Trump Tweet: Ultimate Solution re Kurds?

Also....CHRISTIANS...the Kurds were instrumental in the murder of 1.5M Armenian Christians. Ponder on that. They worked with the Turks under the pretense that they would be given Armenian CHRISTIAN properties and lands.
It is quite shocking to see the number of Americans that support terrorism.

Not as shocking as the President of the United States giving vocal support to ethnic cleansing...
He never did that. It is not unreasonable that Turkey wants these killers cleared out of border towns.

Yeah, he did. He even used the words "clean out".

Trump's Syria policy: US troops express anger at refusal to support Kurds - CNNPolitics
It is quite shocking to see the number of Americans that support terrorism.

Not as shocking as the President of the United States giving vocal support to ethnic cleansing...
He never did that. It is not unreasonable that Turkey wants these killers cleared out of border towns.
Bullshit, they are using so-called "Arab Militias" to clear out the Kurds. In other words they are using known terrorists to run people off of land they have inhabited for generations.
Not true. The Kurds moved into border towns starting in 1984 to engage in cross border attacks. They could go back to the lands they have inhabited for generations and stop coming into Turkey to kill people.
It is quite shocking to see the number of Americans that support terrorism.

Not as shocking as the President of the United States giving vocal support to ethnic cleansing...
He never did that. It is not unreasonable that Turkey wants these killers cleared out of border towns.

Yeah, he did. He even used the words "clean out".

Trump's Syria policy: US troops express anger at refusal to support Kurds - CNNPolitics
Please refrain from citing CNN they have lost all credibility.

Yes clean out the border towns. It's only reasonable.
These are terrorists after all.
Turkey wants a buffer zone with the Kurds to keep the Kurds from attacking Turkish border towns. This is not new. It has been ongoing for hundreds of years. The Kurds are squatters here and there hoping to get a new "Kurdistan" somewhere. Saddam gassed them, killing thousands. If the "final solution" means that some Kurds relocate out of the buffer zone, and that creates peace, no big deal.

You seem to be implying that the Erdogan "final solution" is the extermination of the Kurds ala Hitler's "final solution", and its not. So stop with the dramatics already. Trump got out with no US lives lost, and a "solution" to the Kurd-Turk problem. A win-win-win.
Trump bungled this situation and now he has to own the aftermath. He sold the Kurds to Turkey. The question remains what he got to endure this shit storm.

You say he "bungled" the situation, but do NOT say what he should have done. If you say keep US troops in the Turkish attack zone I say you're stupidly risking US lives, especially after Erdogan said to get out or get hurt. These 1000 US troops were not heavily armored combat units, but spotters for air and artillery strikes.
Trump was right to get US troops out of Syria, the "war mongers" were wrong.
What he should have done first was refuse to let our military be defeated with a phone call. Maybe you don't see this as a defeat but Turkey and Russia simply cannot believe how easy this president was to intimidate. Make no mistake, our adversaries have taken note of how incredibly weak Trump is. He has planted the seeds of future military conflicts after telling the world that he can be intimated into retreat.

Trump Intimidated?? You seem to be forgetting that Trump killed ~300 Russian mercs in Syria already.
How many Russians did Obama kill over his "red line" in Syria?

Russian toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded: sources
Trump reportedly bragged about a classified battle in Syria in which hundreds of Russian mercenaries were seemingly killed by US forces

The US military wasn't defeated, they were not there. Only about 1000 spotters (who direct air and artillery strikes) were there. Not armored combat units. It wasn't a "retreat". The US is not fighting the Turks, we got out of the buffer zone that the Turks were invading.

