trump: walker may be choice for vp

Ryan is disliked both by the Trumpkins and the Cruzers.l

It would be akin to murdering a Kardashian on 5th ave for Trump
The GOPe like him. I think most Trump supporters would be ok, not ecstatic, with that choice. I'm not a fan of Ryan's (omnibus anyone?) but there's some give and take that must take place.
First off Trump has about alienated everyone, however, there is always Crispy Creme? So if he is the GOP candidate, regardless of whom he should select his bid for the White House will fall short. Looking for someone to blame? start with the failure of the GOP candidates to subscribe and adhere to the 6 tenets that define what the GOP used to stand for, prior to papa Bush and the RINO movement, strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, strict interpretation if the constitution, free open markets, decentralization of power from the central government to the states, and freedom. Look at the candidates, their positions, then you will have an answer to what motivates the Tea Party movement, implosion of the GOP, and why a Trump would even be considered as a viable candidate. The media has manipulated and capitalized on the discord which in turn stands to make a haul in the process. Visualize 8 years of the Hag and you will have an understanding of what motivates the Media, ratings! The time has come for the Rino's to move back to the Democrat side of the Isle, where they belong, and lets hope the GOP rediscovers the essence and core beliefs that once defined the party.

Trump has proven that the country will need to suffer considerably more pain before it can heal itself.

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