Trump: Tweets that Robert Jefress is a " wonderful man"

I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Who is the president of the United States? This is not "childish bullshit". It's Mr. reality coming to the party.


Apparently you weren't taught using the Socratic method.
When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.

What kind of nonsense is this? Everyone has the right to hold and express whatever opinions he will, on whatever matters he finds of interest. Being elected to public office does not remove this right.
As President of the United States of America, his obligation to convey a sense that he is the president of all Americans and to do so with the dignity and decorum befitting of his office out weighs his right to spout off with whatever the voices in his head are telling him at any given time.

Where is that written?

I am so sorry that you have unrealistic expectations.
Written? Do all rules have to be written. ?? Only those who are given to a ridged, concrete thought process think so. Perhaps I do have unrealistic expectations. Expecting Trump to behave civilly and Presidential is indeed unrealistic.
See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Anyone willing to support my assessment that even with this poster's fine (suspect) education ...
The poster is still incapable of understanding the fact the statements themselves defeat the point they are trying to express ... :dunno:

I am sorry Lysitrata ... For instance ... I doubt you truly are capable of understanding you are as much of bigot as anyone.
That is probably the result of conditioning you received during your education.
The conditioning that allows you to think there is some kind of imaginary reference to race as far as whether or not someone can be accurately described as a "bigot".

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others who hold opposing views or opinions ... And you fit the description.

When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.

What kind of nonsense is this? Everyone has the right to hold and express whatever opinions he will, on whatever matters he finds of interest. Being elected to public office does not remove this right.
As President of the United States of America, his obligation to convey a sense that he is the president of all Americans and to do so with the dignity and decorum befitting of his office out weighs his right to spout off with whatever the voices in his head are telling him at any given time.

Where is that written?

I am so sorry that you have unrealistic expectations.
It is common fucking sense that all reasonable people would agree with . Obviously you are not one of them

If it was only common sense, you would not be gay.
You just proved yourself to be an idiot, and I bet you don't even know how.
When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.

What kind of nonsense is this? Everyone has the right to hold and express whatever opinions he will, on whatever matters he finds of interest. Being elected to public office does not remove this right.
As President of the United States of America, his obligation to convey a sense that he is the president of all Americans and to do so with the dignity and decorum befitting of his office out weighs his right to spout off with whatever the voices in his head are telling him at any given time.

Where is that written?

I am so sorry that you have unrealistic expectations.
Written? Do all rules have to be written. ?? Only those who are given to a ridged, concrete thought process think so. Perhaps I do have unrealistic expectations. Expecting Trump to behave civilly and Presidential is indeed unrealistic.

Hey! You're catching on. We needed someone a bit more brash and crude at this point in time to counteract people like you.

In other words: A wrecking ball. It appears you're gloriously wrecked, too! :badgrin:

I'd say things are going swimmingly. :)
Rev. Jeffress is a Preacher , some like him and some don't . Hs is a Baptist and probably has Old Style Baptist style point of view . I think that he leads a very big Church in Dallas Texas . I see him once in awhile on FOX tv talk shows Papa !!
The people who like him are morons and bigots

Jeffress has also called Islam and Mormonism heresies "from the pit of hell," suggested that the Catholic church was led astray by Satan, accused Obama of "paving the way" for the Antichrist and spread false statistics about the prevalence of HIV among gays, who he said live a "miserable" and "filthy" lifestyle.

In recent years, Jeffress has frequently denounced Islam, calling it an "evil religion" that "promotes pedophilia" because the Prophet Muhammed married a 9-year-old girl. (Many modern Muslim scholars disagree about her age.) The pastor has also said that Mormons, Muslims and Hindus "worship a false god."

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics


It is America. You are free to do and believe as you wish.

Why do you hate freedom so much? Are you incapable of handling the responsibility to govern your own affairs?
I hate freedom? What the fuck does that mean.? That sounds like some Ron Paul libertarian bull shit. What is freedom? How do I hate it?

You are disrespecting his beliefs. You apparently hate the fact that he is free to say and do as he pleases. You may not like it, but you still must accept his right to say anything he wants.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it! - Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Where did I say that he didn't have that right? I did not. Respecting what he says is another mater. I do not respect bigotry and stupidity.
His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Who is the president of the United States? This is not "childish bullshit". It's Mr. reality coming to the party.


