Trump VP announcement 7/15 @ 11:00am EST

Watch out for Ted Cruz. If Hillary is trying to think about Cory Booker. Then I'd like to see Cruz debating with Cory Booker. Trump might pick someone who also ran for the nomination. Rather than Pence or Newt.
I would love to see Cruz fall on his knees and be a little bitch for the guy who insulted his wife and knew he was lying but still implicated his father in the JFK murder. That would be hilarious!


That's probably what Lyin' Ted does when people ask him to consider being VP

Nah, he's actually enthused about speaking at the convention.

Has Lyin' Ted even convinced Trump that he's a legal citizen yet?
I don't like the look of Pence, he kinda looks like me.

I hope it is not Newt.

I hope it is not Christy

That democrat retired general is interesing.

I think he should pick a woman there is a whole harem of them in the Republican party.
Can't wait...will the America first candidate pick a neocon RINO like Gingrich,Pence and Christie or an American nationalist like himself in senator sessions!? Eh if he picks the trash just more space for my whitelivesmatter bumper stickers bc the trump one is coming off

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