Trump: TPP is a bad, bad deal

fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?
OK, how does he know what's in the treaty? He doesn't have access.

I realize the guy is flavor of the week, and he is driving moonbats apeshit (well more apeshit than they usually are), but he's not a good candidate. He's just using this issue for populartity because what little is known about the treaty isn't popular.

I think that should tell you something. Another, you have to pass it to see what's in it.
Even Peloosy won't play that card again. If what little is known about the treaty is unpopular, why is your president trying to shove it down our throats?

Trump is the first candidate I've seen in years that is a patriotic American.
This treaty has been in the works for ten years. That doesn't even approach "shoving it down our throats".

Dems reject Obama s key trade proposal in House vote -

Even the Democrats are against this, so does that mean the Democrats now hate Obama?
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I think that should tell you something. Another, you have to pass it to see what's in it.
Even Peloosy won't play that card again. If what little is known about the treaty is unpopular, why is your president trying to shove it down our throats?

Trump is the first candidate I've seen in years that is a patriotic American.

For me, the jury is still out on Trump. I'll perhaps take him seriously after a few debates and see if it isn't just a publicity stunt, but as of now I'm only impressed by how insane the moonbat reaction has been. Their loathing gives him credibilty by itself.

I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!
talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

Yes you do far left drone!

So now you going to admit that this is a bad deal?
talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

See one far left drone backing another far left drone, even though their own (the Democrats) have rejected..

I guess they all hate Obama..

Let us see if these two drones can explain why it would be good...
And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

See one far left drone backing another far left drone, even though their own (the Democrats) have rejected..

I guess they all hate Obama..

Let us see if these two drones can explain why it would be good...


We are actually trying to make this non partisan... We are asking the question what do you find specifically objectionable in the deal and what parts you like?

Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

See one far left drone backing another far left drone, even though their own (the Democrats) have rejected..

I guess they all hate Obama..

Let us see if these two drones can explain why it would be good...


We are actually trying to make this non partisan... We are asking the question what do you find specifically objectionable in the deal and what parts you like?


Wrong as always far left drone..

The one poster blazed in and claimed that all that were against this was because of Obama, so now that the Democrats are against so should the drones or have the updates not been sent out yet?

Still yet the far left drones could not explain why anyone should be for this..
This has been in the works for ten years and never gained a foothold because it is bad for America, just like NAFTA was. Until Obama saw yet another way to weaken the country and redistribute our wealth elsewhere.
Gun control has been in the U.N. works for a long time too, yet no other president was willing to sign on. Until Obama saw yet another way to weaken the Constitution.

How do you know what parts you like??? You have to sign it to find out what's in it.
There is a reason for that......
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

what good will this 'free' trade bill do for small and medium businesses in the USA....and by extension for the American people...the middle class....?

basically nothing that's what.....this deal was created by and for large multi-national corporations and for socialist politicos....crony capitalism at its finest...
Last edited:
And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..
Who says I support it, dumbass?

Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

what good will this 'free' trade bill do for small and medium businesses in the USA....and by extension for the American people...the middle class....?

basically nothing that's what.....this deal was created by and for large multi-national corporations and for socialist politicos....crony capitalism at its finest...


What part of the deal? Show how it benefits "socialist politicos" over "small and medium businesses "... What parts of the deal?

I could repeat that...
This deal is bad for innocent schoolgirls and good for drug dealing murders.
Republicans seem to forget that Abraham Lincoln was ardently in favor of high tariffs and the protection of American industry from foreign competition.

How on earth are American factories supposed to compete against foreign factories that pay their workers a fraction of what our workers make, that don't have to worry about health and safety standards, that get taxed at a lower corporate income tax rate, etc., etc.?
Oh so you must have got the update where even the Democrats are against it now.

Based on your logic that you have used they also must hate Obama..
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

See one far left drone backing another far left drone, even though their own (the Democrats) have rejected..

I guess they all hate Obama..

Let us see if these two drones can explain why it would be good...


We are actually trying to make this non partisan... We are asking the question what do you find specifically objectionable in the deal and what parts you like?


Wrong as always far left drone..

The one poster blazed in and claimed that all that were against this was because of Obama, so now that the Democrats are against so should the drones or have the updates not been sent out yet?

Still yet the far left drones could not explain why anyone should be for this..

If you bothered to read my post you would notice that I have not even commented about the deal. But it must be noticed that a good few on this board object to Obama.
I don't oppose something for hack partisan reasons. Nor do I support anything for hack partisan reasons. If you haven't figured that much out about me by now, then you are more retarded than I thought!

They're 3 pages in and they still haven't said anything of actual substance.

The loss of sovereignty? ALL TREATIES involve some loss of sovereignty. That is why they are call treaties...

Under that presumption they would not have signed any of these:
Add in Human rights, Geneva convention....

I am like g5000 waiting for our nay sayers to explain to us the advantages and dis-advantages of the TTP.

See one far left drone backing another far left drone, even though their own (the Democrats) have rejected..

I guess they all hate Obama..

Let us see if these two drones can explain why it would be good...


We are actually trying to make this non partisan... We are asking the question what do you find specifically objectionable in the deal and what parts you like?


Wrong as always far left drone..

The one poster blazed in and claimed that all that were against this was because of Obama, so now that the Democrats are against so should the drones or have the updates not been sent out yet?

Still yet the far left drones could not explain why anyone should be for this..

If you bothered to read my post you would notice that I have not even commented about the deal. But it must be noticed that a good few on this board object to Obama.

Lots of far left drones still think Bush is president, but the far left will always make claims like "it is because they hate Obama".

How many of the far left hated Bush? or is that excused by the far left drones?

And many if not all of the far left hates Trump, so do you have a real point?

So is this a good deal or not?

What are the benefits? Any far left drone going to answer?

You going to back the Democrats who think this is a bad deal?

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