Trump Tweet: Ultimate Solution re Kurds?

The TDS chant of Russia, Russia, Russia has now morphed into Rudy, Rudy, Rudy! :p

Rudy ALSO tried to get a Visa for the fired corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin.

Rudy is dirty beyond dirty
Turkey is moving away from Secularism. Moving to the Dark side of Islam......Islamic rule......If they move that direction then we will eventually have to deal with it. Possibly kick them out of NATO and remove our people from there.

That's Erdogan.

The Kurds on the other hand are very secular
Also....CHRISTIANS...the Kurds were instrumental in the murder of 1.5M Armenian Christians. Ponder on that. They worked with the Turks under the pretense that they would be given Armenian CHRISTIAN properties and lands.

some of them thar kurds are christian, themselves.
Very few. The VAST VAST majority are Sunni in 99%
it was only a matter of time.

Right from the playbook.
images - 2019-03-17T131958.141.jpegYour screen name is quite appropriate.
It is quite shocking to see the number of Americans that support terrorism.
Americans do not support Terrorism. That is rubbish. Please stop Dive Bombing threads with this BS.
Bullshit. A lot of people, especially Democrats, keep bitching and whining because Trump won't use our troops as human shields for the PKK terrorists, who are infamous for launching "baby boomer" suicide attacks.
DJT is a Terrorist.
Turkey wants a buffer zone with the Kurds to keep the Kurds from attacking Turkish border towns. This is not new. It has been ongoing for hundreds of years. The Kurds are squatters here and there hoping to get a new "Kurdistan" somewhere. Saddam gassed them, killing thousands. If the "final solution" means that some Kurds relocate out of the buffer zone, and that creates peace, no big deal.

You seem to be implying that the Erdogan "final solution" is the extermination of the Kurds ala Hitler's "final solution", and its not. So stop with the dramatics already. Trump got out with no US lives lost, and a "solution" to the Kurd-Turk problem. A win-win-win.
Trump bungled this situation and now he has to own the aftermath. He sold the Kurds to Turkey. The question remains what he got to endure this shit storm.

Pure BS/

In 2008 the CIA, the Mossad and Mahabith used Sunni Muslims in Syria to start a "civil war" ,

President Obama was somehow bamboozled into believing that Sunni Muslims - AlQaeda , AlNusrah and ISIS - were the "Syrian Opposition" so Obama agreed to arm and fund them. Obama was told that the Kurds would be assisting in the fight B/C Obama had refused to send in US troops. In reality they were fighting Assad and the Syrian Army.

AS REQUESTED BY ISRAEL AND SAUDI ARABIA, They were hoping to remove Assad and install a Sunni puppet , and they were also hoping to let Israel steal Syrian real state. Israel was also hoping to share control of a Syrian Kurdistan. All of these maneuvers would weaken Syria and prevent it to retaliate when Israel attacked Iran.

But Putin and Erdogan threw in a monkey wrenches ,

Pleasing Netanyahu was going to provoke WW3 and/or a war against a nato ally Turkey who hates the Kurds.

SInce Obama and DJT had (intentionally or unintentionally) armed , financed and trained the Kurds now they were a real formidable threat to Turkey .So Erdogan had to move into Syria and destroy them.

And so it goes.

The bottom line is ... The USA has NO national interests in the Middle East anymore. Pressure from oil companies have gone away as the US continues to be the number 1 producer of oil and natural gas.

We do have a financial interest in Saudi Arabia and the Emeriates as they purchase lots and lots of military equipment from us. That means lots of well-paying jobs here in the USA.

The president is 100% right to say we need to get out of there! And a whole lot of other places Clinton, Bush, and Obama got us into.

The U.S. has carried out drone strikes against militants.

Four U.S. troops killed after Oct. 4 ambush

The U.S. is assisting the military against Boko Haram extremists.

U.S. forces have searched for but not found rebel leader Joseph Kony

The U.S. has several hundred troops here and carries out periodic drone strikes

The one permanent U.S. military base in Africa

At the height of the Cold War, there were more than 400,000 US military personnel in Europe. Today, the US has just over 65,000 active duty personnel in Europe, including Turkey.
And that includes permanent installations in Kosovo.

And this doesn't even count the troops we have in Asia, Afghanistan, and Iraq
it was only a matter of time.

Psycho witch strikes again

attention grabbing incel says what?
Is he POTUS?
The witch is projecting yet again.
USMB Toilet Paper needed on this thread. Think of the many times that you couldn't even derive a coherent thought. Wipe until clean, USMB Troll.
Troll? LOL

Far from it. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and get a clue. I ll patiently wait.
Psycho witch strikes again

attention grabbing incel says what?
Is he POTUS?
The witch is projecting yet again.
USMB Toilet Paper needed on this thread. Think of the many times that you couldn't even derive a coherent thought. Wipe until clean, USMB Troll.
Troll? LOL

Far from it. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and get a clue. I ll patiently wait.
Don't need a clue. And yes, you patiently wait for the final comment or word. Come back to this thread a year from now and you will be here getting the final word in. Just watch.
Also....CHRISTIANS...the Kurds were instrumental in the murder of 1.5M Armenian Christians. Ponder on that. They worked with the Turks under the pretense that they would be given Armenian CHRISTIAN properties and lands.

some of them thar kurds are christian, themselves.
Very few. The VAST VAST majority are Sunni in 99%

doesn't matter. they co exist, don't they?
it was only a matter of time.

Right from the playbook.
View attachment 285322Your screen name is quite appropriate.

well that's just not true. W wasn't a nazi wanna be. & i cared very little for him & his ideology.

but here's a little diddy for you to ponder................

when the likes of david duke et al & all them thar neo nazis sieg heilling drumpf at his little rallies should give you a clue as to why he gets their praise & support.
Turkey wants a buffer zone with the Kurds to keep the Kurds from attacking Turkish border towns. This is not new. It has been ongoing for hundreds of years. The Kurds are squatters here and there hoping to get a new "Kurdistan" somewhere. Saddam gassed them, killing thousands. If the "final solution" means that some Kurds relocate out of the buffer zone, and that creates peace, no big deal.

You seem to be implying that the Erdogan "final solution" is the extermination of the Kurds ala Hitler's "final solution", and its not. So stop with the dramatics already. Trump got out with no US lives lost, and a "solution" to the Kurd-Turk problem. A win-win-win.
The Kurds are not squatters. That is part of their original homeland. It was divided up by the Brits with no consideration for the indigenous peoples.

As far as being a solution? Eedogan isn't gonna stop, everyone knows this.

What this is a solution to is securing a route for Russians to supply Iran. It's a gift from tRump to Putin. Probably at Putin's direction .

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