Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

If Trump can't even handle Chris Matthews - Putin would really fuck him up. Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker.

Oh, so now Chris Matthews is weak in your world? LOL Libtards and their revolving door views.

Chris Matthews is an egotistical motor-mouthed pissant - a legend in his own mind. I'd love to see someone slap him in the face when he constantly interrupts them - or at least get up and walk out. Chris Hayes is getting almost as bad.
Trump was right. Now, with that said, it was a "gotcha" by the seriously mental Mathews... Abortion isn't going to become illegal; so, it's a non-issue.

Matthews proved that Trump doesn't know a thing about conservatism. And that is because Trump has never been a conservative. He's been a left winger his entire adult life.

That is why whenever Trump is asked about any bedrock conservative idea, he fumbles like a monkey with a football. He has no clue what the conservative position is on any issue. And because of that, he prevaricates, he evades, he changes the subject, he flip flops, and he lies.
On this one, however, he got the conservative position spot on. It's just that their position is really radical and nonsensical.

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It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

If Trump can't even handle Chris Matthews - Putin would really fuck him up. Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker.

Oh, so now Chris Matthews is weak in your world? LOL Libtards and their revolving door views.

Chris Matthews is an egotistical motor-mouthed pissant - a legend in his own mind. I'd love to see someone slap him in the face when he constantly interrupts them - or at least get up and walk out. Chris Hayes is getting almost as bad.

I guess I'll skeptically accept that's how you feel. I've never once known you to say anything bad about any leftist though.
How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

If Trump can't even handle Chris Matthews - Putin would really fuck him up. Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker.

Oh, so now Chris Matthews is weak in your world? LOL Libtards and their revolving door views.

Chris Matthews is an egotistical motor-mouthed pissant - a legend in his own mind. I'd love to see someone slap him in the face when he constantly interrupts them - or at least get up and walk out. Chris Hayes is getting almost as bad.

I guess I'll skeptically accept that's how you feel. I've never once known you to say anything bad about any leftist though.

An asshole is an asshole - regardless of politics. When Matthews first came to MSNBC all he did was bash the Clintons.
With 80% of Americans believing that abortion should be legal all or some of the time, the anti's are living a fantasy.
That doesn't stop these radical rightwingers though.

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It seems that many of you are anti-abortion... So let me ask... If Abortion was made illegal, would you support punishment for women and doctors and any others who were involved in the abortion? Would it be a murder charge same as killing any other person? If no, please explain why?
This is the essence of Chris Matthews' questions.

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Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

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Trump is now saying that MSNBC "cut" portions of his abortion conversation with Chris Matthews. Rachel Maddow just said that was a lie - nothing was cut.

Trump doesn't know what he's saying. After running on the commitment to cut the Department of Education .... the other night on CNN, when asked what his 3 top priorities would be if elected -- education was one of his top three. :eusa_doh:
Are you saying kids 16 - 25 are too stupid to understand the law and make good decisions? Then maybe people from 16 - 25 should not be allowed to vote? Maybe parents should do a better job of educating their kids?

What would I do if someone broke the law? I would hold them accountable. 'Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law'...not even Obama's / Liberals'.

I would ask if the law was just and sensible to start with.

The thing is, you guys don't have a law banning abortion. You want one. What you dont want is a discussion of how that law would be enforced.
Nailed it!

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Rachel Maddow is currently doing a masterful show on Trump, Cruz and the anti-abortion loonies. Everyone should be watching.
I really don't this gusto from liberals on killing the unborn, it's seems maniacal, inhuman and just plain sick in most cases.
I heard some interesting conversations this evening about how many anti-abortion zealots think:

1. They were offended that Trump dared to speak the truth - about "punishing" women who have abortions.

2. They don't really want Roe v. Wade to be repealed because of all the backlash it would bring.

3. They just want to undermine Roe v. Wade by making it extremely difficult and restrictive to obtain abortions.

4. Hence, Roe v. Wade would still exist - but good luck getting a "legal" abortion.

There is no doubt that they want women punished - but they don't want to say that. They want to seem compassionate toward the woman. FACT: Women "are" already being punished in several ways

Good News, Donald Trump! Women Are Already Punished for Seeking Abortions.

