trump want the license removed from networks that did not carry his "victory speech" on NH


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Fascist will be Fascist. Here is a man who wants to be president again and he is advocating taking media license away from networks that did not cover his "victory" speech in NH. How dictatorial can someone be. If trump is re-elected, although he claims he is still president, this is just a sample of what the country is going to face. trump will test the fabrics of democracy, like no one before. The media and the judicial system are the only institutions that have kept him from destroying out country.

Fascist will be Fascist. Here is a man who wants to be president again and he is advocating taking media license away from networks that did not cover his "victory" speech in NH. How dictatorial can someone be. If trump is re-elected, although he claims he is still president, this is just a sample of what the country is going to face. trump will test the fabrics of democracy, like no one before. The media and the judicial system are the only institutions that have kept him from destroying out country.
Is that part of Day 1 Dictator planned executive order event?
No telling how much could be screwed up, with one day of an anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Anti-legal system, pro-Russian, Pro-Authoritarian, dictator with executive powers came to office, especially with legal hit squads, pre-pardoned. It is why Trump will not be elected and possibly not even on the ballot.

Fascist will be Fascist. Here is a man who wants to be president again and he is advocating taking media license away from networks that did not cover his "victory" speech in NH. How dictatorial can someone be. If trump is re-elected, although he claims he is still president, this is just a sample of what the country is going to face. trump will test the fabrics of democracy, like no one before. The media and the judicial system are the only institutions that have kept him from destroying out country.
listen to the fascist defend the 4th estate after it censors the leading American political candidate of a party they view as the enemy .

Fascist will be Fascist. Here is a man who wants to be president again and he is advocating taking media license away from networks that did not cover his "victory" speech in NH. How dictatorial can someone be. If trump is re-elected, although he claims he is still president, this is just a sample of what the country is going to face. trump will test the fabrics of democracy, like no one before. The media and the judicial system are the only institutions that have kept him from destroying out country.
Such is the fascist right.

Trump is the enemy of the First Amendment and democracy.
Is that part of Day 1 Dictator planned executive order event?
No telling how much could be screwed up, with one day of an anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Anti-legal system, pro-Russian, Pro-Authoritarian, dictator with executive powers came to office, especially with legal hit squads, pre-pardoned. It is why Trump will not be elected and possibly not even on the ballot.
Nov. 6 is really going to suck for you guys
Using the power of the state to intimidate, threaten, and silence the press is classic fascism, consistent with the authoritarian right, and Trump’s desire to be an autocrat and despot.
the left is the only power in the country that controls most of the msm and social media ... thats a fact and you know it ..
Is that part of Day 1 Dictator planned executive order event?
No telling how much could be screwed up, with one day of an anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Anti-legal system, pro-Russian, Pro-Authoritarian, dictator with executive powers came to office, especially with legal hit squads, pre-pardoned. It is why Trump will not be elected and possibly not even on the ballot.
you are soooo full of it ! you know what Trump meant when he made that statement jokingly saying he would be dictator for only one day to secure the border and drill baby drill ... you have let your effeminate side become dominant in your reasoning .. turn in your man card ..
you are soooo full of it ! you know what Trump meant when he made that statement jokingly saying he would be dictator for only one day to secure the border and drill baby drill ... you have let your effeminate side become dominant in your reasoning .. turn in your man card ..
He is the one that said it. He is the one that is full of it. He has talked of getting rid of cable networks unfavorable to him, now talking about this. Like usual the idiot brings it on himself, and it is on purpose to cause controversy. You guy say he does what he says he will do, so he very well may be a dictator on Day 1, for one Day, and what better way than signing crazy Trumpist, authoritarian Executive orders all day. He could rewrite the whole country and remember, he says anything he does officially or unofficially while president he cannot be prosecuted for or impeached for, (depending on which one he is facing at the time). Electing him would be a referendum approving that.
Simple. He will not be elected and the trump chaos will stop.
He is the one that said it. He is the one that is full of it. He has talked of getting rid of cable networks unfavorable to him, now talking about this. Like usual the idiot brings it on himself, and it is on purpose to cause controversy. You guy say he does what he says he will do, so he very well may be a dictator on Day 1, for one Day, and what better way than signing crazy Trumpist, authoritarian Executive orders all day. He could rewrite the whole country and remember, he says anything he does officially or unofficially while president he cannot be prosecuted for or impeached for, (depending on which one he is facing at the time). Electing him would be a referendum approving that.
Simple. He will not be elected and the trump chaos will stop.
lol ! are you so simple minded that you couldnt understand that his dictatorship remark was satire ?? he wasnt a dictator during his 1st 4 yrs and he wont be when hes elected again in nov ..hes going to sign executive orders to secure the border and remove regs to allow for more energy production ... did the sell out [Briben] you voted for sign executive orders on day one of his admin ? Briben signed 17 executive orders on just his 1st day ..
He is the one that said it. He is the one that is full of it. He has talked of getting rid of cable networks unfavorable to him, now talking about this. Like usual the idiot brings it on himself, and it is on purpose to cause controversy. You guy say he does what he says he will do, so he very well may be a dictator on Day 1, for one Day, and what better way than signing crazy Trumpist, authoritarian Executive orders all day. He could rewrite the whole country and remember, he says anything he does officially or unofficially while president he cannot be prosecuted for or impeached for, (depending on which one he is facing at the time). Electing him would be a referendum approving that.
Simple. He will not be elected and the trump chaos will stop.
so Trump now wants to shut down cable networks eh ... is that the rights version of the lefts fairness doctrine ?
lol ! are you so simple minded that you couldnt understand that his dictatorship remark was satire ?? he wasnt a dictator during his 1st 4 yrs and he wont be when hes elected again in nov ..hes going to sign executive orders to secure the border and remove regs to allow for more energy production ... did the sell out [Briben] you voted for sign executive orders on day one of his admin ? Briben signed 17 executive orders on just his 1st day ..
He never said he was going to be back then. He simply went against his oath to the constitution, multiple times, and now says he cannot be prosecuted for crimes committed. Trump is not to be trusted by anybody with a clue. Nobody but idiots are expecting him not to go after media that does not support him. It is part of what authoritarians do.
He never said he was going to be back then. He simply went against his oath to the constitution, multiple times, and now says he cannot be prosecuted for crimes committed. Trump is not to be trusted by anybody with a clue. Nobody but idiots are expecting him not to go after media that does not support him. It is part of what authoritarians do.
Trump didnt commit any crimes idiot ! lol ! you are one emotionally invested never Trumper ... :auiqs.jpg:
Trump didnt commit any crimes idiot ! lol ! you are one emotionally invested never Trumper ... :auiqs.jpg:
I suspect he will be a convicted felon before summer, certainly before election day. He is facing 91 charges and many will probably be proven in courts of law by juries of his peers. You are living in a dream world, and are one that would support him, even if he was, so, you are not a serious poster.

Fascist will be Fascist. Here is a man who wants to be president again and he is advocating taking media license away from networks that did not cover his "victory" speech in NH. How dictatorial can someone be. If trump is re-elected, although he claims he is still president, this is just a sample of what the country is going to face. trump will test the fabrics of democracy, like no one before. The media and the judicial system are the only institutions that have kept him from destroying out country.

For violation of Federal regulations? That sounds reasonable.


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