Trump transformed GOP from wine & cheese country club crowd to pro-worker pro-America party. people love him because of his policies, not personality

Most of America can not afford a Trump hotel, because the Democratic party shipped so many jobs overseas, and drove up the cost of food, gas, housing, travel, and electricity.
No, because Trump overcharges for fake luxury

pro-America party????????????????​


No, because Trump overcharges for fake luxury
over charged or not, the Democratic party ran up the price of everything, certainly RINOs helped. But the Democratic party has been running up the costs of everything for decades, I could afford an over priced hotel if it was not for the Democratic party destroying our standard of living.
Do trump is PRO union, pro medicate, and PRO social security and will take the side of employee vs employer correct?
over charged or not, the Democratic party ran up the price of everything, certainly RINOs helped. But the Democratic party has been running up the costs of everything for decades, I could afford an over priced hotel if it was not for the Democratic party destroying our standard of living.

You could afford an overpriced hotel if not for Republicans destroying our wage structure
Donald Trump is a protest against the establishment & most essentially...a protest against the establishment republican party. And ultimately, that's what MAGA is about. A stand against the broken status quo. I'm Trump 2024 because that is what the establishment doesn't want

well looky there,,
now youre trumptard again,,

whats this the 5-6 time youve switched??
I could afford an overpriced hotel if I did not have to spend $6 a gallon for fuel oil this winter, thank you Democratic party.

Wage structure? Hardly the job of politicians.

Republicans sold out the middle class with their supply side/trickle down policies

The middle class never recovered
Republicans sold out the middle class with their supply side/trickle down policies

The middle class never recovered
Bullshit, we have not had the power. And, if we has the democratic party easily could of changed it all back.

As if democrats have not controlled the government and have been nothing but helpless

You are pure bulkshut
Uh, that is, Invested with an, I.
Not paid, paid with a P
a senator's drug addicted son with a porno problem who was broke, got paid millions
A businessman that was already rich, who's investment firm will make more money for thier client, the saudis
Big difference, it is like you receiving welfare and me working, paying taxes. Biden is the welfare case
Spin it however you want honey. If it were the other way around, you'd be seeing it the other way around. You can't win on this or any other issue after Trump. Now Biden can get away with murder and we'll be able to point to where Trump did worse.

And you only know about Hunter because Biden released his taxes, probably. Trump never did. So we never knew what shady shit him and his sons were doing and with whom "russians".

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