Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

Also armed with guns, bats, spears, hatchets, knives, stun sticks, bear spray....

LOL, you're funny, Bear spray, is that what you're going with? Guns are pretty much illegal in DC, cops would have stopped them.....
As a species? No doubt. And all quite in spite of your childish religion.
Yeah, you're right Russia has been super moral blowing up stores, right? Humans are fantastic at morality, that's why they keep finding better ways to kill each other. You are such a dumbass. Stop making me run rings around you, I'm getting dizzy.
Jordan was booted because he's had his head up Trump's ass since the day he was nominated. He's a Trump lackey thru & thru without an ounce of integrity.

Jordan knows that Trump is his meal ticket because without Trump no one would know if Jordan even had a pulse & no one would give a shit one way or another anyway. He's as useless as a straw hat in a blizzard.
But but but why can the committee be filled with members who have their head's up Pelosi's ass but Trump can't have any on the Committee with their heads up his ass?
Right, this totally proves the human race does not have better morals now, since things like this never happened.

You are a mental midget. I mean, this is just embarrassing.
LOL, you are hilarious thinking humans are more moral now then they were 100, 1000, 10000 years ago......and you're for abortion, so killing kids is so moral, so moral in fact people like you can't even debate the subject.
LOL, you are hilarious thinking humans are more moral now then they were 100, 1000, 10000 years ago......and you're for abortion, so killing kids is so moral, so moral in fact people like you can't even debate the subject.
Much better. Like, not even close. He'll, the are better than 100 years ago.

Maybe not yours, of course. But overall? Absolutrly. The average toddler has better morals than your whole family tree combined.

Because we have learned.
Much better. Like, not even close. He'll, the are better than 100 years ago.

Maybe not yours, of course. But overall? Absolutrly. The average toddler has better morals than your whole family tree combined.

Because we have learned.
LOL, yeah says the guy that loves crime and likes people being arrested for murder even though they were defending themself from a 2 bit thug.
I see we have reached the part where you have run out of steam and now prop up little dollies for your weak ass self to knock over.

Always the same with you.
Nope, pretty easy to state, says the guy that humanity is getting better.......can't wait for that Socialist Utopia you envision....hahaha
"When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."
We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country,”
part of President Trump's instructions to the mob on Jan. 6, 2021.
CNN reports, "The House January 6 hearings have evolved from documenting a stain on history to a warning of a violent and tyrannical future that awaits if Donald Trump is allowed to again unleash America’s pent-up extremism.

"In the latest episode of its limited season television event, the House select committee on Tuesday traced Trump’s links to and inspiration for far right-wing groups that came to Washington to help his mob smash its way into Congress in early 2021. These were the forces that heeded the ex-President’s call to “fight like Hell” to thwart President Joe Biden’s election, including the Oath Keepers militia and the Proud Boys he once told to “stand back, and stand by” on national TV.

This continuing effort to undermine American institutions and the rule of law is showing that Trump’s threat to democracy didn’t end in 2021. Whatever impact the committee has on the ex-President’s future political prospects, and whether or not he ends up facing criminal charges, there’s a sense that while documenting Trump’s past transgressions, the committee is also racing to keep up with his new ones.

The public hearings are an effort to expose a seam of far right-wing extremism that exists below the surface of American political life
, CNN.

In the meantime, the forum's Republicans remain totally silent about all this. Congressional Republicans are the quietest bunch of lawmakers in American history, and, if they say anything at all, it is to complain about inflation. According to a recent poll, 49% of GOP voters favor Trump becoming the Presidential candidate in 2024. The Democrats are doing all they can to ensure Republicans win control of Congress in November.

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Because Republicans have already attempted to distract and deflect and minimize with regard to January 6, 2021 and tried to torpedo the effort...

There is far too much at stake for the Constitution and the Republic, to trust Trump supporters to take a major part in these preliminaries...

The DoJ and the Attorney General will sort this out if-and-when the Committee refers its findings to the DoJ...

You'll get your Day in Court... once Court is actually convened...

There are no real Republicans on the committee. Pelosi alone appointed a no-fail win for partisan reasons only. She skirted around the courtesy of allowing conservatives to pick who represents the Republican people in the nation. It's starting to smell like taxation of Republicans without representation. Pelosi acts like an old world dictator and a new world vulture..

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