Trump vindicated - Mueller admits no Americans involved in Russia witch hunt

You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
They tracked the lies during the 2016 election
Trump told ten times the lies Hillary did

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter
I know. Facts are hilarious, aren't they? Things Republicans laugh at. Oh those stupid facts. They always seem to have a liberal bias.
PolitiFact is anything but factual. They may occasionally verify a factual happening, but not often will they find fault in what libs do or say.

It is a shill for liberal liars.
They provide their sources

Republicans rarely do
Their sources are often also shills for liberal liars.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
What's your opinion of chronically compulsive pathological bald-faced liars like Hillary Clinton?
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
Hillary was by far the best qualified candidate for President in 2016. She would have made a much better leader than the bumbling liar we elected

But we sold out to Trumps empty promises and lies about Hillary
No. We regained our senses and realized that Hillary is a corrupt, lying piece of dog squeeze, unworthy of being in any position to determine the course of this great country.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
What's your opinion of chronically compulsive pathological bald-faced liars like Hillary Clinton?
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.

She also serves as a ready symbol of their misogyny and deep disrespect for women.
Men do not have a disrespect for women in general. Men have a disrespect for bitches, lying *****, and treasonous motherfuckers of either gender. Bitchillary qualifies in all three categories.

I personally put all women on a pedestal....until they fuck over me just one time.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
I'm going with bald faced liars like their Dear Leader.

What's your opinion of chronically compulsive pathological bald-faced liars like Hillary Clinton?
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.
Between The MSM, Mexico and the corrupt DNC....the Russians were the LEAST of our election meddling concerns......

It's like worrying about one worm on an apple in the entire crop,..... while the entire orchard is on fire.

The Russians maybe influenced say, 3 for every ONE vote the Russians influenced, the DNC and Left illegally influenced....oh...some random number here..........a million

(and hence the 3 million votes claimed to be Hillary's)
...likely all to be properly attributed to illegal aliens, multiple voters and dead people. The liberals have these sources controlled.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
What's your opinion of chronically compulsive pathological bald-faced liars like Hillary Clinton?
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.
Not that this means anything to regressive liberals...

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

...“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel probe, said at a Friday press conference...
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
What's your opinion of chronically compulsive pathological bald-faced liars like Hillary Clinton?
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.
Lies about her emails and private server. Face it, you dupe! Hillary is a goddamned LIAR!
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.
Lies about her emails and private server. Face it, you dupe! Hillary is a goddamned LIAR!
Perhaps you are correct. Vlad and the boys spent big money trying to convince folks all the stuff you are saying is factual. He and his troops wouldn't do that if it weren't all true.
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.
Lies about her emails and private server. Face it, you dupe! Hillary is a goddamned LIAR!

Yep, just as I thought. A nothing burger. Any lies Hillary might have uttered about e-mails and private servers do not affect you or me in any way. Those things have long been rendered irrelevant. The dupe is YOU. The Russians duped idiots like YOU into voting for Trump. Now that does affect us... big time.
They tracked the lies during the 2016 election
Trump told ten times the lies Hillary did

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter
I know. Facts are hilarious, aren't they? Things Republicans laugh at. Oh those stupid facts. They always seem to have a liberal bias.
PolitiFact is anything but factual. They may occasionally verify a factual happening, but not often will they find fault in what libs do or say.

It is a shill for liberal liars.

Perhaps there is a reason that PolitiFact doesn't find fault with those you call liberals.
There is rarely a fault to find.
Just like most six-year-olds, they never see fault with their own actions and beliefs. Typical of most left-leaning people.
Well, mr. adult; show us your maturity and share with us all the faults of your own actions and beliefs.
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. He cut revenue and is poised to increase spending. It doesn't take an economist to see where that is going. Oh yeah... He is also goind after MEDICARE and other social safety nets even though he made a campaign promise not to.
LoL Mikey - your interpretation kinda sucks but carry on my wayward son!

I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
Hillary is not in Trumps league when it comes to lying

No politician is
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore. Trump's does. So what are you prepared to do about it?
You are a complete fool if you think Hillary's lies do not affect us anymore. Her lies will affect us for decades. Her lies have displaced our confidence in federal government far more than you can possibly imagine, that being because you suck her ass continuously, regardless of what she does.
I don't really like Hillary anymore than I like you. And believe Trump bots make my skin crawl. But I can't think of a lie ststed by Hillary that affects me or you right now. Can you name one specifically? Hejp me out here.

