Trump Tweets To Congress: If Healthcare Bill Isn't Passed Soon, Expect Your Obamacare Waivers To End

Really, they considered proposed amendments for 30 hours.


They did not consider any input from Democrats. They held ZERO hearings. I'm not going to argue with you about something you don't seem to have any knowledge on.

And, regular order hasn't been observed in congress for more than 8 years, stop your crying. Your side had a bunch of show hearings on maobamacare and we got shit out of them. maobamacare was never intended to succeed, it was to be a step to single payer.


My side? I'm on the side of doing things the right way, that includes ALL members not just the majority who think they can sneak things through alone.

You can say whatever the fuck you want as your opinion, but that doesn't make it a fact. Obamacare was meant to be a work in progress that can only be improved.

maobamacare is, was and always will be an unconstitutional POS. And Roberts violating the Constitution himself to stand it up won't change that fact. There was nothing in the law that would allow the court to find certain parts of the law unconstitutional and not declare the whole damned thing unconstitutional. Roberts did it anyway.


I know so many want do not want to pay for health ins. Pay the fine!!

You mean the unconstitutional direct tax? See Article 1, Section 9, clause 4.

Sometimes when you have inconsiderate spoiled children who take advantage of everything that's not fair to others, you have to initiate action to discipline them in order to make them do right. This is precisely what the Trumpenfuhrer is going to do to them.

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!
11:27 AM · Jul 29, 2017

TRUMP: If No Healthcare Bill Approved Soon – BAILOUTS for CONGRESS and Insurance Companies will End Soon

Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Some Health-Care Benefits for Lawmakers
I'm so glad someone brought this up! For years I wished that Congress would be held accountable, that they should suffer the same laws they sentence us to, and that if their healthcare was suck-ass Obamacare like a lot of people paying fines and half their annual salary in copays, fines and deductibles, they would be DAMN QUICK to hop right on it and NAIL THAT BASTARD QUICK.

I don't know if he can get it done, but All Hail to The Donald for even suggesting it! Thinking it! He would not say it if he wasn't at least considering the possibility, and if Congress doesn't get a bill together soon, I would not be surprised if he tried.

He might get vetoed by a few liberal judges in San Fran and Hawaii and be right back at the SCOTUS, but this guy is a scream, that he would even think of it, publicly say it, consider and look into it, even try to do it and maybe actually yank their healthcare JUST BECAUSE HE CAN.

The sweet irony would be if he pulled all their healthcare and there is JOHN McCAIN suddenly with no healthcare to pay for all that surgery and chemo, the one guy who set out to stop the bill that would have avoided this action in the first place.

Fuck Trump!
Every single poll shows the GOP plans have been rejected by a majority of "We the People" and it's not even close. Another thing that isn't close, is the GOP bill and Trumps promises on healthcare insurance reform.
Also, it is a fact that all major healthcare groups and this nations doctors disapprove of the GOP bill.
So what we have is a group of clueless Republicans fucking over tens of millions people, including millions of people who voted for Trump from rural America. Not exactly a ground swell of support for Trump/Republicans.
Nice move, dumb fucks!
Those polls you're talking about also said Hillary would defeat Trump in a landslide. Those polls are inaccurate and not reliable.
Your opinions are inaccurate and unreliable. Trump does not have the power that you think he possesses.

Trump does not have the power that you think he possesses.

You're right. He doesn't have the power to cut any of the subsidies appropriated for the law. That can only be done by Congress.

The poster is also right. There is no support for repealing the law even among Trump supporters.

The OP is also right, like petulant children, there will be a major spanking in the coming elections.
What bailous is he r
Sometimes when you have inconsiderate spoiled children who take advantage of everything that's not fair to others, you have to initiate action to discipline them in order to make them do right. This is precisely what the Trumpenfuhrer is going to do to them.

