trump tries to lower expectation for the debate.

He's going to do the only thing he knows: Be the playground bully. An 8 year old spoiled brat.
He's going overwhelm the debate with a hurricane of words and attacks and lies and name-calling.
And, very possibly, that may win it for him, given the current priorties of our electorate. It is what it is.
If I was coaching Trump I'd remind him that his mic will be switched off when Biden is trying to speak, so "act" presidential at all times. No cheap shots.

I would also advise Trump to be very precise with his answers because the CNN "fact-checkers" will be all over it if he "exaggerates".
He sounds like he did during his criminal trial, when he suddenly started making excuses for why he couldn't testify.....after promising he would.

I'm still waiting for the tax returns he said he'd release after the audit.

Or for Trump to reveal his replacement for Obamacare that is better than Obamacare and everyone will love.

Hell, I'm still waiting for what his 'investigators' found in Hawaii when researching Obama's birth certificate.

I won't be holding my breath.
He "promised" you that he'd testify? You guys have a private lunch together? What else did he tell you?
He "promised" you that he'd testify? You guys have a private lunch together? What else did he tell you?

It was obvious bullshit, of course. Anyone with a brain knew Trump wasn't going to testify. But Trump lies like he breathes.

Just like he did with his imaginary 'investigators' in Hawaii looking at Obama's birth certificate. Or his assurances that he'd release his tax returns 'after his audit', or his promise that he'd release his replacement for Obamacare that was better than Obamacare and everyone would love.

Only MAGA rubes keep buying his bullshit.

His tell are the sniveling excuses before the actual event. His made up nonsense that he couldn't testify in his own criminal trial because of the gag order. Or his insistence that the audits were preventing his release of his tax returns.

And now he's giving us sniveling excuses why his debate performance will be half ass.
Trump doesn't even care if the debate is being moderated by CNN. He knows that Bash and Tapper will be biased against him. He knows the questions won't be about inflation or the border. He knows that Biden will be given the questions ahead of time. He also knows that Biden has a hard time reading his lines off of a teleprompter and every time they put Biden on stage they run the risk of having him simply start babbling incoherently.

This "debate" will boil down to Tapper and Bash attacking Trump and how well Trump handles that...and whether or not Joe Biden can hold up being on stage...having to answer questions when the answers aren't on a teleprompter.
He promised the world that he would testify when he said he would testify. But of course he didnt.

Of course he didn't. Trump is compuslive, serial liar. No one but MAGA rubes ever believed that Trump would actually testify.

And just like he's doing now with his sniveling excuses why his debate performance will be lackluster, he started to make up meaningless pseudo-legal bullshit about how his gag order prevented him from testifying.
Of course he didn't. Trump is compuslive, serial liar. No one but MAGA rubes ever believed that Trump would actually testify.

And just like he's doing now with his sniveling excuses why his debate performance will be lackluster, he started to make up meaningless pseudo-legal bullshit about how his gag order prevented him from testifying.
Trumps "word" is meaningless to sane people.
My expectations weren’t high to begin with

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