Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

Do you know why? Of course you don't.

“Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” McCarthy said.
Pelosi didn't want Jordan the pos who believed Trump won the election and is nothing but a liar and disruptor anywhere close to that committee
Pelosi didn't want Jordan the pos who believed Trump won the election and is nothing but a liar and disruptor anywhere close to that committee
So Nazi Piglosi only wanted those who hate Trump. Can't have a balanced "committee", right?
Why would you condone a bogus hearing when you yourself admitted it was a biased hearing? What did I say that was wrong? They are allowing absolutely zero testimony that would benefit Trump and have even edited his words to use against him.
Jordan was booted because he's had his head up Trump's ass since the day he was nominated. He's a Trump lackey thru & thru without an ounce of integrity.

Jordan knows that Trump is his meal ticket because without Trump no one would know if Jordan even had a pulse & no one would give a shit one way or another anyway. He's as useless as a straw hat in a blizzard.
Jordan was booted because he's had his head up Trump's ass since the day he was nominated. He's a Trump lackey thru & thru without an ounce of integrity.

Jordan knows that Trump is his meal ticket because without Trump no one would know if Jordan even had a pulse & no one would give a shit one way or another anyway. He's as useless as a straw hat in a blizzard.
No, he was booted because Nazi Piglosi didn't want a fair committee.
No, he was booted because Nazi Piglosi didn't want a fair committee.
And Jordan, who is as usefull as tits on a bull is the only one who could provide that? Doesn't speak much for the rest of Trump's party does it, Ace?
Pelosi didn't want Jordan the pos who believed Trump won the election and is nothing but a liar and disruptor anywhere close to that committee
Of course she didn't, the committee was set up to get Trump, not to investigate election fraud. Are you that stupid that you actually believe that lying bitch?
Of course she didn't, the committee was set up to get Trump, not to investigate election fraud. Are you that stupid that you actually believe that lying bitch?
So called election fraud has been investigated & shown to be a crock of shit. And Republican appointees in Trump's W.H. told him that including his own A.G.

But facts don't matter to you people because you're just like Trump. They don't matter because ya can lie about everything & get away with it.
So you admit this is nothing but a dog and pony show.
I admit that this is a process of public discovery and disclosure regarding an attempted Insurrection and Coup against the United States.
And therefore Trump can talk to whoever he wants.
I said nothing about him talking to A or B, did I?
I hope this Stalinist committee chokes on its own lies.

And I hope it's VERY fucking painful.
You can hope all you like, but the stones have been overturned and the worms and maggots are scurrying away from the Light of Truth.

It's a Stalinist one.

Unable to recognize the parallels, you snicker obliviously.

I hope your last name isn't Trotsky. Good luck. :rolleyes:
You're an idiot. Ask someone who lived under Stalin if the comparison is fair, you moron.

If Trump lived under Stalin he'd be breaking rocks in Siberia by now. If he was lucky.
Because they don't pay any mind to silly fantasies invented by Trump cultists.
So in your opinion Hunter Biden and the deals he made that Joe Bien also profited from are just fantasies.

Any day now?

This time-around, the Dems appear to have the goods on Teflon Don, thanks to his own stupidity...

And... unlike their idiotic hair-trigger Impeachments... this time, I suspect they're gonna get it right...

Dead-on-target, from a criminal-legal perspective...

Time will tell...
Pelosi made sure her selections for the select committee were all anti-Trumpers, including Miss Piggy who had already personally indicted Trump before any hearings ever began.
Those selections were only made after McCarthy threw his fit ,pulled all his picks and declared that they would not participate at all.
A real loser move. Now you’re crying like a loser as well.

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