How does that affect you or me today?
I know. amazing what passes for logic among trumptards
You have that backwards. Hillary is the epitome of liars.
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. He cut revenue and is poised to increase spending. It doesn't take an economist to see where that is going. Oh yeah... He is also goind after MEDICARE and other social safety nets even though he made a campaign promise not to.
. Well it could be retaliation after you all treated him and his family like dirt. I wouldn't blame him.
The Parkland schools shootings can be linked directly back to Mueller and Rosenstein. They are both complacent in distracting the FBI with nonsense Russia collusion investigations and illegal searches into private, irrelevant personal information, derelict in their duties and directly responsible for interfering with the FBI's operations and preventing the processing of information routinely provided to them that could have saved childrens lives.

Both should now face special counsel investigations.

Democrats and the Left must ask many more children are they willing to sacrifice for their endeavor to dig up non-existent dirt on Trump?
But Hillary isn't president. Her lies don't affect us anymore.

A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. He cut revenue and is poised to increase spending. It doesn't take an economist to see where that is going. Oh yeah... He is also goind after MEDICARE and other social safety nets even though he made a campaign promise not to.
. Well it could be retaliation after you all treated him and his family like dirt. I wouldn't blame him.
WTF???? retaliation???? Are you insane? Trump works for us. He is the hired help now. We do NOT work for Trump.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. .

I was already crying those things the last eight years with Obama! So much I couldn't even afford the beer!
A person who has been First Lady, State Senator, Secretary of State and ran for President TWICE, her lies don't affect us?

She is a great disturbance on the psyche of this nation.
She is an embarrassment to the USA and a dark stain on Justice and the Rule of Law. But most of all,
She is like an Albatross hanging abound the neck of the DNC and Left every which way they turn.
Shake her as much as they try, they can't get the foul stench of Hillary off their hands.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. He cut revenue and is poised to increase spending. It doesn't take an economist to see where that is going. Oh yeah... He is also goind after MEDICARE and other social safety nets even though he made a campaign promise not to.
. Well it could be retaliation after you all treated him and his family like dirt. I wouldn't blame him.
WTF???? retaliation???? Are you insane? Trump works for us. He is the hired help now. We do NOT work for Trump.
Trump is also human, so don't think he takes you Demon-crats bullcrap laying down. You all changed the game with your threats made by Obama and the rehtoric spewed by Jerimiah Wright against this nation before and after Obama was elected. Politics son, politics. Trump started out wanting to do great things for all in this country, but the Demon-crats pride is destroying that notion. Identity politics is killing this nation, and is bogging it down into stagnated Quagmire's that both parties refuse to back out of for the AMERICAN people.
All Hillary is good for now is serving as RW populist diversion to diminish the public focus on the diabolical deeds of the Donald. But that tactic isn't working. By listening to both sides of the media, right and left, I sense an increasing consensus among republicans and democrats that Trump is becoming more of a national liability than a national asset.
Apparently you do not have an ear for the American people or the obvious benefits President Trump has already produced in his first year in office. Too bad for you and the idiot detractors that want more corruption and socialism.
Before Trump finishes his term you'll be crying in your beer when inflation, loss of savings and higher prices hit. He cut revenue and is poised to increase spending. It doesn't take an economist to see where that is going. Oh yeah... He is also goind after MEDICARE and other social safety nets even though he made a campaign promise not to.
. Well it could be retaliation after you all treated him and his family like dirt. I wouldn't blame him.
WTF???? retaliation???? Are you insane? Trump works for us. He is the hired help now. We do NOT work for Trump.
Trump is also human, so don't think he takes you Demon-crats bullcrap laying down. You all changed the game with your threats made by Obama and the rehtoric spewed by Jerimiah Wright against this nation before and after Obama was elected. Politics son, politics. Trump started out wanting to do great things for all in this country, but the Demon-crats pride is destroying that notion. Identity politics is killing this nation, and is bogging it down into stagnated Quagmire's that both parties refuse to back out of for the AMERICAN people.

Again... Trump is my employee. I do not serve him, he serves me. Further he is but ONE part of a three part government... And my vote, multiplied by millions, is
the controlling device that an either restrict his ability to accomplish anything during his last two years in office by giving the House back to the Democrats or I can be benevolent and allow him simply be one term president who leaves with some modicum of dignity.

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