Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

1. That's a Federal crime. The NYC DA can't prosecute a Federal crime.
2. The title of this thread asks if Trump is inciting a riot. Trump's tweet said to protest, not riot.
How spectacular that the Lyin' Pelosi Stasi Hearings never
once played back the hugely popular Trump Refrain :
" Peacefully and Patriotically " Protest
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Liberals are idiots.

They look like fuckin fools running around in combat vest and costumes !

Hopefully the FBI has fully infiltrated these MAGA Terrorist wacko groups and they will stop any riots or Insurrections or Violence before it happens and throw the MAGA trash in Jail
What's yer version of the Summer of Love - protests.
Well over 500 protests and around 2 dozen or more died.
Also,well over a Billion dollars in property damage.
Yet these assklown Democrats did not mention a word at their
DNC August Convention about the - Summer of Love - Violence.
Whereas the RNC Convention highlighted and spelled out
the Violence and how bad it was for the country.
Explain them Apples ... Boy.

They look like fuckin fools running around in combat vest and costumes !

Hopefully the FBI has fully infiltrated these MAGA Terrorist wacko groups and they will stop any riots or Insurrections or Violence before it happens and throw the MAGA trash in Jail
Trump's boys must have planned for an armed and violent standoff. But there's little chance that the FBI hasn't infiltrated each group of Trump's violent supporters as a caution to keep the violence confined to pockets that are easily managed.

Will we see fighters on both sides go out in a blaze of glory and a rain of bullets?

If Trump is to survive, it's hard to imagine how it will be completely avoided.
It's business as usual when left wingers burn cities to the ground but it's an "insurrection" when republicans protest. How freaking insane can lefties get and still pretend to function in society?
No matter which side you are on there is a difference between protest and riots. Google it.
Remember, folks, the same media who created public enemy number one out of a 17 year old boy standing silently and smiling as a crackhead beat a little drum inches from his face is the same media saying people milling about idly and sightseeing where they didn't belong is an insurrection.
It makes no difference whether the right or the left is wrong or right. The big event could be coming soon and right or wrong is very likely to be decided out of the business end of all the AR-15's that have been made ready for the party.

Regardless of the convincing arguments being voiced, the tree of liberty is going to be watered by one side or the other.

It's time for Americans to take stock of the peril in the works and come together on a common cause that's in everybody's best interests!
It makes no difference whether the right or the left is wrong or right. The big event could be coming soon and right or wrong is very likely to be decided out of the business end of all the AR-15's that have been made ready for the party.

Regardless of the convincing arguments being voiced, the tree of liberty is going to be watered by one side or the other.

It's time for Americans to take stock of the peril in the works and come together on a common cause that's in everybody's best interests!

That statement is Treasonous. The Traitor broke the goddamn law.
It makes no difference whether the right or the left is wrong or right. The big event could be coming soon and right or wrong is very likely to be decided out of the business end of all the AR-15's that have been made ready for the party.

Regardless of the convincing arguments being voiced, the tree of liberty is going to be watered by one side or the other.

It's time for Americans to take stock of the peril in the works and come together on a common cause that's in everybody's best interests!
Oh stop Donald H. Trumpsters don't have the energy and now know Trump will let them rot in jail. Maybe a couple of radical groups like the proud boys will try some violence. Oh wait, those clowns are already in jail. I think 2024 is the last haraah for the Trumpsters. Make the most of it. I notice many Trump 2024 flags around here.
Oh stop Donald H. Trumpsters don't have the energy and now know Trump will let them rot in jail. Maybe a couple of radical groups like the proud boys will try some violence. Oh wait, those clowns are already in jail. I think 2024 is the last haraah for the Trumpsters. Make the most of it. I notice many Trump 2024 flags around here.
You could be right that Trump and Maga will die away with a whimper.

Still, make precautions for your family and loved ones and at least have your gun in your pocket.
That statement is Treasonous. The Traitor broke the goddamn law.
That's not for me to decide. Apparently Trump still has the support of 30-40% of the country.
I only advise caution and finding some way to defuse the anger that could come out of his arrest.

I hope your DOJ is aware of the warning signs and has taken more precautions than the situation calls for!

It could fizzle out or it could call for deployment of America's armed forces.
You could be right that Trump and Maga will die away with a whimper.

Still, make precautions for your family and loved ones and at least have your gun in your pocket.
I always have my firearm. But thanks.
We are not talking about 1/6.
Well, poster Blaster, I can be persuaded that it could morph into 'J6, the Sequel'.

I seems to my poor avatar that urging people (again) to protest against a legally mandated institution...has echoes of the Janaury 6th 'protest' against Mike Pence, against our elected legislators, against our Electoral College mandates. And that turned out less than good for America.

So, yeah.....I think there can be a skeptical view of Don Trump's sense of responsibility towards keeping America safe, civil and peaceful.


REASONABLE QUERY: "Have you ever made a post with any content?"

I know, I know, the messageboard has reduced expectations of good poster BJeens given her frequent lapses into earthy vulgarisms and inarticulate statements.

Still, it is not too much to ask that posters contribute in a responsible, measured, and mature manner.

On the other hand though, the message-board's low threshold does allow the undereducated, the badly parented, the angry malcontents, and the ne'er-do-wells of America to have a voice. And that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
It may act then as a prophylactic for 'going postal' by those types. Maybe?

So it is a mixed bag.

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