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!
11:27 AM · Jul 29, 2017

TRUMP: If No Healthcare Bill Approved Soon – BAILOUTS for CONGRESS and Insurance Companies will End Soon

Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Some Health-Care Benefits for Lawmakers
What bailouts is he referring to?
No matter where one falls along the political spectrum all should be outraged that the pukes in Congress can legislate for the people but conveniently exempt themselves in favor of a special, better deal for them and staffers. One set of rules for us, the great unwashed, but they're eligible for "private" rules that, in this case, are much easier on their pocketbooks.

This sort of arrogance from elected officials really hacks me off. Fuck 'me all!
Obamacare Exemptions

Trump Again Floats Ending Congressional Obamacare Exemptions @ President Trump Again Floats Ending Congressional Obamacare Exemptions

"Senators should finally subject themselves to the same burdens imposed upon their constituents," Heritage Action president Michael Needham wrote in an Independent Journal Review op-ed this week.

From Trump threatens health insurance benefits for lawmakers

Trump Explodes on Congress Over Obamacare Double Standard: 'Why Should Congress Not Be Paying What Public Pays?' @ Trump Explodes on Congress Over Obamacare Double Standard: 'Why Should Congress Not Be Paying What Public Pays?'

Absolutely. They always exempt themselves from the laws they write.
Fuck Trump!
Every single poll shows the GOP plans have been rejected by a majority of "We the People" and it's not even close. Another thing that isn't close, is the GOP bill and Trumps promises on healthcare insurance reform.
Also, it is a fact that all major healthcare groups and this nations doctors disapprove of the GOP bill.
So what we have is a group of clueless Republicans fucking over tens of millions people, including millions of people who voted for Trump from rural America. Not exactly a ground swell of support for Trump/Republicans.
Nice move, dumb fucks!

Shame you're not wise enough to know:

A. Polls are agenda driven and have no other meaning.

B. The American people didn't support Abe Lincoln either. Here's a bird to the American public, and bet your ass we're more fucked up today than were were in the mid 1800s..

C. Only a fool would think the people being polled actually know what the fuck they're polling about. Bet your ass 99.9% of those being polled haven't a clue what's in the bill, never mind what it means. That's a percentage you can hang you hat on, and that my friend is the result of real wisdom.

A. Yes it does. Trump relied on Rasmussen poll which unscientific kind of poll. Even that it gave Trump only 40%. If it favor Trump you will love it if I doesn't you hate it. Nice job but it doesn't work that way.
B. We are getting fuck right now dude. What are you talking about?
C. Well we have you here. And still don't know what you are talking about.
For one, there is little to no cost relationship between medical providers and consumers. From the maternity ward, to X-rays, MRIs, flu visits, tonsillectomies, or oncology, very few care recipients are made sensitive to price signaling. Most don’t have the foggiest idea what their service even cost. And if someone else is paying anyway, why would they care?

In the absence of this relationship, consumers are not incentivized to consider lower-cost alternatives or even price shop among competing providers. If the car market were structured like this a Toyota Camry would cost $300,000…and no one would know it. But ignorance is only bliss until the tax bill comes due, as California’s single payer simpletons are now realizing. Los ZetasCare
Anyone on the left notice that just like I said with one tweet the item showing up most in social media is making congress be part of obiecare?

Trump threw down on them. Threatening their benefits, forcing them into a law they exempted themselves from and I'm yet to see one person left or right not agree with that.

I told you. He's a smart guy and now the congress will feel the pressure.
I wonder if there's ever been a study on those living in the southern border states and how often they travel into Mexico for dental and medical care.
Fuck Trump!
Every single poll shows the GOP plans have been rejected by a majority of "We the People" and it's not even close. Another thing that isn't close, is the GOP bill and Trumps promises on healthcare insurance reform.
Also, it is a fact that all major healthcare groups and this nations doctors disapprove of the GOP bill.
So what we have is a group of clueless Republicans fucking over tens of millions people, including millions of people who voted for Trump from rural America. Not exactly a ground swell of support for Trump/Republicans.
Nice move, dumb fucks!
Those polls you're talking about also said Hillary would defeat Trump in a landslide. Those polls are inaccurate and not reliable.
Your opinions are inaccurate and unreliable. Trump does not have the power that you think he possesses.
He has the power to end the subsidy.

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