Trump up 2 points in Florida,holding at 16% with black voters

Trump isn't up +2 in Fla. And the voting pattern shows he's getting his sorry ass kicked. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Clinton could lose Fla. and still win. That's not true for Trump who is going down like one of his wives.

It's fun to watch you Clinton kids get all riled up over this. RCP has Clinton up 1.6 son, well within the margin of error.
Trump is a shit sandwich, why can't your Bitch put him away?
Because nearly half the country is made up of shit-eaters, and she is putting him away.

Ahhhh, there you have it, we are now "Nazi" shit-eaters.....we must be quite the "enemy".
Will you be picking up a weapon child......or are you just blustering on an anonymous internet forum making yourself feel all manly and shit?
You are the enemy, of liberty. Anyone voting for Trump and his Nazi police state is.

(smile) Your lack of education is showing son.
Trump isn't up +2 in Fla. And the voting pattern shows he's getting his sorry ass kicked. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Clinton could lose Fla. and still win. That's not true for Trump who is going down like one of his wives.

It's fun to watch you Clinton kids get all riled up over this. RCP has Clinton up 1.6 son, well within the margin of error.
Trump is a shit sandwich, why can't your Bitch put him away?
Because nearly half the country is made up of shit-eaters, and she is putting him away.

Ahhhh, there you have it, we are now "Nazi" shit-eaters.....we must be quite the "enemy".
Will you be picking up a weapon child......or are you just blustering on an anonymous internet forum making yourself feel all manly and shit?
You are the enemy, of liberty. Anyone voting for Trump and his Nazi police state is.

(smile) Your lack of education is showing son.
I know a Nazi when I see one. Their traits are well known. 4 Important Features Characterized by Nazi Regime

Trump admires Hitler the same way he admires Putin. Nazis are always waiting in the wings for their turn to rule by will not laws.
It's fun to watch you Clinton kids get all riled up over this. RCP has Clinton up 1.6 son, well within the margin of error.
Trump is a shit sandwich, why can't your Bitch put him away?
Because nearly half the country is made up of shit-eaters, and she is putting him away.

Ahhhh, there you have it, we are now "Nazi" shit-eaters.....we must be quite the "enemy".
Will you be picking up a weapon child......or are you just blustering on an anonymous internet forum making yourself feel all manly and shit?
You are the enemy, of liberty. Anyone voting for Trump and his Nazi police state is.

(smile) Your lack of education is showing son.
I know a Nazi when I see one. Their traits are well known. 4 Important Features Characterized by Nazi Regime

Trump admires Hitler the same way he admires Putin. Nazis are always waiting in the wings for their turn to rule by will not laws.

LOL, the link does nothing to bolster your accusations kid.
The sad truth is that you are nothing but a little parrot, you are told what to say and you do it.
Nothing more.

What is this?

"Nazis are always waiting in the wings for their turn to rule by will not laws."

Pig Latin?

Polls are interesting. If you look at the latest realclear politic average of polls it has Clinton up by 4.4%. 126 million voted in 2012. That 4.4% equals 5.5 million vote lead.

If you look at polling from New York State, California and Illinois, which no doubt Clinton leads big, it appears that of those 5.5 million votes in which she leads, 4.2 million comes from just those 3 states.

We can safely assume that she also has big leads in Mass, Washington, Oregon, New Jersey. That would exceed or come darn close to the additional 1.3 million that is the remainder of her lead.

She's banking a whole lot of useless popular votes, from states that don't help her.

This thing is close folks. It's definitely not a done deal
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Trump admires Hitler


You have no evidence of that.

But YOU support the AGENDA of the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS...

1. socialism
2. gun confiscation
3. state sponsored abortions
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public
"liberals" who censor that which they cannot answer.... typical.

American "liberals" are 100% illiberal - they are closed minded bigots who censor and lie and don't know or understand anything except how to get a government check

no doubt that's what dumb Donald and his breitbart loons told you. :cuckoo:

closed minded?

decent people are supposed to be closed minded to bigoted misogynist fascists. next time don't pick one as your candidate.
Trump admires Hitler


You have no evidence of that.

But YOU support the AGENDA of the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS...

1. socialism
2. gun confiscation
3. state sponsored abortions
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public

while I find the attempt at association with nazis' humorous, Nazis don't trouble you in the least since dumb Donald panders to them and re-tweets them and they make his robocalls.

fascism isn't a leftist's a rightiwngnut construct. you know, like Donald's.

normal people also know that a combination of capitalism and socialism is the only way to have a functional society. but of course you wouldn't know that.

DNA discrimination? wtf are you talking about idiota?

the media is not just don't like your wacko being quoted and factcheck. you, of course, are perfectly happy with the media when it covered the idiot non-stop and gave him millions of dollars of free media.

be quiet and stop whining.

grow up. get a job. get an education. do something with your life
decent people are supposed to be closed minded


A truly American LIBERAL.... who supports most of the National SOCIALIST agenda...

1. socialism
2. gun confiscation
3. state sponsored abortion
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the publc
fascism isn't a leftist construct

Next this dimwit bitch will claim SOCIALISM isn't a "leftist construct."

Trump associates with libertarian fiscal conservatives, who are 180 degrees from national socialist. Those who want to CUT GOVERNMENT SPENDING are the exact opposite of fascists.

DNA discrimination? wtf are you talking about idiota?

The RACE and GENDER PREFERENCES known as AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.... or are you "against her" and against such discrimination?

the media is not biased.

Journalists Donate Far More To Clinton

"96% of donations from people in the US media went to Hillary Clinton"

Apparently that is "not biased..."
and Jake Starkey was telling everyone yesterday it "was over" and Hillary "has already won."

Clearly, if Hillary already won, Jake wouldn't be posting here...
Why would that stop him? It's fun putting a little reality up your dumb Trump-loving Nazi asses.

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