Trump up to 51% Approval Today

From Rasmussen---one of the only reliable polls from Nov. 2016:

---------------------------------------------------------OBAMA----------------THE DONALD

-------------------------------------------------------05-Oct-10----------------05-Oct-18===Same time in Presidencies

Net Down on Strongly Disapprove---------Minus 11**-----------------Minus 1**

Strongly Approve--------------------------------30%----------------------38%

Strongly Disapprove----------------------------41%----------------------39%




** For you poor souls educated in a Teachers Union controlled rotting city in the North, run by Democrats for decades----------The Donald is beating Obama by TEN (10) points in this important category.

The polls are all lies, remember?
Its not my job to educate Dumb-Asses---mainly, its nearly impossible---but sometimes I feel charitable, and have time to waste. Most polls SUCK because they are run by the same Ass-Holes who give us Fake News, BUT:

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

"The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters."

"Likely Voters", for example means they leave out that horde of Welfare Plantation Illegal Aliens who are currently shitting up the streets of cities in the rotting state of California.
Rasmussen has a long history of ridiculously biased polling.

Their polls means nothing.

Once again, I am neither Dem nor Rep.
Rasmussen has a long history of ridiculously biased polling.

Their polls means nothing.

Once again, I am neither Dem nor Rep.
They actually don’t.

They have a fairly long history of extremely accurate polling though.
History says the party not in power will make gains in the midterms and take the Senate or House. If Dems fail to do either it will be a major upset of epic proportions.

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