Trump vows to appoint Supreme Court Justices Who Will Investigate Hillary's Emails

Trap? They asked him what sort of justice he would appoint to the US Supreme Court. That is a pretty basic and obvious question, since the GOP is refusing to have hearings on Obama's nominee. This was not a trap at all. I was a perfectly valid question.

I can't argue with you on that. Of course I could predict what I think he meant to say. He is making mistakes. He is being made to look stupid and foolish at times. Maybe he is wearing down? 200 straight days of TV interviews? Enough already.

Now many will say, "if he can't handle Meghan Kelly how he handle Putin". About 3-4 people left who volunteer to do PRES job. Trump is one of them still standing. Why is he doing it? He had great life and wealth. We should be thankful a good Manager would drop his business in attempt to clean up FED GOVT. Enough with the setup questions. Take a month off.
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.

The REAL morons and promoters of crime and sleaze are the "people" who are willing to go any lengths to cover up the wrong doings of their favorite candidates.

Hillary KKKlinton is the REAL clown here, who sucking up to blacks with phony Southern accents and using plantation "English".
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.
Ditto for you for voting for the KKKiller.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.

Vince Foster; many more before that though.
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.
Ditto for you for voting for the KKKiller.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.

Indirectly and by failing to respond to clear AND IMMINENT DANGER, the death of four Americans in Libya.

Of course, she explained away her wrongdoing by omission by siccing her attack bitch onto five Sunday shows to cover up her lies about a non-existent video.
I did not see the "Supreme Court Justice" comment. I did see some bit of Cooper asking him what three most important charter of FED GOVT. Two of them he said Health Care and Education. huh? Then he got twisted and made to look stupid saying Education should be returned to States, no more common core. huh? Health Care? Where is that in the constitution.

I hope to God he is simply tired and/or trying to appeal to ALL at once? Me no like it.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.
Get real, dood. Every liberal in America covers for the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
So, in other words, you have no proof. You are just a liar.

You've got to look at this from Hoss' perspective. He's been trained to think that accusations ARE evidence. That if he can imagine a claim and the claim feels true....that it is true. Not that it actually happened, but more it doesn't matter if it actually happened.

So from Hoss' perspective he's not lying. He's sharing his emotions. And to him, emotions are evidence.

Look at your profile picture! I guarantee if there were zombies, your old, fat ass wouldn't last a day. What a joke you inbreds are.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.
Get real, dood. Every liberal in America covers for the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
So, in other words, you have no proof. You are just a liar.

You've got to look at this from Hoss' perspective. He's been trained to think that accusations ARE evidence. That if he can imagine a claim and the claim feels true....that it is true. Not that it actually happened, but more it doesn't matter if it actually happened.

So from Hoss' perspective he's not lying. He's sharing his emotions. And to him, emotions are evidence.

Look at your profile picture! I guarantee if there were zombies, your old, fat ass wouldn't last a day. What a joke you inbreds are.
Get real, dood. Every liberal in America covers for the Clinton Crime Syndicate.
So, in other words, you have no proof. You are just a liar.
Show me the proof she didn't.

Show us the proof that you're not a serial killer.
I can't. How did you guess?

Let's be honest. You're not smart enough to kill one person and get away with it, nevermind multiple people.
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.
Ditto for you for voting for the KKKiller.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.

Vince Foster; many more before that though.

I agree
But that one ....the Vince Foster murder....that one, was the darkest and saddest episode of crime in the Clinton's political history.:(
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.
Ditto for you for voting for the KKKiller.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.
Get real, dood. Every liberal in America covers for the Clinton Crime Syndicate.


It's very difficult for me to believe that Americans would even consider voting for the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

What has become of America? so sad:(
Adolf Trump is clueless.

I would not go that far. How many billions have others' created? You got a name on your plane up on the reservation? Squaw airlines? 3 seater Cessna to shoot buffalo? You got any 95 story buildings up there you had put in? Trump no Chump.
Adolf Trump is clueless.

I would not go that far. How many billions have others' created? You got a name on your plane up on the reservation? Squaw airlines? 3 seater Cessna to shoot buffalo? You got any 95 story buildings up there you had put in? Trump no Chump.

Aw, and you were doing so well - until you went off the racist rails. Various reports have stated that if Trump had simply invested his inheritance - he'd be worth about the same as he is today. So, in other words, since his father's death - Trump has just basically "churned" his inheritance in and out of various investments.
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Various reports

I am broken record, but the list is long of those who had a lot and now have nothing. We could all say similar........."If I would have put 1/2 of my first years paycheck" and done nothing for 12 years. ......Various Reports, LOL. Go water your horse before I yell LINK.
When Clinton wins the Whitehouse, Republicans are going to wish they had spent all of this wasted time on finding a better candidate rather than this constant penchant for tabloid style fake scandals. How many post-mortems are the GOP going to have until they finally get it?
You'd have to be a complete moron to vote for this KKKlown.
Ditto for you for voting for the KKKiller.
Are you saying Hillary Clinton killed someone? If so, give me proof of that.
They figure that since Laura Bush killed her ex boyfriend, Hillary must have killed someone tool
Instead of appointing a Supreme Court Justice why not pick someone fair and honest?

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