Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

If you went into a hospital and demanded that the surgeons amputate a healthy limb, they would refuse to do it. So it's not your body, it doesn't belong to you.1 Corinthians 6:20

But what about your privacy rights? what if you wanted to amputate your arm? its your right , no one can infringe on your privacy
No, you do not have the right to amputate your own arm. Your body is not your property. You are not free to do with it as you will. That is why suicide is illegal in all 50 states, with only a few states allowing assisted suicide.

agreed, i was only being sarcastic in a sense, but its also interesting, if suicide is illegal, what would be the punishment for suicide? maybe it seems some things can be illegal and not be tied to a punishment
If it's illegal then there is a punishment, for suicide attempts they can be hospitalized against their will and forced to seek counseling

Is that really a punishment? it doesnt seem like a punishment to me. letting them kill themselves without intervention seems like more of a punishment than making someone get help
Punishments aren't always mention to hurt or make miserable. The purpose of punishments should be to help and reform so the crimes don't happen again
The "right to privacy" was an invention of the Supreme Court, and not the real reason liberals want legal abortion.

The feminists want a world where a woman can be as reckless about sex as a man. They see men as free because they can walk away from a pregnancy without consequences (not really true, but that's what they believe). Abortion gives women that same power, to walk away from a pregnancy without consequences.

The problem with that kind of sex is that it debases the woman, turning her into a sexual object for men's pleasure, a toy to be used, and then abortion fixes the toy when it is broken.
Betty Bowers
America's Number One Christian

"Religious Freedom" legislation, GOP style...

Violation: Forcing a baker to deliver a gay-wedding cake.

Not a Violation: Forcing her to deliver a rapist's baby.
Trump got assaulted by Chris Mathews in an interview and MSNBC got the GOP front runner to say that women should be punished for having an illegal abortion, the man should not. Following the interview Trump immediately back peddled back to the accepted viewpoint that the women shouldn't be punished but the doctor should. Even for conservatives saying a women should be punished is political suicide.

I'm sure what was going through Trumps head was very simple. If somebody breaks the law they should be punished. I guess for conservatives there are exceptions to this in the case of abortions because the female vote is at stake.

It makes me curious though, as I see the slew of conservatives demonizing Trump for the statement... Why would they not punish somebody for breaking the law? And if this principle be true than shouldn't people who do illegal drugs not be punished... only the drug dealers?

Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.

That it is. Of course the left will use anything it can against Trump. If Hitlery had said the same thing you wouldn't hear word one from the lefty loons.

I've watched Mathews pull the same shit on others he's interviewed. Works great till he comes across someone who's way better than he is. Ari Fleisher comes to mind. I watched him make Mathews look exactly like the fool he is.

Mathews isn't a reporter. He's an opinion guy with his own show. He's always looking for that gotcha moment. Ratings rule and he sure needs those ratings.
No, you do not have the right to amputate your own arm. Your body is not your property. You are not free to do with it as you will. That is why suicide is illegal in all 50 states, with only a few states allowing assisted suicide.

Your body belongs to the US Government you are about we plant a US Flag up you ass...sideways
Rachel Maddow is currently doing a masterful show on Trump, Cruz and the anti-abortion loonies. Everyone should be watching.
I really don't this gusto from liberals on killing the unborn, it's seems maniacal, inhuman and just plain sick in most cases.

again, I would take you wingnuts a lot more seriously on your concern for the "unborn" if you weren't trying to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry poor children to give tax cuts to rich people.

No Dressage Horse Left Behind.
moral imperative" ... :lmao:

It was mainly a Democrat Party imperative to kill off and control Blacks, it's still working very well for Democrats, most abortion clinics are in poor Black neighborhoods as you well know unfriend...

Um, guy, 5 of the 7 Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade were appointed by Nixon and Eisenhower.

Blacks have statistically more abortions because they have less access to other kinds of contraception.
It's a trick question. If I say the woman should be punished, you will declare that I hate all women. If I say the woman shouldn't be punished, you will declare that I don't really think abortion is a murder of a human being.

So I will say this: in the absence of Roe v. Wade, the states will decide what to do about abortion. I would like to see a Constitutional Amendment outlawing abortion, but until that happens, the states will decide.

