Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

Who else sends fake electors to Congress to compel the president of the Senate to unilaterally hand them the election they lost?
They would be the real and right electors if the fraudulent votes were thrown out.
[ It would have truly been better for him had he been able to join the Military, or done anything else with his life, but stay under his father's wing, the way his grandfather had forced Donald's older brother to follow the family business against his will and talent. Fred Jr. ended up unhappy, family destroyed, an alcoholic and dead in his early 40s. ]

Republican strategist Athan Koutsiouroumbas not only told Bannon that there was no mail-in election fraud in Delaware County, Pennsylvania (and presumably nowhere else in Pennsylvania), but that such fraud was nearly impossible to pull off, and that Republicans have put themselves at a disadvantage by eschewing mail-in voting.

“The first thing you want to do is try to establish, was there any fraud? Steve, there is no evidence that I’ve seen in Delaware County,” said Koutsiouroumbas. “In order to commit mail-in ballot fraud, you can do it in two places. No. 1 is that when you apply to vote by mail, you have to provide either your Social Security or driver’s license number. Now, we don’t have voter ID when you walk into a poll in Pennsylvania, but you need voter ID to vote by mail. So you need someone that builds a list, somehow steals a whole bunch of driver’s license numbers, submits an application without a voter’s knowledge, and then completes them. That didn’t happen.

“The second way you can have fraud is if there’s some type of conspiracy in a courthouse to not count ballots. I’ve seen no evidence of that in Delaware County. Ultimately, what the Democrats did is exactly what Republicans used to do prior to the pandemic. We used to have coordinated campaigns to get Republicans to vote by mail. The way we did that is we mailed everybody an application and we would chase it with a phone call.”

Okay, that election analysis is suspiciously lacking in pillow ads. Not sure I can trust it. Oh, and neither can Bannon’s minions!

As Raw Story pointed out, Bannon immediately noticed that his listeners were taken aback at the explosive no-fraud claims, and he appeared to realize that all of this non-conspiracy thinking was going to be difficult for his audience to digest.

(full article online)


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