Trump: Tweets that Robert Jefress is a " wonderful man"

yep , USA is still a FREE Country for awhile until these lefties like 'you know WHO' really get control . Until then though its still a FREE Country and here is Reverend Jeffress debates some 'gay' guy on the Oregon Bakers that are being FORCED by USA government to bake a cake for some 'gays' P.P. and Paparegio . --- ---

why are Christian pastors fighting? they must both know that our business laws require service providers to provide services equally.

-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private bakers as example should not have to provide service to those that they don't want to provide service to . The same applies to any privately owned service provider of any type like Hotels , motels or anything else that is privately owned . The only businesses that have NO RIGHT to discriminate are Government owned publicly owned entities and businesses . Now , what i just said is my theory on how things were and how they should be in the future . ------------- As regards Christian Bakers in a private business . They should not be required or forced by Government to provide services to anyone that offends or goes against their religious beliefs or their religion Lysis .

So you want to destroy society, then? You want an end to our public-accommodation laws?
The imbeciles who do this don't even include their bigotry in their advertising. This jackass baker never included his bigotry in his advertising, now did he? He didn't tell anyone not to come to his business if they wanted a cake to celebrate a same-sex marriage. And these imbiciles choose to incorporate, which means that their businesses are an "it" and the owners' private assets are immune from any lawsuit. Which is it? Private individual whose assets are on the table, or a corporation? A "Christian" (insert laugh-track here) baker should not be allowed to shield his personal assets from liability, since he wants to run his business as a private person immune from the law.
It is America. You are free to do and believe as you wish.

Why do you hate freedom so much? Are you incapable of handling the responsibility to govern your own affairs?[/QUOTE]
I hate freedom? What the fuck does that mean.? That sounds like some Ron Paul libertarian bull shit. What is freedom? How do I hate it?[/QUOTE]
Rev. Jeffress is a Preacher , some like him and some don't . Hs is a Baptist and probably has Old Style Baptist style point of view . I think that he leads a very big Church in Dallas Texas . I see him once in awhile on FOX tv talk shows Papa !!
The people who like him are morons and bigots

Jeffress has also called Islam and Mormonism heresies "from the pit of hell," suggested that the Catholic church was led astray by Satan, accused Obama of "paving the way" for the Antichrist and spread false statistics about the prevalence of HIV among gays, who he said live a "miserable" and "filthy" lifestyle.

In recent years, Jeffress has frequently denounced Islam, calling it an "evil religion" that "promotes pedophilia" because the Prophet Muhammed married a 9-year-old girl. (Many modern Muslim scholars disagree about her age.) The pastor has also said that Mormons, Muslims and Hindus "worship a false god."

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics


You are disrespecting his beliefs. You apparently hate the fact that he is free to say and do as he pleases. You may not like it, but you still must accept his right to say anything he wants.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it! - Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Jeffress has stated his "beliefs," time and again. Into a microphone. Nobody has stopped him. But "religious freedom" does not render anyone immune from criticism, or else everyone who criticizes the crap that comes out of the mouth of a radical preacher from the Muslim faith would be violating "religious freedom." There is absolutely NO requirement that anyone "respect" Jeffress' beliefs or to remain silent about them. He is free to run his mouth, and take the consequences of doing so.
The guy Trump is worshiping would destroy freedom for millions of people within the LBGT and for society at large. BUT YET the fucking idiot you just replied to thinks we're the destroyers of freedom? I am laughing.

Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 34m34 minutes ago
Great book just out, "A Place Called Heaven," by Dr. Robert Jeffress - A wonderful man![/QUOTE]

Now, is he really??

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics

CNN)A pastor with a long history of inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and gays preached at a private service for President-elect Trump and his family on Friday, shortly before Trump took the oath of office.

Here is more"

Opinion | Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’

Following President Trump’s initial threats of “fire and fury” toward North Korea on Aug. 8, Robert Jeffress, the evangelical pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, and a presidential adviser, released a statement claiming that God had given the president authority to “take out” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Jeffress was the president’s selected preacher at the traditional pre-inauguration liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal Church and claims to speak with Mr. Trump “on a variety of issues.”

