Trump trashes Mia Love

The fact remains she lost big because she is a progressive...
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus
It’s funny how sorry sacks of shit like yourself who hated her to her core... Till her true colors were revealed.
She is a progressive through and through
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus
It’s funny how sorry sacks of shit like yourself who hated her to her core... Till her true colors were revealed.
She is a progressive through and through

It'll be fine without her. Lots of new younger charismatic Republicans won.
Truth hurts. Almost EVERY Senator he campaigned for WON! He not only trashed her he trashed ALL those who decided to do this on their own because this WAS a election on Trump and those that stuck with Trump WON or came DAMN CLOSE to winning.

If Trump wants the elections to be about him, then the results are on him

Trump lost a can’t miss Gerrymandered House
Trump lost seven Governorships

Can’t have it both ways Donnie
Picked up FOUR senate seats from entrenched democraps....:)
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus

Way to enable the racist with your comment.

You do realize Republicans have only elected eight blacks to higher office in 100 years ...Mia Love was one of them

Now, Republicans can only claim one black among their elected officials

Big ....Big tent there
Truth hurts. Almost EVERY Senator he campaigned for WON! He not only trashed her he trashed ALL those who decided to do this on their own because this WAS a election on Trump and those that stuck with Trump WON or came DAMN CLOSE to winning.

If Trump wants the elections to be about him, then the results are on him

Trump lost a can’t miss Gerrymandered House
Trump lost seven Governorships

Can’t have it both ways Donnie
Picked up FOUR senate seats from entrenched democraps....:)
That’s what happens when you have 26 Dems defending
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus
It’s funny how sorry sacks of shit like yourself who hated her to her core... Till her true colors were revealed.
She is a progressive through and through

It'll be fine without her. Lots of new younger charismatic Republicans won.
Real conservatives, unlike her
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus

Way to enable the racist with your comment.

You do realize Republicans have only elected eight blacks to higher office in 100 years ...Mia Love was one of them

Now, Republicans can only claim one black among their elected officials

Big ....Big tent there
You don’t Elect people because of their race... dumbass.
The individual matters
I don’t throw a hissy fit because American Indians don’t ever get elected...
Truth hurts. Almost EVERY Senator he campaigned for WON! He not only trashed her he trashed ALL those who decided to do this on their own because this WAS a election on Trump and those that stuck with Trump WON or came DAMN CLOSE to winning.

If Trump wants the elections to be about him, then the results are on him

Trump lost a can’t miss Gerrymandered House
Trump lost seven Governorships

Can’t have it both ways Donnie
Picked up FOUR senate seats from entrenched democraps....:)
That’s what happens when you have 26 Dems defending
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus

Way to enable the racist with your comment.

You do realize Republicans have only elected eight blacks to higher office in 100 years ...Mia Love was one of them

Now, Republicans can only claim one black among their elected officials

Big ....Big tent there
You don’t Elect people because of their race... dumbass.
The individual matters
I don’t throw a hissy fit because American Indians don’t ever get elected...
We sure know Republicans don’t

In the last 100 years, Republicans have only found 8 blacks suitable
I remember when Republicans celebrated the election of Mia Love

Look everyone......we elected a black woman!

How quickly they throw her under the bus

Way to enable the racist with your comment.

You do realize Republicans have only elected eight blacks to higher office in 100 years ...Mia Love was one of them

Now, Republicans can only claim one black among their elected officials

Big ....Big tent there
You don’t Elect people because of their race... dumbass.
The individual matters
I don’t throw a hissy fit because American Indians don’t ever get elected...
We sure know Republicans don’t

In the last 100 years, Republicans have only found 8 blacks suitable
You pick the best person for the job race has nothing to do with it

Wrong...I was an early supporter of Mia Loves, even sent her some cash for her first run...then she became an anti Trumper and anti I stopped supporting her....

And she lost, while those who embraced Trump won.....
Yep, she’s not a conservative.
They need to just cut bait and kick her to the curb… She lost
I remember when conservatives were rubbing her in our faces pretending like they were going to support her all the way to the White House. But, we all know how that ends for her type in the GOP.
By being told what a horseface she is by Donald?
She's bleeding out of her whatever, maybe?
Donald thinks like Cartman and has a tampon in his ass for his time of the month..


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