Apparently you weren't taught using the Socratic method.
Okay. So I acknowledge that a promiscuous dumb uneducated whore named donald trump now is "my" president because he "won" the election in the electoral college. He's still a pathetic uneducated whore who does not want to be president of all Americans, though, nothing changes this fact, and I owe him not one bit of respect or allegiance, and he can have his trashy little imam Jeffress. They are two of a kind.
Rev. Jeffress is a Preacher , some like him and some don't . Hs is a Baptist and probably has Old Style Baptist style point of view . I think that he leads a very big Church in Dallas Texas . I see him once in awhile on FOX tv talk shows Papa !!
The people who like him are morons and bigots

Jeffress has also called Islam and Mormonism heresies "from the pit of hell," suggested that the Catholic church was led astray by Satan, accused Obama of "paving the way" for the Antichrist and spread false statistics about the prevalence of HIV among gays, who he said live a "miserable" and "filthy" lifestyle.

In recent years, Jeffress has frequently denounced Islam, calling it an "evil religion" that "promotes pedophilia" because the Prophet Muhammed married a 9-year-old girl. (Many modern Muslim scholars disagree about her age.) The pastor has also said that Mormons, Muslims and Hindus "worship a false god."

Pastor Robert Jeffress preached to Trump - CNNPolitics


It is America. You are free to do and believe as you wish.

Why do you hate freedom so much? Are you incapable of handling the responsibility to govern your own affairs?
I hate freedom? What the fuck does that mean.? That sounds like some Ron Paul libertarian bull shit. What is freedom? How do I hate it?

You are disrespecting his beliefs. You apparently hate the fact that he is free to say and do as he pleases. You may not like it, but you still must accept his right to say anything he wants.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it! - Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Where did I say that he didn't have that right? I did not. Respecting what he says is another mater. I do not respect bigotry and stupidity.
----------------------------------------------------- yer choice P.P..
I am pretty sure Robert Jefress is walking straight for the space between the wall and dumpster behind the Piggly Wiggly right now.
When you whip his butt ... You can even use that cot you sleep on as stretcher to carry him off your property.

His property is probably not that high-end.

Watch this.

Lysistrata, It's a simple question: Who is the president of The United States?
A thug, a whore, and a sexual predator now occupies the Oval Office.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Your doubling-down reinforces my point another notch.

Oh! By now, you've tripled down!

I win! :thanks:

It's certainly a hollow victory if people like you are the future of America.
Blah-blah-blah ... and I owe him not one bit of respect or allegiance, and he can have his trashy little imam Jeffress. They are two of a kind.

Respect is something a person can only desire to earn ... It isn't owed to anyone.
The simple idea it makes a difference who you don't respect ... Is a symptom of your conditioning.

Your opinion on the matter represents nothing of substance when measured against the principles you lack in providing it.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Anyone willing to support my assessment that even with this poster's fine (suspect) education ...
The poster is still incapable of understanding the fact the statements themselves defeat the point they are trying to express ... :dunno:

I am sorry Lysitrata ... For instance ... I doubt you truly are capable of understanding you are as much of bigot as anyone.
That is probably the result of conditioning you received during your education.
The conditioning that allows you to think there is some kind of imaginary reference to race as far as whether or not someone can be accurately described as a "bigot".

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others who hold opposing views or opinions ... And you fit the description.

A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.
A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Your conditioning is blocking your ability to recognize your stupidity ... :thup:
Look at the bright side ... It isn't entirely your fault.

See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Anyone willing to support my assessment that even with this poster's fine (suspect) education ...
The poster is still incapable of understanding the fact the statements themselves defeat the point they are trying to express ... :dunno:

I am sorry Lysitrata ... For instance ... I doubt you truly are capable of understanding you are as much of bigot as anyone.
That is probably the result of conditioning you received during your education.
The conditioning that allows you to think there is some kind of imaginary reference to race as far as whether or not someone can be accurately described as a "bigot".

