Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Rachel Maddow is currently doing a masterful show on Trump, Cruz and the anti-abortion loonies. Everyone should be watching.
Should abortions be made illegal was not the question asked.

The question asked, to put it simply, is if something was illegal should the person who broke the law be punished - Trump's answer was appropriately 'Yes'.

The problem liberals are having is the word 'abortion'. Replace 'abortions' with ANY other act - If 'X" was made illegal should the person who still does it be punished? Ummm....YEAH, because they would have broken the law. It doesn't matter what 'X' is!

The opposition to Trump's answer is due, in part, to Obama brainwashing liberals into believing the law does not have to be followed if you don't agree with it and because it specifically involved the act of having an abortion.

God, I can NOT wait until we have a new President, when the Rule of Law will be enforced once again!

Bullshit. There are plenty of laws you Wingnuts would like to ignore, like most of the gun laws and those laws saying Christians have to serve gay people.

Guy, the thing is, no one wants to see women punished for having abortions. Not only did every other republican denounce him, but Trump walked this statement back almost immediately So it isn't just Democrats who thought this was a stupid idea.

No, Trump's real sin is exposing the MISOGYNY of the "Pro-Life" bullshit. Deep down, the people who would snatch a school lunch from a hungry child's mouth do not give fuck one about "the children". This about you guys and how you hate that women are fucking with no consequences.

Trumpster just blew the cover off the scam...
Are you saying kids 16 - 25 are too stupid to understand the law and make good decisions? Then maybe people from 16 - 25 should not be allowed to vote? Maybe parents should do a better job of educating their kids?

What would I do if someone broke the law? I would hold them accountable. 'Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law'...not even Obama's / Liberals'.

I would ask if the law was just and sensible to start with.

The thing is, you guys don't have a law banning abortion. You want one. What you dont want is a discussion of how that law would be enforced.
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.

And no one is banning / grabbing guns . Doesn't stop righties from crying about it 24/7 .
Nice B$ strawman. I don't know of 1 single Conservative who believes a woman who has been raped should not be able to have an abortion, even thought the 'morning after' pill should prevent the need for an abortion - IF the woman raped comes forward.

You don't? did you miss the whole "Legitimate Rape/Gift From God Rape" that went on in 2012?

There's a whole lot of reason why a woman MIGHT not come forward after being raped, but I won't even bother with those.

I would bother with your hypocrisy. If you TRULY believe that a fetus is a human being with a soul and all the God given rights the rest of us have... then you can't support "executing" him for the crime of his father.
Trump is now saying that MSNBC "cut" portions of his abortion conversation with Chris Matthews. Rachel Maddow just said that was a lie - nothing was cut.

Should abortions be made illegal was not the question asked.

The question asked, to put it simply, is if something was illegal should the person who broke the law be punished - Trump's answer was appropriately 'Yes'.

The problem liberals are having is the word 'abortion'. Replace 'abortions' with ANY other act - If 'X" was made illegal should the person who still does it be punished? Ummm....YEAH, because they would have broken the law. It doesn't matter what 'X' is!

The opposition to Trump's answer is due, in part, to Obama brainwashing liberals into believing the law does not have to be followed if you don't agree with it and because it specifically involved the act of having an abortion.

God, I can NOT wait until we have a new President, when the Rule of Law will be enforced once again!

Bullshit. There are plenty of laws you Wingnuts would like to ignore, like most of the gun laws and those laws saying Christians have to serve gay people.

Guy, the thing is, no one wants to see women punished for having abortions. Not only did every other republican denounce him, but Trump walked this statement back almost immediately So it isn't just Democrats who thought this was a stupid idea.

No, Trump's real sin is exposing the MISOGYNY of the "Pro-Life" bullshit. Deep down, the people who would snatch a school lunch from a hungry child's mouth do not give fuck one about "the children". This about you guys and how you hate that women are fucking with no consequences.

Trumpster just blew the cover off the scam...
So you want abortions to be illegal but you don't want to punish women for breaking the law. I don't understand, please explain?
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.
I heard some interesting conversations this evening about how many anti-abortion zealots think:

1. They were offended that Trump dared to speak the truth - about "punishing" women who have abortions.

2. They don't really want Roe v. Wade to be repealed because of all the backlash it would bring.

3. They just want to undermine Roe v. Wade by making it extremely difficult and restrictive to obtain abortions.

4. Hence, Roe v. Wade would still exist - but good luck getting a "legal" abortion.

There is no doubt that they want women punished - but they don't want to say that. They want to seem compassionate toward the woman. FACT: Women "are" already being punished in several ways

Good News, Donald Trump! Women Are Already Punished for Seeking Abortions.

Donald Trump Said Women Should Be Punished For Getting Abortions. They Already Are.
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I heard some interesting conversations this evening about how many anti-abortion zealots think:

1. They were offended that Trump dared to speak the truth - about "punishing" women who have abortions.

2. They don't really want Roe v. Wade to be repealed because of all the backlash it would bring.

3. They just want to undermine Roe v. Wade by making it extremely difficult and restrictive to obtain abortions.

4. Hence, Roe v. Wade would still exist - but good luck getting a "legal" abortion.

There is no doubt that they want women punished - but they don't want to say that. They want to seem compassionate toward the woman. FACT: Women "are" already being punished in several ways

Good News, Donald Trump! Women Are Already Punished for Seeking Abortions.

Donald Trump Said Women Should Be Punished For Getting Abortions. They Already Are.
I can't get one pro lifer to answer my question... If they want abortions to be illegal because they are murder then why wouldn't they punish women? I
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

If Trump can't even handle Chris Matthews - Putin would really fuck him up. Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker.
Consequences for lawlessness isn't something a libtard can embrace; in fact, they even scoff at such notions.
That's the irony, all the conservatives are demonizing trump for suggesting that women who break the hypothetical law be punished. Why?
Let's look at this unhinged term a bit....Who is really unhinged here.Libs maybe.
First of all I doubt that anyone anytime soon is going to stop abortions.
So we know how much Libs love it so but calm down no one is taking anything away from you anytime soon.

As for the Trump question how else do you answer that type of hypothetical question....
If something becomes illegal as Mathews suggested and someone breaks the law and does it what else can the answer be?

Trump should have known better going on Chris Mathews show....He walked right into the set up.
It was definitely a gotcha question and it worked like a charm... But it does bring to light some confusion with the point of view. I agree with you, If you think Abortions should be illegal then I would assume you would support punishments for people who break the laws. So why did he walk it back? Why are Cruz and other pro life conservatives all over the airwaves demonizing Trump for his answer? Please explain...

How can u have a "gotcha " question on a major platform of the party.?
It's all part of the game. But it was a total gotcha... Mathews pushed trumped with like 12 questions to pull that statement out of him.

If Trump can't even handle Chris Matthews - Putin would really fuck him up. Trump can't handle pressure. He's a choker.

Oh, so now Chris Matthews is weak in your world? LOL Libtards and their revolving door views.

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