So you are passing the buck. The problem is, if you TRULY believe that a kidney-bean sized fetus is a human being and abortion is murder, you SHOULD support punishing the woman. So man up and own it.
Matthews got the best of Trump...Putin will snack on Trump...woo hoo

Of course he did. His gotcha tactics work well for him and always have. Unless he runs into another Ari Fleisher that is.

Mathews is an opinion guy and I for one could care less about his opinion on anything.

You, however, can applaud him all you want while I stand over here and LMAO.
Yes, sadly, it can be figured by tonage. :(
He sure cares about you poorly educated suckers...

Abortion is a very complicated issue.

Well no shit sherlock. ever have one? know anybody who has? don't try to patronize me sweetheart, cause it won't fly.
I know heaps of people who have.

'heaps' huh? you sure it wasn't 'tons'?

yes, sadly, i think it can be measured in tonage. :(

I'm having a hard time believing that, but for the sake of argument, let's say that is true. anybody who has 'regretted' it & thought they were 'lied' to, is not a reason or excuse to make that decision illegal to those women who are intelligent enough to make an informed decision, & are very grateful that they aren't shackled by those that want to control the uterus' of another. I have been 'in the know' concerning why abortion was chosen to be the solution in a few instances for real. and each one was for a different reason & I would NEVER tell a female why she cannot decide for herself whether she wants to terminate a pregnancy,& that she would be punished for it if she does abort.
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Are there any pro life conservatives that agree with Trumps original assertion? If Abortion was illegal, should the woman be punished?

Don't forget the second part of that statement... that the man should NOT be punished because 'emotions are different'. what hypocritical bullshit.
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

it was a gotcha? you mean like when the media whore sarah palin thought that it was gotcha questions coming from Katie Curic? like when she was asked foreign policy questions? Trump choked at the last debate & couldn't really answer any issue oriented questions; so what was his solution? No more debates. He's an ignoramus.
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twisted interpretations of legitimate legal concerns, as if a passionate pro-choice policy is having a 'gusto' for 'murder', is a typical disingenuous appeal to emotion. aka typical lumpy lameness.

rational human beings have a 'gusto' for reproductive privacy from dangerous government overreach.

pro-choice is a moral imperative that true conservatives understand.
Anyone who claims to be a "true conservative" is neither.

fiscal conservatives are different than social conservatives. true fiscal conservatives don't want to know what a woman decides for herself (as long as she pays for it herself). that incudes the right to choose AND birth control.. because it will save the taxpayer a whole lot of cash in the long run.
"If" abortion was illegal than the states would have to determine what the consequences are for breaking the law. The probable punishment for abortion doctors is that they would lose their medical license, which of course, wouldn't matter to them because anyone who can work a vacuum cleaner can perform an abortion.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

The issue isn’t ‘abortion,’ the issue is the right to privacy, the right of citizens to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference by the state, and placing limits on the authority of the states in defense of individual liberty.

In the context of the right to privacy, therefore, the states may not compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law – where the right to privacy concerns other issues besides ‘abortion,’ and in order to ‘ban’ abortion, privacy rights jurisprudence in its entirety must be destroyed, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

‘Abortion’ is not a ‘standalone’ issue, it’s but one aspect of the overall doctrine of the right to privacy, a doctrine that will no longer exist if ‘abortion’ were ‘banned.’
Yes, I've heard all of this, over and over, ad infinitum, about how women need these "privacy rights." But when it comes right down to brass tacks, all you end up with is a dead baby.

I asked the Admin if I could post pictures to show what these dead babies look like, but he said the rules of the forum wouldn't allow it.

So really, I'm handicapped here, because I can't show you the most convincing argument against abortion -- what it looks like.

When I was 12-years-old, after Mass, I went to a hall where there was a table with pro-life literature. I saw a picture of a dead aborted baby, and I knew it was wrong. No one had to explain it to me. I knew it then, and I know it now.

And as a comparison, I read the Time-Life series of books on World War II. One volume was dedicated to what the Nazis did in the concentration camps. I saw the bodies of the victims, starved so thin that they barely looked human any more, and they were stacked in mass graves. And I knew it was wrong, no one had to explain it to me.

