Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

The membership of Select committees is solely at the discretion of the Speaker, dope.

Committee appointment
11. The Speaker shall appoint all se- lect, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House. At any time after an original appointment, the Speaker may remove Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner from, or appoint additional Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commis- sioner to, a select or conference com- mittee. In appointing Members, Dele- gates, or the Resident Commissioner to conference committees, the Speaker shall appoint no less than a majority who generally supported the House po- sition as determined by the Speaker, shall name those who are primarily re- sponsible for the legislation, and shall, to the fullest extent feasible, include the principal proponents of the major provisions of the bill or resolution passed or adopted by the House.
Pelosi made sure her selections for the select committee were all anti-Trumpers, including Miss Piggy who had already personally indicted Trump before any hearings ever began.
Because they don't pay any mind to silly fantasies invented by Trump cultists.
Wait, you were all over another thread claiming those images and videos were “hacked” while showing your usual no evidence of such. Now it’s a fantasy. You can’t even keep track of your own lies you idiotic cultist.
Moron. No charges because Congress can't do that. Yes it is a legal proceeding
It's only a Congressional proceeding, it is not a court of law. It is a 'dog and pony' show put on to try to thwart Trump's candidacy in 2024.
You're babbling...again
You’re fully triggered and spitting all over your keyboard because your bullshit has been called out as bullshit LUSH. Continue your tantrum and lying. It’s mildly entertaining watching you stroke out over this.

Unlike Trump's insane plot to remain in office, the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations were not intended to steal control of the Executive branch. Trump lost the election but then pressured his VP to unilaterally declare him the winner. And to add pressure to Pence, who had privately informed Trump he wouldn't go along with such unconstitutional criminality, Trump summoned an armed crowd to the Capitol to "stop the steal."
Nonsense.....and "armed" hahahaha with Flags and MAGA hats.
Pelosi made sure her selections for the select committee were all anti-Trumpers, including Miss Piggy who had already personally indicted Trump before any hearings ever began.
You fn stupid idiot McCarthy wanted the scum Jim Jordan on that committee the pos who lies and kisses trump ass When pelosi turned him down McCarthy took all the others off FN stupid repubs blaming dems for their assholishness
A pathetic, childish lie you pulled out of your ass to soothe yourself. This is your intellectual ceiling, cultist.
No you're an idiot, I remember our conversation on Morality outside of Christianity, it was hilarious how you danced around the 20th century....truely hilarious......
You fn stupid idiot McCarthy wanted the scum Jim Jordan on that committee the pos who lies and kisses trump ass When pelosi turned him down McCarthy took all the others off FN stupid repubs blaming dems for their assholishness
Oh bullshit. If this committee was fair it would have Trump advocates. Go soak your head, idiot.
Are you an American ?? You can't understand English?? McCarthy PULLED 3 republicans from that committee What about that does your dumb republican ass doesn't understand?
Do you know why? Of course you don't.

“Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” McCarthy said.

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