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others who hold opposing views or opinions ... And you fit the description.

A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Looks like they indoctrinated you right proper. :chillpill:

So did they indoctrinate you before college? Prep you to be at college, or do it at college? Maybe before and at! In what state did you receive k-12 education?

LGBT people are not born that way, they choose to give in to their id and therefore become that way.


I still wub ya, mdk. I'm not mad at homosexuals for being homosexuals. That doesn't bother me.

The homosexual lobby trying to foist their crap on the rest of people, that bothers me.

It bothers some homosexuals, too.

The homosexual lobby pushed too far, backed by the faggot in chief with his tranny wife.

Now people are angry and pushing back

Discuss amongst yourselves.

I'm feeling a little verklempt for the situation in America.
Last edited:
A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Your conditioning is blocking your ability to recognize your stupidity ... :thup:
Look at the bright side ... It isn't entirely your fault.

So what exactly is your "conditioning" that you challenge my "conditioning"? I can just imagine. And, by the way, please explain what you think is my "stupidity."
A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Your conditioning is blocking your ability to recognize your stupidity ... :thup:
Look at the bright side ... It isn't entirely your fault.

So what exactly is your "conditioning" that you challenge my "conditioning"? I can just imagine. And, by the way, please explain what you think is my "stupidity."

Because, GF.

Apparently you're younger, and we're older, and in our day they taught us to think for ourselves, not what to think.

"Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing." Euripides
Read more at: Euripides Quotes

They changed the method of teaching from the Socratic method, apparently.

Euripides, Socrates, and their philosophies did quite well in the American education system for around two centuries or more.

And then comes you. Proof that the tried and true method of education has been changed.

It is what it is, and I'm sorry. :dunno:

In what state were you educated, pls?
See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Anyone willing to support my assessment that even with this poster's fine (suspect) education ...
The poster is still incapable of understanding the fact the statements themselves defeat the point they are trying to express ... :dunno:

I am sorry Lysitrata ... For instance ... I doubt you truly are capable of understanding you are as much of bigot as anyone.
That is probably the result of conditioning you received during your education.
The conditioning that allows you to think there is some kind of imaginary reference to race as far as whether or not someone can be accurately described as a "bigot".

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others who hold opposing views or opinions ... And you fit the description.

A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Looks like they indoctrinated you right proper. :chillpill:

So did they indoctrinate you before college? Prep you to be at college, or do it at college? Maybe before and at! In what state did you receive k-12 education?

LGBT people are not born that way, they choose to give in to their id and therefore become that way.


I still wub ya, mdk. I'm not mad at homosexuals for being homosexuals. That doesn't bother me.

The homosexual lobby trying to foist their crap on the rest of people, that bothers me.

It bothers some homosexuals, too.

The homosexual lobby pushed too far, backed by the faggot in chief with his tranny wife.

Now people are angry and pushing back

Discuss amongst yourselves.

I'm feeling a little verklempt for the situation in America.
It is apparent that you are prejudiced against homosexuals. You buy the stupid shit that having a same-sex orientation is a choice just because some radical "preacher" told you that. Talk about indoctrination!
My pre-college education? Northern New Jersey 'burbs." Yours? What kind of an education did you receive, since it appears that you were thoroughly indoctrinated?

What books were you required to read? What debates were you required to participate in? What essays were you required to write? Anything that required you to "compare and contrast" two opposite viewpoints? Did you ever, as a junior-high student, have a beefy ex-Marine civics teacher slam his huge ring on the blackboard to get attention so that he could teach who every member of the president's cabinet did, who the speaker of the House was, what the majority and minority whips did in Congress, what house of Congress was authorized to originate spending bills? Were you ever assigned to write a short story (I did this one the night before it was due, in longhand, and my story was circulated within the English department and was read to the other English classes).

What was your pre-college education like? What were your experiences?
See? See how deep the conditioning is? Cannot bring herself to say it.

Scary stuff, aye? Yet Mr. Admiral Rockwell Tory says there's nothing wrong with the education system. There may not be where you are, but some education system somewhere churned out this Lysistrata, a person that can't cope with reality or opposing views long enough to say the name of the US president.