So talk all day about "privacy rights" and the sound of your talking is like a buzzing in my ears. You can't win against the picture. If you are brave enough, go look at it yourself. I'm sure you can find it if you want to. But I'm guessing you won't. Like Albert Speer, you will refuse to look at what you are supporting.

the extremes are always trotted out as if they are the norm. most abortions happen within the first trimester.

why don't you post the pics of a zygote, or an embryo with human DNA that cannot be distinguished from any other embryo in the 'animal' world without testing, but somehow is the same as a living breathing post born person?
"If" abortion was illegal than the states would have to determine what the consequences are for breaking the law. The probable punishment for abortion doctors is that they would lose their medical license, which of course, wouldn't matter to them because anyone who can work a vacuum cleaner can perform an abortion.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

The issue isn’t ‘abortion,’ the issue is the right to privacy, the right of citizens to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference by the state, and placing limits on the authority of the states in defense of individual liberty.

In the context of the right to privacy, therefore, the states may not compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law – where the right to privacy concerns other issues besides ‘abortion,’ and in order to ‘ban’ abortion, privacy rights jurisprudence in its entirety must be destroyed, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

‘Abortion’ is not a ‘standalone’ issue, it’s but one aspect of the overall doctrine of the right to privacy, a doctrine that will no longer exist if ‘abortion’ were ‘banned.’
Sounds like a certain 2nd amendment argument that's often comes from the right. Interesting how things flip flop on this issue
Except that the Second Amendment is actually in the Constitution, but the "right to privacy" is not. I've checked, it's not in there.

is that why 'the state' can conduct search & seizures without a warrant? is that why a medical doctor is not compelled to disclose information or face prosecution?
"If" abortion was illegal than the states would have to determine what the consequences are for breaking the law. The probable punishment for abortion doctors is that they would lose their medical license, which of course, wouldn't matter to them because anyone who can work a vacuum cleaner can perform an abortion.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

The issue isn’t ‘abortion,’ the issue is the right to privacy, the right of citizens to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference by the state, and placing limits on the authority of the states in defense of individual liberty.

In the context of the right to privacy, therefore, the states may not compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law – where the right to privacy concerns other issues besides ‘abortion,’ and in order to ‘ban’ abortion, privacy rights jurisprudence in its entirety must be destroyed, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

‘Abortion’ is not a ‘standalone’ issue, it’s but one aspect of the overall doctrine of the right to privacy, a doctrine that will no longer exist if ‘abortion’ were ‘banned.’
Sounds like a certain 2nd amendment argument that's often comes from the right. Interesting how things flip flop on this issue
Except that the Second Amendment is actually in the Constitution, but the "right to privacy" is not. I've checked, it's not in there.
I dont see abortion as a privacy issue... as cliche as it sounds I simply I see it as a woman's right to choose when happens with her own body. It's a right we all have.
If you went into a hospital and demanded that the surgeons amputate a healthy limb, they would refuse to do it. So it's not your body, it doesn't belong to you.1 Corinthians 6:20

A) removing that 'healthy' limb would not cause a beneficial outcome to the owner of that limb.

B) you are justifying your position by using a Christian Biblical reference. The Constitution does guarantee the right of & FROM practicing religion. Many people aren't Christians or are atheists; but you want to dictate how they are treated based on your religion. Sounds as fundy as the islamic fanatics wanting a caliphate.
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I heard some interesting conversations this evening about how many anti-abortion zealots think:

1. They were offended that Trump dared to speak the truth - about "punishing" women who have abortions.

2. They don't really want Roe v. Wade to be repealed because of all the backlash it would bring.

3. They just want to undermine Roe v. Wade by making it extremely difficult and restrictive to obtain abortions.

4. Hence, Roe v. Wade would still exist - but good luck getting a "legal" abortion.

There is no doubt that they want women punished - but they don't want to say that. They want to seem compassionate toward the woman. FACT: Women "are" already being punished in several ways

Good News, Donald Trump! Women Are Already Punished for Seeking Abortions.

Donald Trump Said Women Should Be Punished For Getting Abortions. They Already Are.
I can't get one pro lifer to answer my question... If they want abortions to be illegal because they are murder then why wouldn't they punish women? I
They are all running from this simple, direct and obvious question as if it were grim death. They know what time it is.

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If we go by the Chris Mathews example of "render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's" it's likely you'd still be a slave under a Democratic Parties political regime. Thanks to Republicans you're not.The Democrat Party, the American Party of slavery, torture and death and you're a proud member...:laugh:.
That's nice, but why aren't you answering the simple and direct question?

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