Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

Magaturds were given a chance to participate and they nominated the most outspoken opposition magaturds they could find to try and sabotage the whole thing. It didn't fly with the Speaker, she booted them, McConnell had a hissy, magaturds took their ball and went home.

Oh well. :dunno:
The fact that you Lefties support this kind of unjust hearing says a lot.

If you got a speeding ticket which you did not deserve, you would feel like the authorities in charge were being tyrants, but somehow you think that having one-sided hearings where a former president is being accused of much more egregious crimes is okay, because you don't like his politics.

If the Republicans had such hearings over Biden's handling of Afghanistan or one of his many other disasters, and did not allow the defense to provide their side of things, I would not be supportive.

Be an American.
Yes, it is the truth that Trump trying to contact the witness is the very definition of witness tampering.
I'm not sure that you are correct about that, sir.

Here is Cornell Law School's reprint of 18 U.S. Code s/s 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or informant, and it says nothing like that.

Where did you get the information that "trying to contact," is the very definition of witness tampering?
No one is going to accuse me of being a Trump supporter but shouldn't both sides be presented to get a complete picture?

I understand it would be like Charles Manson calling Squeeky Fromme to testify but..........
Yes, ideally.... And of course, definitely in a trial.

The committee was sabotaged with a coup!e of poison pills Bannon McCarthy with Jordon and Banks and McCarthy's other three choices who were accepted.... Jordan and banks wanted to make the serious 1/6 investigation in to a BLM riot investigation, and Nancy wouldn't have McCarthy knew she wouldn't from the get go, that's why he appointed Jordon, so she could reject him and banks and McCarthy could use an excuse to drop out altogether....his plan all along.

He wanted no investigations after meeting with Trump and kissing the ring, McCarthy killed both proposed investigations and bipartisanship from republicans, so he could later claim, as he and followers are now, that the investigation is a witch hunt, unfair, a hoax....the "usual cry"......

Jordan was a witness called in this investigation and was always a conflict of interest....McCarthy knew that.....

So yes, if we had some decent republicans on the committee, besides Liz and Adam who were interested in finding out the truth and who, what, where, when, why and how.....of 1/6..... Instead of saboteurs, it would have been nice.
Super hypocritical of you, seeing as you are a magaturd. Did you forget the last 5 years of 'the Court of Public Opinion Administration(s), daily, 24/7? Hmm. I just love sanctimonious. Yum, yum yummy!

Maybe you're just impaired in some way.
Baseless lies about Trump almost daily. It was media opinion, not public opinion.
The fact that you Lefties support this kind of unjust hearing says a lot.

If you got a speeding ticket which you did not deserve, you would feel like the authorities in charge were being tyrants, but somehow you think that having one-sided hearings where a former president is being accused of much more egregious crimes is okay, because you don't like his politics.

If the Republicans had such hearings over Biden's handling of Afghanistan or one of his many other disasters, and did not allow the defense to provide their side of things, I would not be supportive.

Be an American.
McCarthy did not want to participate in either of the bipartisan proposed committee investigations on1/6. He sabotaged both investigations that were proposed.

That is a FACT....
Yes, ideally.... And of course, definitely in a trial.

The committee was sabotaged with a coup!e of poison pills Bannon McCarthy with Jordon and Banks and McCarthy's other three choices who were accepted.... Jordan and banks wanted to make the serious 1/6 investigation in to a BLM riot investigation, and Nancy wouldn't have McCarthy knew she wouldn't from the get go, that's why he appointed Jordon, so she could reject him and banks and McCarthy could use an excuse to drop out altogether....his plan all along.

He wanted no investigations after meeting with Trump and kissing the ring, McCarthy killed both proposed investigations and bipartisanship from republicans, so he could later claim, as he and followers are now, that the investigation is a witch hunt, unfair, a hoax....the "usual cry"......

Jordan was a witness called in this investigation and was always a conflict of interest....McCarthy knew that.....

So yes, if we had some decent republicans on the committee, besides Liz and Adam who were interested in finding out the truth and who, what, where, when, why and how.....of 1/6..... Instead of saboteurs, it would have been nice.

