Trump: Tweets that Robert Jefress is a " wonderful man"

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 34m34 minutes ago
Great book just out, "A Place Called Heaven," by Dr. Robert Jeffress - A wonderful man![/QUOTE]

Now, is he really??

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics

CNN)A pastor with a long history of inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and gays preached at a private service for President-elect Trump and his family on Friday, shortly before Trump took the oath of office.

Here is more"

Opinion | Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’

Following President Trump’s initial threats of “fire and fury” toward North Korea on Aug. 8, Robert Jeffress, the evangelical pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, and a presidential adviser, released a statement claiming that God had given the president authority to “take out” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Jeffress was the president’s selected preacher at the traditional pre-inauguration liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal Church and claims to speak with Mr. Trump “on a variety of issues.”

Regardless of his political credentials, Jeffress’s theology is shockingly uninformed and dangerous, and it is a sobering reminder of the power of misguided moral statements to influence matters of life and death in policy. President Trump’s language, which he intensified a few days later, evoked apocalyptic nuclear war. Despite what either of the men claim, there is no possible Christian justification for provoking such a conflict.

In addition;

Robert Jeffress - Wikipedia

While a pastor in Wichita Falls in 1998, Jeffress sought to have two children's books about children with gay or lesbian parents removed from the public library by checking out the books and paying for them rather than returning them to be recirculated. Following publication of the story by news media, the library received multiple copies of the books as donations and demand for the books increased significantly.[20]

Jeffress is not a "wonderful man" He is a bigot and religious zealot of the sort that Trump kisses up to
OK, that's funny. trump claims it is a great book. Only problem, trump has never read ANY book. He has the attention span of a gnat.

His presidential briefs are three sentences max with lots of pictures.
Apparently Trump read and understood the book: 'How To Become The President Of The United States Without spending 1 1/2 Billion Dollars'.
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.

What kind of nonsense is this? Everyone has the right to hold and express whatever opinions he will, on whatever matters he finds of interest. Being elected to public office does not remove this right.
As President of the United States of America, his obligation to convey a sense that he is the president of all Americans and to do so with the dignity and decorum befitting of his office out weighs his right to spout off with whatever the voices in his head are telling him at any given time.

Where is that written?

I am so sorry that you have unrealistic expectations.
It is common fucking sense that all reasonable people would agree with . Obviously you are not one of them
This from a Libtard whose messiah Obama was vomiting on the American people whatever 'the voices in his head' were telling him at any given time
Decent people don't care for the “freedom” that you think faggots and trannies and other subhuman sex perverts ought to have.

Huh? "Decent people" accord the same rights to everyone, prejudices aside. Sorry to have to break this to you, fella, but the world does not spin according to your thoughts and prejudices about people whom you, from your throne, deem to be "subhuman." Maybe you are the "subhuman" one. Jeffress needs to hear the same news.

Siding with perverts is a big part of how your side lost so badly this last election cycle, and a big part of how your side will continue to lose.

So they voted for a sexual predator who brags about grabbing people's private parts and not getting an STD while willfully promiscuous and a sex-crazed dominionist hot-head who hates women and LBGTs. So great. Gays have a certain sexual orientation because they were born with it. These two chose indecency because they have no morals and no respect for others.

Who's the president of The United States?
Uh. This is the first time we've had a whore in the Oval Office. So Jeffress is his pet radical imam. Both of them should be deported.

You apparently don't know the definition of the word "whore".

Try again!
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.
Last edited:
Robert Jeffress condemned white supremacy, stating, “Let there be no misunderstanding. Racism is sin. Period"

Robert Byrd ... as per the Clintons "HE WAS A WONDERFUL MAN" "exalted cyclops" in the Ku Klux Klan Bill & Hillary Clinton praised former KKK grand cyclops Robert Byrd. Robert Byrd founded a KKK chapter

In a speech to the NAACP, Al Gore said his father lost his Senate seat because he supported civil rights legislation. In reality Al Gore, Sr., together with the rest of the southern Democrats, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But Lefties say he was a "WONDERFUL MAN"
GOOD , President Trump is allowed his opinion on the Good Reverend Jeffress P.P..
When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.
You mean like "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon"
So speaking out against racism should never happen. You wish.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 34m34 minutes ago
Great book just out, "A Place Called Heaven," by Dr. Robert Jeffress - A wonderful man![/QUOTE]

Now, is he really??

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics

CNN)A pastor with a long history of inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and gays preached at a private service for President-elect Trump and his family on Friday, shortly before Trump took the oath of office.

Here is more"

Opinion | Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’

Following President Trump’s initial threats of “fire and fury” toward North Korea on Aug. 8, Robert Jeffress, the evangelical pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, and a presidential adviser, released a statement claiming that God had given the president authority to “take out” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Jeffress was the president’s selected preacher at the traditional pre-inauguration liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal Church and claims to speak with Mr. Trump “on a variety of issues.”

Regardless of his political credentials, Jeffress’s theology is shockingly uninformed and dangerous, and it is a sobering reminder of the power of misguided moral statements to influence matters of life and death in policy. President Trump’s language, which he intensified a few days later, evoked apocalyptic nuclear war. Despite what either of the men claim, there is no possible Christian justification for provoking such a conflict.

