Trump tweets video of supporter yelling "white power"

This sure is going to help Trump attract minority voters in November.
When in doubt, he plays to the base. It's all he knows.

Think that guy should be arrested? Think someday he will be?
No, of course not. I want you folks to be able to express yourselves freely.

I don't know if he'll ever be arrested.

Funny, I never lie. I believe that my ideas and arguments are solid and I am confident that an honest debate will reveal their Truth.

You felt you had to lie...To lump me in with someone you know I am not...

I feel bad about doing this to you.
You asked a question and I answered it.

I should know better.
This sure is going to help Trump attract minority voters in November.
When in doubt, he plays to the base. It's all he knows.

Think that guy should be arrested? Think someday he will be?
No, of course not. I want you folks to be able to express yourselves freely.

I don't know if he'll ever be arrested.

To be clear, only racism from Trump supporters bother you? Why isn’t all racism bad?
All racism is bad.

I hope I made that simple enough.
This sure is going to help Trump attract minority voters in November.
When in doubt, he plays to the base. It's all he knows.

Think that guy should be arrested? Think someday he will be?
No, of course not. I want you folks to be able to express yourselves freely.

I don't know if he'll ever be arrested.

To be clear, only racism from Trump supporters bother you? Why isn’t all racism bad?
All racism is bad.

I hope I made that simple enough.

Yes we agree. I hope I made that simple enough.
OP has to admit that BLM is racist.

So is everyone who went to CHAZCHOP.
ColonelAngus must tell the only black Republican Senator to stop asking Trump to delete that tweet:

Well, "indefensible" is not an issue for Trumpsters.

Specifically, how is BLM not racist.

Lay it out for me.

What is your definition of "racist"?

And why are you so hung up on BLM?


Why do you fail to see the manipulation of the US via fake racism?

The cop who killed Floyd was arrested and charged with murder.

Why don’t you cry about Dave Dorn?
OP has to admit that BLM is racist.

So is everyone who went to CHAZCHOP.
ColonelAngus must tell the only black Republican Senator to stop asking Trump to delete that tweet:

Well, "indefensible" is not an issue for Trumpsters.

Specifically, how is BLM not racist.

Lay it out for me.

What is your definition of "racist"?

And why are you so hung up on BLM?


Why do you fail to see the manipulation of the US via fake racism?

The cop who killed Floyd was arrested and charged with murder.

Why don’t you cry about Dave Dorn?

You're all over the place.

No, I don't recall seeing BLM saying whites are inferior, although I admit I may have missed it.

I'll be happy to review a link if you'll provide one.
This sure is going to help Trump attract minority voters in November. The racist chant begins at 8 seconds:

.....all the other races can have their racial groups--but whites can't? whites can't be proud of being white--but the other races can?? people look so ridiculous
Trump's policies that help minorities will ensure that he gets more minority votes. Especially since democrats take them for granted: "you ain't black......."
You forgot to talk about the video.

I have some relatives that live in the Villages and that is about right except I didn't know there were many dems down there.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race... which of course is totally stupid and racist

In these times, Democrats are mostly brainwashed useful idiots advocating for their own enslavement.
This sure is going to help Trump attract minority voters in November. The racist chant begins at 8 seconds:

He was mocking a loony democrat, clearly. You must be a fool if you think this video is any help to you.
Democrats are literally so racist they believe that certain races can't be racist because of their race... which of course is totally stupid and racist

In these times, Democrats are mostly brainwashed useful idiots advocating for their own enslavement.
Demofks love slaves and being kkkrrs

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