Trump Vows Payback - On Alaska

I like what der Trumpenfuhrer is doing to Murkowski, if true. She broke her promise to the American people she campaigned on, repeal Obamacare.
WTH Trump is such a child.

Make note, this will be the moment in all of American history where to courts will be the soul defenders of the Constitution because the Republicans are sitting on their asses as this ass willfully abuses power and threatens anyone that opposes him. Here in California we don't give a shit. Wail away you orange stain. Nobody cares if we temporarily lose any federal funding. Who gives a shit. California's economy is twice the size of any other state.

Also make not conservatives. Trump is setting up the next Democrat that is elected president to completely denude red states of funding. This shit doesn't happen in a vaccuum and as soon as Trump leaves the opposition says "ok let's all be buddies now". Republicans and Republican controlled states will be getting their teeth kicked in. This is the world YOU are creating cons. Pucker up.
It is to be expected. The nation is splitting apart. Surely you didn't expect it to be painless? Individual democrats, individual republicans taking their differences out in more personal ways.

Of course. A Democrat president will want to punish red states. There are just more red states.
Don't be stupid, but then...we all know you can't help it.

Is that a yes or a no?

If you think Fox attacked your Messiah in the same way as the entire elite establishment DNC media is attacking Trump, you are dumber than your posts that is REALLY dumb!!!

Two - if you think one media outlet equates to the rest of the elite establishment media, you should consider getting an education.

They are still doing it today, attacking Obama and Clinton, and they even attack the oppositions commentators. Fox is gross.
Damn...that is so stupid. It wins the Dumbest Post of the DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have the entire elite establishment 1% NYC/DC media shitting on Trump 24/7, but you think Fox is gross for its few criticisms of your Messiah.

Seek mental help ASAP.


Trump is a terrible president and a horrible person.

You expect the media to pretend he's not?
He is not as bad as Big Ears, but he is really bad. I suspect he is no more horrible a person than any recent presidents, including your Messiah and BJ Bubba.
it amuses me.

We often laugh because it's funny and we laugh because it's true.

Humour makes it easier for some to learn.
Sadly...I don't think this works on many, like Silly Jilly and Penelope.

I never give up hope that I can bring enlightenment to those who badly need it.
There is no way you will enlighten people like Silly Jilly and Penelope. They are too far gone.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted no on GOP efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act this week.

President Donald Trump made clear his dissatisfaction with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) Wednesday, when he tweeted that she let down her party and the nation by voting against Republicans’ attempts to repeal Obamacare.

But apparently Trump’s public disapproval is not the only way the administration plans to make his anger known.

The Alaska Dispatch News reported Wednesday night that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Murkowski and fellow Alaskan Sen. Dan Sullivan (R) after Tuesday’s health care vote to let them know her position had put some of their state-specific projects in jeopardy ― particularly those pertaining to energy.

Sullivan told the outlet that Zinke’s phone call carried a “troubling message,” and the interior secretary made it clear to him that the call was in response to Murkowski voting no on the motion to proceed on Tuesday.

More: Donald Trump Is Reportedly Seeking Revenge On Alaska Over Health Care Vote

Government by bullying and intimidation - much like Putin. Trump is a hateful and vindictive man-child - especially toward women who oppose him.
Trump's an asshole, but he did not invent this kind of retaliatory politics. Not by a long shot.

It is a tried and true method going back at least a century.
Let's see, if you vote in a way that pisses off your own Party's leadership, there may be a price to pay.

What's the problem with that? It has happened for the entire history of our beloved republic.

Bullshit. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. W. didn't do it. Obama didn't do it. Take your lying ass and get out of here thug.
I like what der Trumpenfuhrer is doing to Murkowski, if true. She broke her promise to the American people she campaigned on, repeal Obamacare.

The fact is that she is required to do what is best for the people of Alaska. Trump is taking it out on the people of Alaska and paving the way for Alaska to go Democrat in 2020. It is also interesting that Trump threatens a woman.
I like what der Trumpenfuhrer is doing to Murkowski, if true. She broke her promise to the American people she campaigned on, repeal Obamacare.
The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

The fact is that she is required to do what is best for the people of Alaska. Trump is taking it out on the people of Alaska and paving the way for Alaska to go Democrat in 2020. It is also interesting that Trump threatens a woman.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted no on GOP efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act this week.

President Donald Trump made clear his dissatisfaction with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) Wednesday, when he tweeted that she let down her party and the nation by voting against Republicans’ attempts to repeal Obamacare.

But apparently Trump’s public disapproval is not the only way the administration plans to make his anger known.

The Alaska Dispatch News reported Wednesday night that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Murkowski and fellow Alaskan Sen. Dan Sullivan (R) after Tuesday’s health care vote to let them know her position had put some of their state-specific projects in jeopardy ― particularly those pertaining to energy.

Sullivan told the outlet that Zinke’s phone call carried a “troubling message,” and the interior secretary made it clear to him that the call was in response to Murkowski voting no on the motion to proceed on Tuesday.

More: Donald Trump Is Reportedly Seeking Revenge On Alaska Over Health Care Vote

Government by bullying and intimidation - much like Putin. Trump is a hateful and vindictive man-child - especially toward women who oppose him.
Trump's an asshole, but he did not invent this kind of retaliatory politics. Not by a long shot.

It is a tried and true method going back at least a century.
If he can reinvigorate Jim Crow laws, it'll be a great moment in America.
Go Donald Go!

most people don't even know Alaska is a state. same thing for Hawaii.
"Hello? White House? This is Sarah Palin. I would like to talk to President Trump. He isn't in? Could you transfer me to the golf course phone? He isn't taking my calls? But, remember the speech I gave? You know, the Holy Rollers and Rock and Rollers? Hello....? Hello.....?"
it amuses me.

We often laugh because it's funny and we laugh because it's true.

Humour makes it easier for some to learn.
Sadly...I don't think this works on many, like Silly Jilly and Penelope.

I never give up hope that I can bring enlightenment to those who badly need it.

you couldn't bring enlightenment to a dark closet with a lightbulb
Wow! Silly Jilly can be funny.

Love you babes.

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