Trump vs the media and both parties

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.
No, that's just American conservatives who want a mean-spirited authoritarian bully for a president, for some stupid reason.

wrong, mean spirited authoritarian is what we got with obama and what we would get with the hildebeast.
LOL you just want someone who will reliably be mean-spirited and authoritarian to the people who you think deserve it, can't handle even the illusion that it might be directed at you. You would cheer the immigration authorities kicking in a 1,000,000 American doors and dragging people off into the night but you feel threatened by the EPA and bullshit like that.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.
This is why we'll never solve illegal immigration. Republicans are too brainwashed to blame corporations for anything. Even illegal employers.

Tell me why you have a problem going after corporations ruining America?

You keep busting the drug users but won't go after the dealers.
Republicans want to use illegal immigrants as a political football but don't really want to solve the problem because the corporations that donate to their campaigns like hiring illegal workers for low pay. So the Republican Party is divided on this issue. On one side are there racists on the other side are the illegal employers who hire illegal workers
Begs the question: Why do Trump followers want to support Hilary Clinton?
Do they?
They apparently want her to win, since it should be more than obvious that a nit wit like Trump won't be elected President.
So Republicans who like or choose trump are stupid? He's leading in the polls. That's an awful lot of stupid Republicans.
You don't need many supporters to be number one in a field of 47 candidates, or whatever the number is now. The fact that there are a lot of stupid people who identify with being Republican goes without saying.
You just need more supporters than the rest of the field. This should tell Republicans kasich, rubio, jeb, Walker are not popular at all. The gop, whoever they pick, will not have a strong candidate. They just hope they can bash hillary enough to swing voters who right now choose hillary. If you believe polls which I don't.
It's too early tp count anyone out. Remember, Clinton did not do well early on.
wrong, mean spirited authoritarian is what we got with obama and what we would get with the hildebeast.
LOL you just want someone who will reliably be mean-spirited and authoritarian to the people who you think deserve it, can't handle even the illusion that it might be directed at you. You would cheer the immigration authorities kicking in a 1,000,000 American doors and dragging people off into the night but you feel threatened by the EPA and bullshit like that.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three
LOL you just want someone who will reliably be mean-spirited and authoritarian to the people who you think deserve it, can't handle even the illusion that it might be directed at you. You would cheer the immigration authorities kicking in a 1,000,000 American doors and dragging people off into the night but you feel threatened by the EPA and bullshit like that.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three
What is a rade?
LOL you just want someone who will reliably be mean-spirited and authoritarian to the people who you think deserve it, can't handle even the illusion that it might be directed at you. You would cheer the immigration authorities kicking in a 1,000,000 American doors and dragging people off into the night but you feel threatened by the EPA and bullshit like that.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three

"work rades?" I think you mean immigration checks on corporations. How many have there been under Obama?

Bush was a big amnesty supporter. That's why we don't want Jeb to be the nominee.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three
What is a rade?
You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three
What is a rade?
Oh, thank you/
Begs the question: Why do Trump followers want to support Hilary Clinton?
Do they?
They apparently want her to win, since it should be more than obvious that a nit wit like Trump won't be elected President.
So Republicans who like or choose trump are stupid? He's leading in the polls. That's an awful lot of stupid Republicans.
You don't need many supporters to be number one in a field of 47 candidates, or whatever the number is now. The fact that there are a lot of stupid people who identify with being Republican goes without saying.
You just need more supporters than the rest of the field. This should tell Republicans kasich, rubio, jeb, Walker are not popular at all. The gop, whoever they pick, will not have a strong candidate. They just hope they can bash hillary enough to swing voters who right now choose hillary. If you believe polls which I don't.
Trump appeals to the birther conspiracy nut job constituency, not enough to get elected President.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three

"work rades?" I think you mean immigration checks on corporations. How many have there been under Obama?

Bush was a big amnesty supporter. That's why we don't want Jeb to be the nominee.
Let's say Americans aren't having 2.5 kids each anymore and we need bodies to fill the jobs and pay taxes so we can pay all the baby boomers ss. Where should we get these workers from? The middle East, India, Africa, Europe or mexico?

They're already here. May as well be legal citizens paying taxes like the rest of us. And they should be paying into obamacare.

Now I'm all for cutting our population in half not doubling it so I agree I don't want more people here I want less.
Not Americans but people who are not Americans.

Stop kicking in doors of homes. Want to stop illegals or send them home? Go after the illegal employers. Kick in their doors and seize all their assets. You'll see it stop.

You just want an excuse to attack corporations and take their property. You don't give a damn about stopping illegal immigration.

Well, are you in favor of businesses hiring illegals or not?

Obviously not. Why don't you call the president and tell him to enforce the laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens? In the meantime, we can build a wall an penalize cities that declare themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals.
The year Bill Clinton left office there were 300 work rades a year in 2000 the year Bush took office that number went down to three

"work rades?" I think you mean immigration checks on corporations. How many have there been under Obama?

Bush was a big amnesty supporter. That's why we don't want Jeb to be the nominee.
They went back up under Obama. Unions insist Democrats deal with illegal employers who are lowering all our wages by flooding the market with low wage workers who take jobs Americans will do.
Why don't republicans or libertarians want zero regulations on immigration? Let the market decide. The free market will work itself out, right? And no minimum wage either. Let the American workers figure it out.
They apparently want her to win, since it should be more than obvious that a nit wit like Trump won't be elected President.
So Republicans who like or choose trump are stupid? He's leading in the polls. That's an awful lot of stupid Republicans.
You don't need many supporters to be number one in a field of 47 candidates, or whatever the number is now. The fact that there are a lot of stupid people who identify with being Republican goes without saying.
You just need more supporters than the rest of the field. This should tell Republicans kasich, rubio, jeb, Walker are not popular at all. The gop, whoever they pick, will not have a strong candidate. They just hope they can bash hillary enough to swing voters who right now choose hillary. If you believe polls which I don't.
Trump appeals to the birther conspiracy nut job constituency, not enough to get elected President.
Ted Nugent would be a good running mate for trump
Why don't republicans or libertarians want zero regulations on immigration? Let the market decide. The free market will work itself out, right? And no minimum wage either. Let the American workers figure it out.
Actually, I believe that is the libertarian stance on immigration in theory.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Neither establishment party has the guts to debate Trump on the issues and win on the issues. Instead they are trying to take him out with 'gotcha' crap that reminds me a LOT of liberals. When Fox News starts acting like liberals and using their tactics who's left, Rush? Here's what Rush had to say about this gotcha crap and in particular Fox News using the left's made up "war on women" lie to attack Trump,

Rush, "I have lost all respect for Fox News".
What if he called megyn Kelly a disgusting pig? He's not presidential.

Here are some names Democrats have called Republicans:
  1. Extortionists and hostage-takers
  2. Terrorists
  3. Saboteurs
  4. Anarchists
  5. Squealing political pigs
  6. Arsonists
  7. Murderers
And that's just for the government shutdown.

Obama called us "the enemy" for crying out loud. He mocked our religious beliefs, he mocked our 2nd amendment rights. Anything Trump has said is a nothing burger in comparison.
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.
I make a motion to recommend to Mr. Trump that he start of party of Capitalism, simply for the sake of capitalism; and announce his intention to create a Capital doctrine that states, we have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with; it is only a matter of time until we "earn" our multimillion dollar bonuses for the People; it may take two terms.

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