Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

Fellow Republican Liz Cheney, whoā€™s somehow never succumbed to Donald Trumpā€™s oleaginous charms (and lost her House primary as a result), isnā€™t having it. In response to Penceā€™s comments, Cheney, the committee vice chair, released a statement Thursday with committee Chair Bennie Thompson, to remind him of how that ā€œopportunityā€ was actually lost (and insert a mild mocking of his book tour).

It read, in part:

ā€œThe Select Committee has proceeded respectfully and responsibly in our engagement with Vice President Pence, so it is disappointing that he is misrepresenting the nature of our investigation while giving interviews to promote his new book.
ā€œOur investigation has publicly presented the testimony of more than 50 Republican witnesses, including senior members of the Trump White House, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Justice Department. This testimony, subject to criminal penalties for lying to Congress, was not ā€˜partisan.ā€™ It was truthful.
ā€œEvery member of the Select Committee supported the creation of an independent bipartisan commission. After initially supporting such a commission, Leader McCarthy withdrew his support and the bipartisan plan to create the commission was defeated by Republicans in the Senate. The Select Committee was formed only after the proposal for an outside commission was defeated.
ā€œLeader McCarthy had the opportunity to nominate five members of the Select Committee. Speaker Pelosi initially accepted three of those nominees and invited Leader McCarthy to propose two others. Rather than doing so, McCarthy chose to withdraw all his nominees and refused to participate at allā€”so that he could make the false claim that the Committee was entirely one-sided. This was a cynical choice by Mr. McCarthy.
ā€œThe Select Committee has consistently praised the former Vice Presidentā€™s refusal to bow to former President Trumpā€™s pressure to illegally refuse to count electoral votes on January 6th. But his recent statements about the Select Committee are not accurate.ā€
Pence knows this, even if he wants Americans to forget. Yet judging by the results of the Nov. 8 midterms, Americans havenā€™t memory-holed Jan. 6 just yet, despite Pence having used his vast stores of simpering twit energy to keep the wolves at bay.

RELATED: What happened and when: A timeline of the Jan. 6 insurrection

But why should Pence stop covering for Trump and his coterie of crooks now? Heā€™s got loads of practice. In fact, it might be the only real skill he has left.

(full article online)

It should be an easy decision.
No one is discussing ......."Impeached for what reasons".

What reasons are Republicans going to pursue to say that Biden has gone against the Constitution or the Rule of Law?
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No one is discussing ......."Impeached for what reasons".

What reasons are Republicans going to pursue to say that Biden has gone against the Constitution or the Rule of Law?
Biden is a typical anti-American Democrat, I'm sure they can find some reason to impeach him.
Biden is a typical anti-American Democrat, I'm sure they can find some reason to impeach him.
Rotten answer.

The Republicans say that they are going to impeach Biden. It requires a clear crime against the country, the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

They are very SURE that they are going to impeach, indict (that is what it means) Biden. Put him on trial and convict him. They have been singing it for sometime. Without pointing to ANYTHING that Biden might have done which has broken the law anywhere .

They cannot simply "find" a reason to impeach him.

So, in the past two years, what have you seen which would constitute breaking the law, going against the Constitution of the USA in Biden's case ?

What crime(s) has Biden committed against the country ?
What you wrote means nothing.
It has no context.
Biden is a typical anti-American Democrat, I'm sure they can find some reason to impeach him.


This reflects on how deranged you are. You're literally claiming it'll be easy for every Republican representative to vote to impeach Biden over something you can't even describe.

Last week, while on the interview circuit hawking his book, former Vice President Mike Pence had the audacity to maintain that the January 6 committee wasnā€™t entitled to his testimony. After all, Pence reasoned, heā€™d made his senior advisors available. He shook his head, made a face like heā€™d just eaten something Mother wouldnā€™t approve of, and indignantly dismissed the notion that he, Mike Pence, should have to testify under oath.

Heā€™s wrong.

Mike Pence not only owes Congress his testimony, he owes it to the American people. Pence seemed affronted by the prospect of being required to testify. His rationale was that it would violate the separation of powers, that permitting Congress to acquire testimony about internal White House deliberations between a President and the Vice President would upset our system of checks and balances. (Iā€™m fleshing it out a little bit more than Pence did, for the sake of argument.)