Now repeat after me, Lysistrata: "Donald J. Trump is the president of The United States."

If I was a teacher and you were a student, I'd make you write it 500x on paper.

Look Mr. Horse Opera: I came out of one of the finest school districts in the United States. I have 7 years of higher education. This is not "conditioning." It is the fact that you can't force a slut and a bigoted con-man on me. It is not that I "can't cope with opposing views." It is that I find that these "opposing views" are horseshit, bad ideas voiced by bigots (when they bother to explain them at all instead of running away), and I will challenge them at will. You do not have to pull your childish bullshit on me. You voted for this trash, now suck it up. Mr. white trash may occupy the Oval Office, but this does not negate the fact he is no-account white trash never, ever to be accused of being a gentleman.

Anyone willing to support my assessment that even with this poster's fine (suspect) education ...
The poster is still incapable of understanding the fact the statements themselves defeat the point they are trying to express ... :dunno:

I am sorry Lysitrata ... For instance ... I doubt you truly are capable of understanding you are as much of bigot as anyone.
That is probably the result of conditioning you received during your education.
The conditioning that allows you to think there is some kind of imaginary reference to race as far as whether or not someone can be accurately described as a "bigot".

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others who hold opposing views or opinions ... And you fit the description.

A bigot is a person who goes after people for being what they were born to be, i.e. race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity ,national origin. Anything that is an accident of birth. I have never done so. It is not "intolerant" to attack cheesy, ignorant "opinions," particularly those that denigrate someone else. For example, go back and review all of the filthy comments that people have written on this board about LGBT folks (I am heterosexual). It was their choice to type such comments about other people.
As for my education before college, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The quality of mercy is not strained, but falleth as a gentle rain from heaven. The Federalist Papers, For Whom The Bell Tolls, All Quiet On the Western Front, Native Son. My SAT scores (scoring range 200 to 800): 727 on the English part, 628 in the math.

Looks like they indoctrinated you right proper. :chillpill:

So did they indoctrinate you before college? Prep you to be at college, or do it at college? Maybe before and at! In what state did you receive k-12 education?

LGBT people are not born that way, they choose to give in to their id and therefore become that way.


I still wub ya, mdk. I'm not mad at homosexuals for being homosexuals. That doesn't bother me.

The homosexual lobby trying to foist their crap on the rest of people, that bothers me.

It bothers some homosexuals, too.

The homosexual lobby pushed too far, backed by the faggot in chief with his tranny wife.

Now people are angry and pushing back

Discuss amongst yourselves.

I'm feeling a little verklempt for the situation in America.
It is apparent that you are prejudiced against homosexuals. You buy the stupid shit that having a same-sex orientation is a choice just because some radical "preacher" told you that. Talk about indoctrination!
My pre-college education? Northern New Jersey 'burbs." Yours? What kind of an education did you receive, since it appears that you were thoroughly indoctrinated?

What books were you required to read? What debates were you required to participate in? What essays were you required to write? Anything that required you to "compare and contrast" two opposite viewpoints? Did you ever, as a junior-high student, have a beefy ex-Marine civics teacher slam his huge ring on the blackboard to get attention so that he could teach who every member of the president's cabinet did, who the speaker of the House was, what the majority and minority whips did in Congress, what house of Congress was authorized to originate spending bills? Were you ever assigned to write a short story (I did this one the night before it was due, in longhand, and my story was circulated within the English department and was read to the other English classes).

What was your pre-college education like? What were your experiences?

Whether you know it or not, you just answered my question.

It was in college that you were indoctrinated. Shame, because it sounds like you had some pretty good teachers.

Who's the Speaker of the House right now?
GOOD , President Trump is allowed his opinion on the Good Reverend Jeffress P.P..
When you get yourself elected President of the United States, your private opinions should remain private and only be expressed when they do not alienate segments of the populace that you are supposed to represent. He knows what he signed on for, or should.
You mean like "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon"
So speaking out against racism should never happen. You wish.
You mean like Hillary calling a grand cyclops of the KKK her 'mentor.' ... Or Al gore Sr. filibustering Civil Rights legislation ? Is that what you mean by speaking out against Racism ?

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