Trump wanted to court martial retired military officers over critical op-eds says Milley, Free speech apparently only applies if you support GOP cause


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Trump never respected our military & said that those who died protecting the USA were "suckers & losers."

Is this the same Milley who committed treason by hiding the nuclear codes from Trump, holding secret calls with Chinese defense officials, surrendered to the Taliban, and armed them with $80 billion in US weapons?
Trump never respected our military & said that those who died protecting the USA were "suckers & losers."

You believe anything that shithead traitor queer Milley says?

If you do you are an idiot.
Imagine a strong, dedicated patriot like Milley having to deal with a hypersensitive, weak child like Trump.

Talk about self control.
Is this the same Milley who committed treason by hiding the nuclear codes from Trump, holding secret calls with Chinese defense officials, surrendered to the Taliban, and armed them with $80 billion in US weapons?

My 500 foot perspective of the call with China, in my amateur geopolitical view of the world where I rely on abstract thinking based on real-life news, suggests that this call ascends to a level of danger and a far deeper nefarious place than media or most people believe.

If the CIA and FBI are worth their salt they had better be far more blunt and direct in their conversations with the military and politicians. What this call might have done to the National Security of the U.S and the rest of the world for decades in incalculable. Did he make such a decision on his own? If so, where are the consequences for his own coup?

This call seemed a purely political, dangerous move and I am willing to bet a great deal that this stunt, which is what I call it; startled China and woke them up so much that they decided "we have to REALLY push our military" and they have. It also pushed them closer to Russia.

He probably made this call with a motive, to tell China "hey, Trump lost (in a controversial election), but don't worry we will protect you (from the NON-THREAT that Trump posed and was never going to pose to China) just in case he attempts to attack you (which he never was going to)". Does anyone believe this call was comforting to Chinas leadership!??!

As I can surmise, it seemed he was in effect, trying to win over the Chinese government. now a global power; to get their buyin and approval for the changing of government. Getting ahead of the issue that didn't really exist. I might add, the Jan 6th Committee was almost as damaging and prolonged the global questioning of the "event". Again, for whose benefit? Establishment Party Members?

To me, if a guy makes such a phone call, without question, consequences are appropriate. Or what will you have in the future? If someone ordered him to make this call they should resign in disgrace and pray for some additional brain cells.

What China has planned militarily since that call is spectacular and the West knows it. Their nuclear arsenal expansion alone that they are pursuing is alarming. All of the Einsteins are high-fiving themselves, "alright, we got rid of Trump!" To those arrogant, genetic errors I suggest they read below, from 2021. Great work:

China expanding its nuclear weapons force faster than predicted: Pentagon​

Whoever made such a phone call is well beyond an idiot. There is a real arrogance of any Elite politician or military officer who thinks they can contain a local war, or worse in the future. This isn't 1990.
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Trump never respected our military & said that those who died protecting the USA were "suckers & losers."

I don't think I'm going to believe some cocksucking general that felt he had to warn the Chinese before Trump did anything against them.
Perhaps your LGBTQ+ status makes you lean toward acceptance of treason as long as it's the right people committing treason.
Imagine a strong, dedicated patriot like Milley having to deal with a hypersensitive, weak child like Trump.

Talk about self control.

Milley wasn't expected to "deal" with President Trump, he was only expected to listen and take orders from his commander in chief.

If the Commander in Chief says "jump", he should ask how high. If the Commander in Chief says "shit" , he should immediately squat.
Milley wasn't expected to "deal" with President Trump, he was only expected to listen and take orders from his commander in chief.

If the Commander in Chief says "jump", he should ask how high. If the Commander in Chief says "shit" , he should immediately squat.

Free Speech in the military? ... I don't think so ... what kind of MORON thinks military personnel have Constitutional Rights ... they don't ...

Military personnel have the UCMJ ... which says they have to SHUT UP about politics during a goddam firefight ... idiots ...
Anything and everything that comes out of the Jan 6th committee is corrupt.
Trump never respected our military & said that those who died protecting the USA were "suckers & losers."

You swallow everything don't you?
That is because you are afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Just like this Milley traitor.

The military isn't supposed to be a Partisan outfit. If the Republicans get back in, I think that the generals are going to have to be brought to heel to recognize that.
Imagine a strong, dedicated patriot like Milley having to deal with a hypersensitive, weak child like Trump.

Talk about self control.
Oh shut up .Milley is neither. Guy was committing insubordination round the clock....hello china here is latest info

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