In addition;

Robert Jeffress - Wikipedia

While a pastor in Wichita Falls in 1998, Jeffress sought to have two children's books about children with gay or lesbian parents removed from the public library by checking out the books and paying for them rather than returning them to be recirculated. Following publication of the story by news media, the library received multiple copies of the books as donations and demand for the books increased significantly.[20]

Jeffress is not a "wonderful man" He is a bigot and religious zealot of the sort that Trump kisses up to
OK, that's funny. trump claims it is a great book. Only problem, trump has never read ANY book. He has the attention span of a gnat.

His presidential briefs are three sentences max with lots of pictures.

yeah that's why he is President and none of you leftist losers are, Yeah that's why the guy makes millions and you don't. Doesn't read books give me a fkn break.

You Trump haters are fkn retards.
I'm sorry but there is NOTHING more ridiculous than a bunch of pretend Christian Preachers "laying hands" on the business cheat, fraud, wife rapist, women groping, accused child rapist, known liar because they thnik he was chosen by God.,

Trump bragghed about "laying hands" on women.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 34m34 minutes ago
Great book just out, "A Place Called Heaven," by Dr. Robert Jeffress - A wonderful man![/QUOTE]

Now, is he really??

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics

CNN)A pastor with a long history of inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and gays preached at a private service for President-elect Trump and his family on Friday, shortly before Trump took the oath of office.

Here is more"

Opinion | Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’

Following President Trump’s initial threats of “fire and fury” toward North Korea on Aug. 8, Robert Jeffress, the evangelical pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, and a presidential adviser, released a statement claiming that God had given the president authority to “take out” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Jeffress was the president’s selected preacher at the traditional pre-inauguration liturgy at St. John’s Episcopal Church and claims to speak with Mr. Trump “on a variety of issues.”

Regardless of his political credentials, Jeffress’s theology is shockingly uninformed and dangerous, and it is a sobering reminder of the power of misguided moral statements to influence matters of life and death in policy. President Trump’s language, which he intensified a few days later, evoked apocalyptic nuclear war. Despite what either of the men claim, there is no possible Christian justification for provoking such a conflict.

In addition;

Robert Jeffress - Wikipedia

While a pastor in Wichita Falls in 1998, Jeffress sought to have two children's books about children with gay or lesbian parents removed from the public library by checking out the books and paying for them rather than returning them to be recirculated. Following publication of the story by news media, the library received multiple copies of the books as donations and demand for the books increased significantly.[20]

Jeffress is not a "wonderful man" He is a bigot and religious zealot of the sort that Trump kisses up to
OK, that's funny. trump claims it is a great book. Only problem, trump has never read ANY book. He has the attention span of a gnat.

His presidential briefs are three sentences max with lots of pictures.

yeah that's why he is President and none of you leftist losers are, Yeah that's why the guy makes millions and you don't. Doesn't read books give me a fkn break.

You Trump haters are fkn retards.
So duping people & taking advantage of their faith to make millions is something you would be proud of.

Yep, you are certainly a Trumpette.
See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

I am a conservative ... A real one that believes in smaller government and less government intrusion in our lives.
It is easy to say that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have had anything to offer as a conservative since President Coolidge.

I voted for President Trump this last election ... Just so I could watch the absolute circus Washington DC and all these nit-wits can provide.
Word to the wise ... We are never going to fix anything or keep those folks from screwing things up worse.

Best I can say is that I hope you have your personal shit squared away,
We can tailgate in the parking lot or drink beer in the cheap seats.

  • Thanks
Reactions: mdk
I am a conservative ... A real one that believes in smaller government and less government intrusion in our lives.
It is easy to say that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have had anything to offer as a conservative since President Coolidge.

I voted for President Trump this last election ... Just so I could watch the absolute circus Washington DC and all these nit-wits can provide.
Word to the wise ... We are never going to fix anything or keep those folks from screwing things up worse.

Best I can say is that I hope you have your personal shit squared away,
We can tailgate in the parking lot or drink beer in the cheap seats.

I'll bring my famous blackened chicken macaroni and cheese. Also, awesome home brew.
general comment , we dodged a bullet by getting President Trump but we need to re-elect him . I Read the chit that these lefties post and we need to keep Trump and people like him in power . Just a comment !!
See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

I am a conservative ... A real one that believes in smaller government and less government intrusion in our lives.
It is easy to say that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have had anything to offer as a conservative since President Coolidge.

I voted for President Trump this last election ... Just so I could watch the absolute circus Washington DC and all these nit-wits can provide.
Word to the wise ... We are never going to fix anything or keep those folks from screwing things up worse.

Best I can say is that I hope you have your personal shit squared away,
We can tailgate in the parking lot or drink beer in the cheap seats.


Trump's actually making effort to pull the corrupt weeds. Hey, he's already gotten further than Hillary ever would have.

I like how they're all going: "No! We want to be mindless slaves!" "Don't free us, Mr. Trump, we don't wanna be free!"

And you Senators! Please keep living it up and partying on our tax money while you sell us down the river, ok?
Robert Jefress can whine about how much he hates American citizens all he wants. But if he walks onto my property with the will to back up those words he'll be carried off my property in a stretcher.

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

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