OK...I see that point. I haven't been watching but I believe you addressed my point. Thanks.
but is stopped by the committee. No witnesses for Trump are allowed and if he tries to call his own witnesses, they will accuse him of witness tampering. Similar thing happened with Steve Bannon. He said he would only testify live during prime time so the committee shot him down. They must have total control over what Bannon says so they can edit as needed. Guess that's not called witness tampering. Coming up soon: closing arguments for the prosecution but no closing arguments to defend Trump since no Trump witnesses were allowed to testify.

What ever they say they’re doing
McCarthy did not want to participate in either of the bipartisan proposed committee investigations on1/6. He sabotaged both investigations that were proposed.

That is a FACT....
LIE. There was never a “bipartisan committee”. Pisslosi was always going to make up the rules as they went along. FACT.
The fact that you Lefties support this kind of unjust hearing says a lot.

If you got a speeding ticket which you did not deserve, you would feel like the authorities in charge were being tyrants, but somehow you think that having one-sided hearings where a former president is being accused of much more egregious crimes is okay, because you don't like his politics.

If the Republicans had such hearings over Biden's handling of Afghanistan or one of his many other disasters, and did not allow the defense to provide their side of things, I would not be supportive.

Be an American.
That's what hearings are.

Hillary had more balls than the orange pile of crap and stood up for herself under oath.

Blame the orange sissy for hiding in the banquet room at Mar a Lago.
The committee was sabotaged with a coup!e of poison pills Bannon McCarthy with Jordon and Banks and McCarthy's other three choices who were accepted.... Jordan and banks wanted to make the serious 1/6 investigation in to a BLM riot investigation, and Nancy wouldn't have it
If this is the new rule, and it will remain in effect no matter which party holds the speaker position, I'm fine with that.

How many times have the Republicans called a hearing on something important to the American people, such as crime-ridden cities, only to have Democrats use their allotted time to say things like, "I note that this committee is not investigating [fill in lengthy list of left-wing gripes], I also note that they do not seem concerned about the suffering of [fill in lengthy list of left-wing victims]."

That kind of off-topic ranting slows down the process of looking into issues that the American people care about.

If Republicans only need to win majorities in 2024, and then they can expel such Democratic time wasters and only allow a couple of token Democrats who are planning to run as Republicans the next election, that will be very helpful, indeed.
Now to slap you with the truth again. That’s “bipartisan independent committee” wasn’t going to be independent at all. Pisslosi was still going to be calling all the shots. Stop lying.
Incorrect. She would not. It was going to be set up like the 9/11 commission. Stop lying.
McCarthy did not want to participate in either of the bipartisan proposed committee investigations on1/6. He sabotaged both investigations that were proposed.

That is a FACT....
He absolutely did. At the direction of McConnell (remember, McCarthy is a bit of a moron and did not make this plan himself).

And this was done so that the cult sheep would call it a partisan witch hunt and, hopefully, ignore the the hearings.

They assume their base is aggressively ignorant and easily led around.

Nobody thinks less of the cultists than the GOPers themselves do.
Incorrect. She would not. It was going to be set up like the 9/11 commission. Stop lying.
No, YOU can stop lying proven liar. Pisslosi was going to be running everything. No independence allowed. FACT no matter how much you you stamp your feet and scream.
He absolutely did. At the direction of McConnell (remember, McCarthy is a bit of a moron and did not make this plan himself).

And this was done so that the cult sheep would call it a partisan witch hunt and, hopefully, ignore the the hearings.

They assume their base is aggressively ignorant and easily led around.

Nobody thinks less of the cultists than the GOPers themselves do.

If I were a GOP planner, I would want as many Republicans as possible to watch this hearing. Or at least try, it is so badly produced that watching it is painful.

I would want them stick with it, to see the lengths that Democrats are willing to go to in order to have people bleat "Orange Man BAA-AA-AA-AAD!" in prime time. This is making your side look far worse than it could ever make Trump. At best, for you, it is an exercise in confirmation bias for Trump-haters.
Because Republicans have already attempted to distract and deflect and minimize with regard to January 6, 2021 and tried to torpedo the effort...

There is far too much at stake for the Constitution and the Republic, to trust Trump supporters to take a major part in these preliminaries...

The DoJ and the Attorney General will sort this out if-and-when the Committee refers its findings to the DoJ...

You'll get your Day in Court... once Court is actually convened... :cool:
The kangaroo court goes on.

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