist. That's not exactly the type person you'd expect to be running with Russian spies. Steele on the other hand was a known spy.

bye bye, Trump fellator

LMAO, coward.

Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.

How does one prove something didn't happen?
Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.
Good grief... Too stupid for words.

Prove collusion asswipe. You make the accusation, you prove it. That is how things work.

And where EXACTLY did I make the accusation...oh person of such awe-inspiring and sophisticated wordage?
Inevitably, Trump "defenders" will attempt to address the criticism of the [possibly criminal] meeting by Junior, Kushner and Manafort and Russian operatives, with a typical, "what about Clinton paying Steele for a dossier on Trump"???

Objectively, there is some lop-sided "logic" to this divertive defense........BUT, two factors must also be considered:

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY, versus the attempt to gather opposition research by a country that is a long time ADVERSARY to the U.S.

Second, as we have long learned from the Watergate scandal, the initial wrong-doing PALES in comparison to the attempt to cover up the mistake......Trump has flip-flopped several times in his attempt to covering up the fiasco....directly implicating himself and his family.

Like most ANTI Trump threads on this forum, I expect this one to soon, give it a shot in addressing it before the inevitable.
Watergate has no comparison to Trump witch hunt, except the facts that liberals gave LBJ a pass and went after Nixon in order to crucify someone from the right for Vietnam War. (A war we should have won, but left stabbed our troops in the back)
Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.

How does one prove something didn't happen?
Exactly...yet this person claimed - matter-of-factly - that there was none.

He made the claim...I am simply asking him to prove it.
Let me ask you Trumpies this.

You think hollering “Hillary did it too” is going to save Trump from impeachment when the Mueller report comes out showing Trump conspired with the Russians to win the election then obstructed justice in trying to block an investigation?

Trumps screwed regardless what Hillary did.


His son.

And his son in law.

First, Steele is from a nation that is our closest ALLY

You're allowed to get Russian dirt, as long as it passes thru the hands of a Brit first...…..DERP!

The OP, while correct in his assertions has missed the biggest difference of all: Hillary Clinton never met Christopher Steele or any of his sources and had no idea who provided the information. Hillary didn’t even meet with or hire Fusion GPS.

Neither Steele nor his sources knew who would ultimately receive the information because neither Steele nor his sources ever had any contact with the buyer. The Clinton campaign asked their lawyers to get the opposition research. Their lawyers hired Fusion GPS and Fusion gave the job to Steele.

Junior and other members of the Trump campaign met with people they were told were Russian government officials for the purpose of getting “dirt” on Hillary Clinton and assistance in their election campaign from the Russian government. Soliciting help from a foreign government in a US election campaign, is illegal.

You have to be wilfully blind to equate the Clinton Campaign's purchase of the Steele Dossier o Junior meeting with Russians to get dirt on Clinton.

Hillary didn’t even meet with or hire Fusion GPS.

If info from foreigners is an "illegal campaign contribution", the Dems got illegal info and Trump Jr didn't.

Neither Steele nor his sources knew who would ultimately receive the information because neither Steele nor his sources ever had any contact with the buyer.

At a certain point, the Obama DOJ was paying him. Steele wasn't aware of that either?
Her campaign did, Podesta’s were in business with Russians and Clinton Foundation took $$$ From Russians and states that support terrorism. Clinton’s are scum.
Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.

How does one prove something didn't happen?
Exactly...yet this person claimed - matter-of-factly - that there was none.

He made the claim...I am simply asking him to prove it.

Until someone proves there was collusion between t he Trump campaign & the Russian government, there was none.
Let me ask you Trumpies this.

You think hollering “Hillary did it too” is going to save Trump from impeachment when the Mueller report comes out shows Trump conspired with the Russians to win the election then obstructed justice in trying to block an investigation?

Trumps screwed regardless what Hillary did.


His son.

And his son in law.

Not going to be an undemocratic coup to overturn the 2016 election.
Watergate has no comparison to Trump witch hun
Of course it does. The most significant comparison that comes to mind is the obstruction of the investigation on the part of the president. As you may recall, Nixon was finished, the moment congress heard his request to shut down the investigation. Trump has dome this oiblocly and repeatedly. The comparison is obvious...the difference that this highlights is in our standards today.

