Trump vows to appoint Supreme Court Justices Who Will Investigate Hillary's Emails

Hows that indictment coming along?
Jes' fine. FBI is about to wrap it up. Then there's still Benghazi to clear up.
You must be really angry about the dozens that died at embassy attacks under Bush.
This lie has already been exposed over and over and over again.

The outrage has always been Americans dead and the lie over why. Don't let that stop you from repeating the BS though...
Don't be an idiot, moron. The facts are public record.

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Embassy Attacks: An Interesting History


You kind always surprises me with their determined ignorance. Why are you guys like that?

"You kind always surprises me with their determined ignorance. Why are you guys like that?"

That is the question isn't it. Why are they like that? They are utterly immoral yet they need to feel like they are moral. Maybe that is the answer. Their guilt is so overwhelming for the never ending failure of the people they elect that they project that guilt onto whoever isn't 'them'.

Scapegoating is one of the most powerful mental dodges available to the ignorant and the self-flagellates.
Jes' fine. FBI is about to wrap it up. Then there's still Benghazi to clear up.
You must be really angry about the dozens that died at embassy attacks under Bush.
This lie has already been exposed over and over and over again.

The outrage has always been Americans dead and the lie over why. Don't let that stop you from repeating the BS though...
Don't be an idiot, moron. The facts are public record.

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Embassy Attacks: An Interesting History


You kind always surprises me with their determined ignorance. Why are you guys like that?

"You kind always surprises me with their determined ignorance. Why are you guys like that?"

That is the question isn't it. Why are they like that? They are utterly immoral yet they need to feel like they are moral. Maybe that is the answer. Their guilt is so overwhelming for the never ending failure of the people they elect that they project that guilt onto whoever isn't 'them'.

Scapegoating is one of the most powerful mental dodges available to the ignorant and the self-flagellates.
View attachment 69762

California, the 'liberal' state, has an economy twice the size of the next state on the list.

Yeah those 'libruls' sure don't work hard.

Modern conservatism has taken the false argument and elevated to the level of a god. Phoney cliches and memes have replaced common sense and critical thinking in the conservative mind. And let us ponder, who herds them in this direction 24/7/365? Hmmm.

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