Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

I see a conflict of interest in Pelousy sticking her nose into the GOP business. And I frankly don’t believe that anybody else in Congress had anything to do with 1/6.

Your first sentence makes no sense. McCathy didn’t blow it up. He exposed the fact that Pelousy had. He didn’t go home to cry, either. See? Your fictional beliefs don’t have any weight to them. They aren’t facts.
The membership of Select committees is solely at the discretion of the Speaker, dope.

Committee appointment
11. The Speaker shall appoint all se- lect, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House. At any time after an original appointment, the Speaker may remove Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner from, or appoint additional Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commis- sioner to, a select or conference com- mittee. In appointing Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner to conference committees, the Speaker shall appoint no less than a majority who generally supported the House po- sition as determined by the Speaker, shall name those who are primarily re- sponsible for the legislation, and shall, to the fullest extent feasible, include the principal proponents of the major provisions of the bill or resolution passed or adopted by the House.
Hey retard. The unarmed mob has no power to continue. And anyway, yiur orejudice is in full display. You even try the predictable ploy of saying “see? They left when the President called on them to cease. Thus he must have been in control of them!” Your insatiable need to be a hack is incredible.
You’re such a moron to argue against something everyone saw for themselves.
The timeline has been shown repeatedly at the hearings.
The membership of Select committees is solely at the discretion of the Speaker, dope.

Committee appointment
11. The Speaker shall appoint all se- lect, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House. At any time after an original appointment, the Speaker may remove Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner from, or appoint additional Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commis- sioner to, a select or conference com- mittee. In appointing Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner to conference committees, the Speaker shall appoint no less than a majority who generally supported the House po- sition as determined by the Speaker, shall name those who are primarily re- sponsible for the legislation, and shall, to the fullest extent feasible, include the principal proponents of the major provisions of the bill or resolution passed or adopted by the House.
Gee you’re stupid. She vetoed the GOP choices when she should have recused herself on the very basis on which she made her “decision.”
I've given up on them here. It's a great place for observation, but depressing in some ways too.
It is curious how they simply fail to see anything posted that blows their narrative. They just keep on repeating it.
“Flood the zone at all costs!”

They fail to realize that it only works on them.
You're not concerned, because you supported it and wanted it to succeed. The only thing that concerns you is that someone might be held accountable, especially your orange lard and master.
Oh please, when you get off Obama's dick, I'll care. And no I didn't want an insurrection, I've stated the people that did violence and damage to property should be in to be you....
I understand that youre a retard who thought your "deep state" comment was smart and biting. It wasnt. It was boring and benal.


How would you know it's "boring and benal?" You didn't understand it.
WE havent? We had a Civil War, Lincoln's assasination (which was a plot) and Kennedy's assasination (another plot)...and they all involved WEAPONS and people died..... AGain what happened at the Capital? For those that destroyed property, they should be tried and convicted....but it was no great are rediculous........but I'm arguing with a person that thinks it's ok for ANTIFA to take over Portland and Seattle with no consequences.


Unlike Trump's insane plot to remain in office, the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations were not intended to steal control of the Executive branch. Trump lost the election but then pressured his VP to unilaterally declare him the winner. And to add pressure to Pence, who had privately informed Trump he wouldn't go along with such unconstitutional criminality, Trump summoned an armed crowd to the Capitol to "stop the steal."

You're free to call it names and ignore it. But sadly for you, the Department of Justice is not being so dismissive.
However when it comes to Hunter and Joe Biden the Department of Justice is totally uninterested despite the fact that Joe Biden may have sold his influence to the Chinese government.

Hunter’s laptop from hell contains a wealth of evidence that the FBI is ignoring.

It is obvious to many that our government has different rules for different folks. That might turn into a serious problem if it continues.

Stick your head BACK up your ass...look around real good. If you don't find em after an hour get back to us

Where are the charges you fucking idiot LUSH? Your head seems firmly planted in Xiden’s ass. Still not a legal proceeding. Cry harder.

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