Another comparison that stands out I think constant lying...Trump has lied repeatedly, and only admits to lying when he has no other choice.
Ahhh collusion with foreign entities is ok if nat thinks they are friends.
Or, if we want to be honest, if it involves a D or R next to their name.

Yep, if nat approves....collusion's all good. Especially, when there was no collusion.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that there was no collusion?

Because without it. You have no way of knowing for certain if there was or was nor collusion.

How does one prove something didn't happen?
Exactly...yet this person claimed - matter-of-factly - that there was none.

He made the claim...I am simply asking him to prove it.

Until someone proves there was collusion between t he Trump campaign & the Russian government, there was none.

LOL...well that makes zero sense.

So...until someone factually proves does not exist?

So all murders that were never proven did not happen (according to you)? I guess the victim of an axe murder simply chopped themselves up?


Might want to try and find/activate some more brain cells before you delve into discussion in future...just sayin'.
The Boychinkins might get indicted, but I doubt we'll remove a sitting US potus with a gop Senate over that.

I beg to differ.

If Trump is impeached on conspiring with the Russians and obstruction of justice..... i doubt very much a republican senate... who hate his ass to begin with.... are going to risk their seats to save Trumps ass.
Until someone proves there was collusion between t he Trump campaign & the Russian government, there was none.
In your biased opinion. A more rational person would admit that this is not known, until evidence surfaces.

I think Trumps admission yesterday is pretty clear evidence of conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
As do I. Not that everyone on the planet didn't already know was lying....
You know, one of Trump's latest tweets even said that he had met the Russians to get some opposition research on Hillary. Only problem is, it's illegal to get oppositon research from foreign governments.

Trump (Again) Admits His Son Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Clinton

It was a tweet that set off a storm. Was President Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russia? Was he stipulating that the now notorious June 2016 Trump Tower meeting arranged by his son Donald Trump Jr. really was all about getting dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer and not adoption issues as President Trump had earlier claimed?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere," the president tweeted early Sunday.

He concluded the tweet by saying, "I did not know about it!"

Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2018

While Trump and his legal team insist there was nothing illegal and "no collusion," Trump's apparent-tweeted admission on Sunday was, it turns out, also nothing new. It's the very talking point the president and his aides settled on more than a year ago, after their initial claim that the meeting was just about adoptions didn't hold up.
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the Trump tower meeting was facilitated by Rob Goldstone, a British music promoter/publicist. That's not exactly the type person you'd expect to be running with Russian spies. Steele on the other hand was a
Why on Earth would you say that? For one,not everyone running with spies knows they are running with spies....that's kind of how spies work. Second, he has extensive Russian ties, including powerdul Russian oligarchs. I would say that type pf person has better odds of having ties to russian intelligence officers than, say, you or me.

Wow, you sure packed that boat full of assumptions. Got anything to back it up?

Watergate has no comparison to Trump witch hun
Of course it does. The most significant comparison that comes to mind is the obstruction of the investigation on the part of the president. As you may recall, Nixon was finished, the moment congress heard his request to shut down the investigation. Trump has dome this oiblocly and repeatedly. The comparison is obvious...the difference that this highlights is in our standards today.

Another comparison that stands out I think constant lying...Trump has lied repeatedly, and only admits to lying when he has no other choice.
I disagree. With Nixon there was no concurrent action by the DOJ to find no cause to prosecute Hillary for emails some of which contained secret information and others seeking money donations.

Obstruction isn't going to remove Trump. OKTexas is a fucktard, or course, and there's no comparison to FusionGPS and meeting with people known to be, at least, lobbyists for the Russian govt and discussing the Maginsky Act.

And the strange fact is that even if there are facts showing a direct conspiracy between Trump and Russia to get illegally hacked information and use to influence an election, the core base of Trump's support won't be affected
the Trump tower meeting was facilitated by Rob Goldstone, a British music promoter/publicist. That's not exactly the type person you'd expect to be running with Russian spies. Steele on the other hand was a
Why on Earth would you say that? For one,not everyone running with spies knows they are running with spies....that's kind of how spies work. Second, he has extensive Russian ties, including powerdul Russian oligarchs. I would say that type pf person has better odds of having ties to russian intelligence officers than, say, you or me.

Wow, you sure packed that boat full of assumptions. Got anything to back it up?

Which assumptions, specifically? You are the one who presented the assumption...and it was a very odd one, given the facts we have.

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