Regardless of his political credentials, Jeffress’s theology is shockingly uninformed and dangerous, and it is a sobering reminder of the power of misguided moral statements to influence matters of life and death in policy. President Trump’s language, which he intensified a few days later, evoked apocalyptic nuclear war. Despite what either of the men claim, there is no possible Christian justification for provoking such a conflict.

In addition;

Robert Jeffress - Wikipedia

While a pastor in Wichita Falls in 1998, Jeffress sought to have two children's books about children with gay or lesbian parents removed from the public library by checking out the books and paying for them rather than returning them to be recirculated. Following publication of the story by news media, the library received multiple copies of the books as donations and demand for the books increased significantly.[20]

Jeffress is not a "wonderful man" He is a bigot and religious zealot of the sort that Trump kisses up to
And how does he compare to Reverend G Damn America Wright, you know, the guy who was Obama's mentor and sat in his pews for 20 years while listening to racism, antisemitism, and anti Americanism without blinking an eye, Obama loved him so much that he even asked Rev. Wright to conduct his marriage ceremony to Michelle. That of course was way before Michelle became proud of her country for the first time, and before Obama threw him under the bus. One this about Obama, he had absolutely no honor or loyalty. He even threw his white grandmother who helped raise him under the bus, simply because she was white.
Wright also baptised the kids.
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

Tough talk, which is all racist assholes like you do. You never talk substance because when you do, you are exposed for your ignorance.
Guys a piece of subhuman crap that hates most of humanity is somehow a good man? Trump is scum
Pastor Jeffress is a decent, God fearing man who has led thousands to the Lord in his ministry. He will be with God Almighty in heaven someday while you'll be a Butt Ranger for Lucifer and all his demons in Hell.
OK, let's say that he has the right. That does not make it right. My point is that he praised a loathsome bigot which tell me all that I need to know about Trump, and those who defend him
Christians are taught to "hate the sin, but love the sinner". How is that bigotry? Or do you love the actions of a man sucking dick, getting ass fucked so much that if anybody else doesn't that is bigotry in your twisted progressive mind?
Obama dealt with the issue like an adult and like a President. Trump no only won't, be he is incapable of doingso
Pastor Jeffress was instrumental in getting the Christian vote out for Candidate Trump in numbersnot seen since Reagan. Your wish will never happen.
Horseshit!! Looks to me like the other guy had Jeffress on the run. His whole , so called argument is predicated on the inane idea that gay is a choice and therefore not equal to race
So being black is the same as being gay? The queer pastor's argument was destroyed and he ended it for lack of a comeback.
why are Christian pastors fighting? they must both know that our business laws require service providers to provide services equally.
The law violates the First Amendment in regard to freedom of religion. The Christian bakers should not be force to participate in the celebration of a sinful marriage. The baker had always sold baked goods to them before so there is no discrimination there.
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.

So they voted for a sexual predator who brags about grabbing people's private parts and not getting an STD while willfully promiscuous and a sex-crazed dominionist hot-head who hates women and LBGTs. So great. Gays have a certain sexual orientation because they were born with it. These two chose indecency because they have no morals and no respect for others.
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.

So they voted for a sexual predator who brags about grabbing people's private parts and not getting an STD while willfully promiscuous and a sex-crazed dominionist hot-head who hates women and LBGTs. So great. Gays have a certain sexual orientation because they were born with it. These two chose indecency because they have no morals and no respect for others.

Who's the president of The United States?
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.

So they voted for a sexual predator who brags about grabbing people's private parts and not getting an STD while willfully promiscuous and a sex-crazed dominionist hot-head who hates women and LBGTs. So great. Gays have a certain sexual orientation because they were born with it. These two chose indecency because they have no morals and no respect for others.

Who's the president of The United States?
Uh. This is the first time we've had a whore in the Oval Office. So Jeffress is his pet radical imam. Both of them should be deported.
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.

So they voted for a sexual predator who brags about grabbing people's private parts and not getting an STD while willfully promiscuous and a sex-crazed dominionist hot-head who hates women and LBGTs. So great. Gays have a certain sexual orientation because they were born with it. These two chose indecency because they have no morals and no respect for others.

Who's the president of The United States?
Uh. This is the first time we've had a whore in the Oval Office. So Jeffress is his pet radical imam. Both of them should be deported.

Who's the president of The United States? :bye1:

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