Trump trials won't even begin before 2024 election, yet another Dem fail

By Jove, I think he's got it... :abgg2q.jpg:

Public money is, indeed, being used to prosecute your criminally-liable Fuhrer for his traitorous behaviors.

Exactly as it should be... in that regard, all is right with the world... :laughing0301:
The third world, you mean

The one you created
The courts will decide the schedule.

And, frankly, judges arn't going to be terribly keen on delaying a trial until the possibility exists that Rump can pardon himself.

The trials will be long-over by November 2024.

Judges are already hinting that they are not going to be sympathetic to the Volumes of Material argument.

Trump's lawyers are just going to have to read and analyze more quickly than they'd like to... it's what they get paid for.

Even when they're getting paid out of Campaign Funds that are supposed to be used for campaigning.

Wouldn't be the first time that the Orange-Tinted Con-Man fleeced a bunch of rubes into paying the freight for his mistakes. :cool:
You shot your shot and it was an airball.

Better luck with Russia Collusion 2... Electric Boogaloo...but for goodness sake, don't get your hopes up. :lol:
I'm serious. If you just repeat your crazy stories a hundred more times, Trump will beat the rap. He's counting on you. America is counting on you. Your conspiracies are our only hope.
You're right. tHE wALLs aRE cLoSiNg iN! They've got him! This is it. He's getting frog marched to jail for serious this time!
"I refuse to pay for a competent legal defense, so you must delay the trial!" isn't going to fly with any judge. Trump will be convicted well before the election.

Why yes, we liberals have been right about everythuing, and we're very proud of that. In contrast, the weepy sore-loser Trump cultists have all been crybaby fascist imbeciles.

And yes, we will keep rubbing our success in their sore-loser faces, and laughing at their sore-loser tears.

Ah, life is good. Unless you're a Trump cult loser.

You are going to be so sad, again.
You're right. tHE wALLs aRE cLoSiNg iN! They've got him! This is it. He's getting frog marched to jail for serious this time!
And he is.

We've been right about that for years. That's another thing we brag about. We pointed out that he couldn't be indicted while in office, and that it would take some time after he was out of office to build up the case. We were right, you were wrong, and we get to rub your face in that.

Yes, we know you'll try to gaslight and revise history, and make up crazy stories that we said Trump would be indicted in 2018. Except we didn't. Your masters said we did, but they made it all up. And you're Trump cultists. You've been trained to repeat whatever fictions your masters feed you. But nobody cares. The gaslighting doesn't work on anyone outside of your cult.

Keep on with your weepy delusions, losers. It makes it much easier for Democrats to win. And you can always cry and run after 2024. It's not like you have stick around here. If you do, you can just make up some even crazier conspiracy theories to explain your newest faceplants.
It’s the Constitution. Are you calling it fascist?

Um, according to the Party that wants to pack the Supreme Court, nuke the Electoral College, and rig the entire voting system?

Yeah, through that lens, the Constitution is fucking fascism on steroids.
And he is.

We've been right about that for years. That's another thing we brag about. We pointed out that he couldn't be indicted while in office, and that it would take some time after he was out of office to build up the case. We were right, you were wrong, and we get to rub your face in that.

Yes, we know you'll try to gaslight and revise history. You're Trump cultists. You've been trained to lie on command. It's second nature to you now. But nobody cares. The gaslighting doesn't work on anyone outside of your cult.

Literally nothing that you've claimed for 7 years has been true.
How do you not know that?

Just kidding.
I know how.
See Democrat Cult.
Who cares what you call it? :rolleyes-41:
Considering the ultimate goal of all of this is to keep him from running, I'd think it should matter quite a lot to you. As of now, he hasn't been charged with the only crime that a conviction would serve to disqualify him. It's otay Buckwheat... your media will get around to explaining the realities to you eventually.

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