While that argument could be put forward in normal circumstances, itā€™s not the case here. Pence acted as though these interactions with Trump were in the normal course of conducting the nationā€™s business. But even without Penceā€™s testimony, we know enough to know that isnā€™t the case. Trump solicited Penceā€™s interference with the certification of the 2020 election and tried to lure him into the propagation of the big lie.

But we donā€™t know the details. Investigators donā€™t know and the American people donā€™t know. And they wonā€™t for certain unless and until Pence testifies. Penceā€™s top aides werenā€™t involved in the same way he was. They may have observed, but Pence was the man. When did Trump start discussing the idea of interfering with certification with Pence? Did he threaten? Offer anything? And how much earlier did it start? Was Pence privy to conversations about failing to concede a loss in the summer of 2020? Fake slates of electors? Did he push back and tell Trump it would be illegal? What did Trump say? Thereā€™s a full ticker of questions investigators need to ask Pence if the full picture is going to emerge. Americans are entitled to the full picture.

While the January 6 committee may be running out of time, the Justice Department isnā€™t. Pence is an important witness in their January 6 investigation because of his unique, close contact with Trump. His testimony, whatever it may be, is highly likely to illuminate whether the former president should be prosecuted.

.@JoyceWhiteVance: ā€œThe fact that Mike Pence is comfortable selling books but not comfortable testifying in bodies that are responsible for building a historical record and providing the American people with detail about what happened, thatā€™s just shameful.ā€

4:42 AM āˆ™ Nov 17, 2022

A simple example is illustrative. Imagine youā€™re an FBI agent investigating an attempted bank robbery. You learn that before the attempt, one of the key conspirators tried to enlist a friend to help with the scheme. The friend turned him down.

Youā€™d want to talk to the friend. His testimony would be essential to your case.

The friend has key evidence about the would-be bank robberā€™s intent and motive. He may know the contours of the entire plan. That evidence could be the linchpin in your efforts to charge people who came perilously close to pulling off a dangerous robbery.

Of course, itā€™s even more important when the crime is an attempt to interfere with the peaceful transition of power in our country. Thatā€™s just common sense.

Unless youā€™re Mike Pence.

There are good reasons to make sure a presidentā€™s can protect certain types of privileged communications from disclosure via Congressional testimony. It helps to ensure a president can get the best advice from people who arenā€™t afraid their words will be reported and perhaps misconstrued. But thatā€™s not the case here. This was about interfering with government, not executing its work. Executive privilege is not absolute. It can be overcome where Congress needs access to information to carry out its oversight function. Oversight is certainly necessary here.

If Pence was serious about protecting legitimate functions of the presidency, he wouldnā€™t have written a book and profited from his access. But heā€™s avoided testifying so far, simply be declining to do so. No one has tried to force the issue.

So hereā€™s hoping DOJ sends a subpoena his way. Thatā€™s something the former Vice President canā€™t easily duck.

Pence has given DOJ, and now the special counsel, every reason to believe he is a fact witness in possession of important information about a possible crime that they need to make a proper assessment of the situation. As recently as last week, in an ABC televised interview, Pence discussed Trumpā€™s conduct toward him on January 6: ā€œThe presidentā€™s words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem.ā€ He went on to say, Trumpā€™s ā€œwords ā€¦ endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building.ā€ If youā€™re investigating Trumpā€™s actions, youā€™d like to know more about whatā€™s behind these statements.

Mike Pence worked for a president who believed he was above the law. Maybe some of that rubbed off on the former six-term member of the House of Representatives. But itā€™s still shocking that Pence, despite his time in the House, flouted their subpoena, diminishing the constitutional authority of an institution he dedicated so many years of his life to. Pence needs to be reminded that the law applies to him too. Heā€™s a witness to a crime and in our system of laws, not men, high office doesnā€™t and canā€™t insulate a person from their responsibility to testify about facts they observed. The sooner we get back to enforcing those basics in a serious way designed to instill confidence in the rule of law, the better off we will be. The glare Mike Pence used on the journalist who interviewed him wonā€™t work on DOJ. The American people deserve to know the truth.


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