Donald Trump Said Women Should Be Punished For Getting Abortions. They Already Are.
I can't get one pro lifer to answer my question... If they want abortions to be illegal because they are murder then why wouldn't they punish women? I
They are all running from this simple, direct and obvious question as if it were grim death. They know what time it is.

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I heard some interesting conversations this evening about how many anti-abortion zealots think:

1. They were offended that Trump dared to speak the truth - about "punishing" women who have abortions.

2. They don't really want Roe v. Wade to be repealed because of all the backlash it would bring.

3. They just want to undermine Roe v. Wade by making it extremely difficult and restrictive to obtain abortions.

4. Hence, Roe v. Wade would still exist - but good luck getting a "legal" abortion.

There is no doubt that they want women punished - but they don't want to say that. They want to seem compassionate toward the woman. FACT: Women "are" already being punished in several ways

Good News, Donald Trump! Women Are Already Punished for Seeking Abortions.

Donald Trump Said Women Should Be Punished For Getting Abortions. They Already Are.
I can't get one pro lifer to answer my question... If they want abortions to be illegal because they are murder then why wouldn't they punish women? I
They are all running from this simple, direct and obvious question as if it were grim death. They know what time it is.

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If we go by the Chris Mathews example of "render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's" it's likely you'd still be a slave under a Democratic Parties political regime. Thanks to Republicans you're not.The Democrat Party, the American Party of slavery, torture and death and you're a proud member...:laugh:.
twisted interpretations of legitimate legal concerns, as if a passionate pro-choice policy is having a 'gusto' for 'murder', is a typical disingenuous appeal to emotion. aka typical lumpy lameness.

rational human beings have a 'gusto' for reproductive privacy from dangerous government overreach.

pro-choice is a moral imperative that true conservatives understand.
twisted interpretations of legitimate legal concerns, as if a passionate pro-choice policy is having a 'gusto' for 'murder', is a typical disingenuous appeal to emotion. aka typical lumpy lameness.

rational human beings have a 'gusto' for reproductive privacy from dangerous government overreach.

pro-choice is a moral imperative that true conservatives understand.

"moral imperative" ... :lmao:

It was mainly a Democrat Party imperative to kill off and control Blacks, it's still working very well for Democrats, most abortion clinics are in poor Black neighborhoods as you well know unfriend... :wink_2:
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The media plays it's usual "gotcha" game with Republicans, while playing sleeping lapdog for the Democrats.
twisted interpretations of legitimate legal concerns, as if a passionate pro-choice policy is having a 'gusto' for 'murder', is a typical disingenuous appeal to emotion. aka typical lumpy lameness.

rational human beings have a 'gusto' for reproductive privacy from dangerous government overreach.

pro-choice is a moral imperative that true conservatives understand.
Anyone who claims to be a "true conservative" is neither.
The media plays it's usual "gotcha" game with Republicans, while playing sleeping lapdog for the Democrats.

Republicans should expect that and I have no problem what-so-ever with Trump's hypothetical answer. Illegal immigration, sanction cities , drug enforcement, Democrats aren't big on following the laws of the land when it comes to the illegal vote.
"If" abortion was illegal than the states would have to determine what the consequences are for breaking the law. The probable punishment for abortion doctors is that they would lose their medical license, which of course, wouldn't matter to them because anyone who can work a vacuum cleaner can perform an abortion.
"If" abortion was illegal than the states would have to determine what the consequences are for breaking the law. The probable punishment for abortion doctors is that they would lose their medical license, which of course, wouldn't matter to them because anyone who can work a vacuum cleaner can perform an abortion.
Why wouldn't it be a murder charge of that's what you feel is happening?

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