Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

Sixties Fan, where were you on election night? Trump was winning when we went to bed, then after midnight all these votes for Biden mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
It is called counting ALL the votes. Including the ones which have come from Americans and the Military Abroad.

You make it black and white. It is not. You clearly know nothing about how votes are counted. Or do not want to know.

ALL the votes are counted. The one with the most votes wins. That goes for the Presidency and for all other seats.

Get used to it.
Sixties Fan, where were you on election night? Trump was winning when we went to bed, then after midnight all these votes for Biden mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
You keep assuming that all Republicans voted for Trump. They did not. Thousands, and thousands of Republicans voted for Biden over Trump.

The same thing happened this year. Republicans, many more of them, voted for Democratic candidates than Republican ones.

Red wave? Did not happen, because Republicans voted for Democrats.

Take over the Senate? Did not happen, because Republicans voted for Democrats.

The new Republican Congress wants to impeach Biden. I would watch the Sane Republicans, because they are NOT going to vote for any insanity as McArthy and Green, and many others are going to insist on.

I do not know what will happen, but if an impeachment goes forward, aka an incredible waste of time in pursuit of power by humiliation........expect Republicans to lose even more seats in 2024.

That is how it works.
It is called counting ALL the votes. Including the ones which have come from Americans and the Military Abroad.

You make it black and white. It is not. You clearly know nothing about how votes are counted. Or do not want to know.

ALL the votes are counted. The one with the most votes wins. That goes for the Presidency and for all other seats.

Get used to it.

Translations: "Dems gotta lie. If you ain't cheatin, you ain't competin'. Get used to it."

The texts are part of a trove Meadows turned over to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack that was obtained by TPM. For more information about the story behind the text log and our procedures for publishing the messages, read the introduction to this series. Meadows’ exchanges shed new light on the extent of congressional involvement in Trump’s efforts to spread baseless conspiracy theories about his defeat and his attempts to reverse it. The messages document the role members played in the campaign to subvert the election as it was conceived, built, and reached its violent climax on Jan. 6, 2021. The texts are rife with links to far-right websites, questionable legal theories, violent rhetoric, and advocacy for authoritarian power grabs.

One message identified as coming from Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) to Meadows on January 17, 2021, three days before Joe Biden was set to take office, is a raw distillation of the various themes in the congressional correspondence. In the text, despite a typo, Norman seemed to be proposing a dramatic last ditch plan: having Trump impose martial law during his final hours in office.

Mark, in seeing what’s happening so quickly, and reading about the Dominion law suits attempting to stop any meaningful investigation we are at a point of � no return � in saving our Republic !! Our LAST HOPE is invoking Marshall Law!! PLEASE URGE TO PRESIDENT TO DO SO!!
Ralph NormanRN
The text, which has not previously been reported, is a particularly vivid example of how congressional opposition to Biden’s election was underpinned by paranoid and debunked conspiracy theories like those about Dominion voting machines. Norman’s text also showed the potentially violent lengths to which some congressional Republicans were willing to go in order to keep Trump in power. The log Meadows provided to the select committee does not include a response to Norman’s message.

Reached via cell phone on Monday morning, Norman asked TPM for a chance to review his messages before commenting.

“It’s been two years,” Norman said. “Send that text to me and I’ll take a look at it.”

TPM forwarded Norman a copy of the message calling for “Marshall Law!!” We did not receive any further response from the congressman.

Based on TPM’s analysis, Meadows received at least 364 messages from Republican members of Congress who discussed attempts to reverse the election results with him. He sent at least 95 messages of his own. The committee did not respond to requests for comment. Some of Meadows’ texts — notably with Fox News personalities and a couple members of Congress — have already been made public by the committee, media outlets, and in the book “The Breach.” However, the full scope of his engagement with congressional Republicans as they worked to overturn the election has not previously been revealed.

(full article online)

Yet another Jan. 6 insurrectionist has fucked around and is finding out that following former President Donald Trump, his MAGA Republican sycophants, and their Big Lie bullshit only leads to one place: a dead-end road full of charges, convictions, and ultimately severe and costly legal troubles.

Devin Kiel Rossman’s attorney claims her client was a victim of the Trump machine and those fueling it. According to The Kansas City Star, defense attorney Ronna Holloman-Hughes wrote in her sentencing memorandum for Rossman that “before January 6, 2021, Mr. Rossman held a good faith belief the 2000 presidential election was in the process of being stolen by Joe Biden Democrat operatives.”

“Then President Trump trumpeted this claim to the nation repeatedly and loudly from the time of the 2020 election to January 6, 2021, and continues to press that claim today,” Holloman-Hughes wrote.

And it’s true, of course, that Trump and so many in the MAGA party furthered the false narrative, but falling back on claims of being duped hasn’t really saved his followers—especially those who breached the U.S. Capitol.

Rossman, 38, from Independence, Missouri, pleaded guilty in September to his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection and was sentenced to 36 months probation with a condition of intermittent incarceration, per The Kansas City Star. He’s also on the hook for $500 compensation for damages to the Capitol building. Rossman “entered the Speaker’s Office suite and tried to open doors while the Speaker’s terrified staffers sought shelter under their desks.”

The Kansas City Star reports that Holloman-Hughes’ document repeatedly cited examples of Trump’s fake stolen election claims, the former president’s directions to his rally audience to march to the Capitol, and various right-wing media outlets all pushing the bogus election conspiracy.

“Trump’s false claims were bolstered by our very own elected officials — local, state, and national, including Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri, who infamously raised a clinched fist in faux solidarity with persons gathered outside the Capitol before its breach,” the document reads.

“A defendant’s susceptibility to delusional thinking mitigates the severity of the offense and justifies leniency,” she wrote, adding that his beliefs were “cult-like” and “ill-informed” and his only drive was “to preserve the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.”

“From this factually flawed perspective, Mr. Rossman’s willingness to follow Trump’s explicit directive on January 6 to march on the Capitol is comparable to a misguided act of civil disobedience,” the defense attorney wrote.

Rossman is the 14th Missouri resident to be sentenced in connection with the Capitol riot, The Kansas City Star reports. But Rossman isn’t the first or last to blame Trump for encouraging them to participate in an armed insurrection on the country they claim to love.

Dustin Thompson was the first. Thompson, 38, an exterminator from Columbus, Ohio, says he went down “the rabbit hole” of election lies months before the presidential election even took place.

According to The New York Times, Thompson testified that he followed the former president’s calls to “fight like hell” when he joined the swarm of racists and domestic terrorists from Trump’s Stop the Steal rally at the Capitol.

“If the president’s giving you almost an order to do something,” he said, “I felt obligated to do that.”

In the weeks that followed Jan. 6 and insurrections were being identified and charged, many attributed their actions director to Trump and claimed they were just following “the president’s instructions.”


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