Trump Trailer Trash

The GOP has it out for Trump, I doubt next November he will be on a GOP ticket, he'll be on an independent ticket, splitting the GOP vote...
The GOP has it out for Trump, I doubt next November he will be on a GOP ticket, he'll be on an independent ticket, splitting the GOP vote...

Even with the GOP vote split, I STILL doubt Hillary could even win a city council election. :badgrin:
I envision Hillary as a homemaker after this election too. Surprised you agree
He's done. What a dick. He's the most self-destructive asshole I've ever seen besides Dick Nixon.

Donald Trump says he did not mock New York Times reporter's disability
Republican front-runner twisted his arms in apparent imitation of Serge Kovaleski’s arthrogryposis as he reiterated controversial 9/11 claims

New York Times slams 'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability


The scumbag reporter deserved to be mocked. If you're going to author hit pieces about someone, then expect some incoming.
Carla and Sarah, he is beginning to lose traction and his opponents' commercials are coming out using his very vids against him.

I wonder if he will be down to 12% by January 1st.

I suspect Ted Cruz will be the next flavor of the month, but I still want the Donald to keep up the good work...for Democrats.
Trump has been on top in the polls for 4 months now. He obviously isn't "the flavor of the month," dingbat.

Bookmarked, for future entertainment.

How will you entertain yourself with an indisputable fact?
He's done. What a dick. He's the most self-destructive asshole I've ever seen besides Dick Nixon.

Donald Trump says he did not mock New York Times reporter's disability
Republican front-runner twisted his arms in apparent imitation of Serge Kovaleski’s arthrogryposis as he reiterated controversial 9/11 claims

New York Times slams 'outrageous' Donald Trump for mocking reporter's disability

People on food stamps calling billionaires trailer trash is pretty funny.
billionaires believing their bank account excuses their mouth is even funnier ..

there's a little thing called integrity a POTUS needs to represent this country, and all the $$ in the world can't buy it.

Trump belongs in the poor farm.

You, too, meathead, Trump is at the beginning of the end.
I'm not much of a Trump supporter, but I know irony when I see it. You or the OP calling a hugely successful billionaire trailer trash is ironic,even someone with your limited intellect can grasp that.
He is trash, regardless of means. He is a fascist, clearly. He is a bully. If you confronted him, you fruit, he would run even from you. The n he would talk about you behind your back.

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