Anyone can test the US military any time they want. I know which military I'm betting on. The <<<<spin>>>> that the war mongers is putting on the Syrian solution is hilarious. Please recall whose admin ISIS grew, and whose admin ISIS was destroyed. In case you forgot


Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

It's kind of hilarious you people are calling those who think Trump is a tactical retard "warmongers". We all know that if he decided to launch an attack on Iran you would be gung ho for a brand new stupid war.
The Kurds are terrorists. That's why Turkey wants them out of border towns. Supporting Kurds is supporting terrorism.


i remember when the turkish prez was over here - ON AMERICAN SOIL - & got pissed off at AMERICANS exercising their CONSTITUTIONAL 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS TO ASSEMBLE & PROTEST THRU FREE SPEECH -the fact that he was HERE, ON AMERICAN SOIL - so he ordered his goons to literally BEAT AMERICANS - ON AMERICAN SOIL - & your little orange autocrat wanna be, SAID & DID NOTHING.

so save your bullshit.
You seem to be implying that the Erdogan "final solution" is the extermination of the Kurds ala Hitler's "final solution", and its not.

Oh really?

He has made it plain that he plans to "resettle" almost two million Arab Syrian refugees in the region now populated by the Kurds

Why wouldnt he want to resettle Syrian refugees in Syria?
Also....CHRISTIANS...the Kurds were instrumental in the murder of 1.5M Armenian Christians. Ponder on that. They worked with the Turks under the pretense that they would be given Armenian CHRISTIAN properties and lands.

some of them thar kurds are christian, themselves.
Start the draft back up and we would be out of the middle east entirely by the time the 2020 election happens.

People have put up with 20 years of non sense because most don't participate in the fighting, and are barely even aware of what is going on overseas. If that were the case in Vietnam, we would still be fighting there as well, almost 50 years later.
It is quite shocking to see the number of Americans that support terrorism.
Americans do not support Terrorism. That is rubbish. Please stop Dive Bombing threads with this BS.
Bullshit. A lot of people, especially Democrats, keep bitching and whining because Trump won't use our troops as human shields for the PKK terrorists, who are infamous for launching "baby boomer" suicide attacks.
Democommiecrats expected Trump to order 50 of our military to stop the 15,000 Turkish army and Russian air support.

Whoever imagined that we would prevail in Syria and drive the Russians out should be hospitalized.
The Kurds are terrorists. That's why Turkey wants them out of border towns. Supporting Kurds is supporting terrorism.
The Kurds are not terrorist............They have been killed by every country over there over time. They have a saying NO FRIENDS BUT THE MOUNTAINS. They such good fighters because they have lived a life of fight or die because of the insanity of the middle east and the MY RELIGION IS BETTER THAN YOURS. Convert to my opinion or die.

Turkey dreams of a new Ottoman Empire. Their leader has openly stated this, and that he wants to destroy Israel as well. They are So called allies because of their Strategic locations. The Straits to the Black Sea, and the Gates to the Middle East. This land has always been vital Strategically. Syria.......just a cursed desert were Genocide throughout history has soaked the ground in blood. If there is a Gate to hell on earth, it is probably there.

The blood fued between Kurds and Turks is forever. Just the way it is. But if we support the Kurds fully we will be stuck there another 2 decades trying to protect them, and in the end the religious hate will prevail. And the endless attacks and death will continue.

Welcome to the middle East.............the place of Mentally Insane people.
It appears Trump is taking orders from Erdogan

The question is why

Turkey is moving away from Secularism. Moving to the Dark side of Islam......Islamic rule......If they move that direction then we will eventually have to deal with it. Possibly kick them out of NATO and remove our people from there.

The Insanity of the Middle East continues............
According to my 1963 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, "the drive toward Kurdish nationalism after WWII was largely Soviet in inspiration..." So in theory, politicians who support Kurds as an ethnic group and supply them with arms are neocons doing the bidding of the old Bolsheviks!
So we're beginning to hear that Rudy the Ghoul might have been behind the Turkey/Kurd thing.

That's the same Rudy the Ghoul who was running a shadow State Department move in Ukraine that culminated in the infamous "phone call"...the same Rudy the Ghoul who is currently under investigation along with a couple Russian "clients" of his who were recently arrested for funneling Russian money to Pete Sessions and to the Trump super pac.

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