trump wanted to invade Venezuela

How is their mess our problem? How is it a matter of our national security?

Because if they don't fix their mess they come here and bring their mess.

Are you going to pick up a gun and go down there or are you going to send other people's kids to die for your imperialist world view?

Actually, I would go down there, wouldn’t expect anyone to do what I wouldn’t do myself. Unlike you idiot liberals that feel others need to take care of you.

And I bet you would run into a school shooting unarmed....just like your orange king people are the definition of hypocrisy!

Sure....much better to sit with your thumb up your rear and do nothing....just like you people.

Face it....Putin's choice is an idiot....
Besides in the imaginary land, where is this invasion fleet?
Nowhere, of course. As everyone knows, his aides and the Pentagon all know he is an utter moron, and so I am sure they just all had a good laugh, once Donnie waddled out of the room.

"Waddled out of the room"....HILARIOUS....An Orange Duck!
Besides in the imaginary land, where is this invasion fleet?
Nowhere, of course. As everyone knows, his aides and the Pentagon all know he is an utter moron, and so I am sure they just all had a good laugh, once Donnie waddled out of the room.

"Waddled out of the room"....HILARIOUS....An Orange Duck!
Named Donald. elected a nine year old in a 70+ year old body. The trump king has been given everything he wanted his entire life. If he wants a war....he will have a war....and u trumpettes will wave flags and sing God Bless America when he sends our sons and daughters to die.

You are as close to being a cult as any since the 1930's Nazis.

Aside from the fact that your link is from more than a year prior, if Venezuelans want military action to overthrow their dictator, then it should be Venezuelans doing it. America first, and all that jazz.

Yeah, and it's improved so much in the last 12 months. I don't mind America first, but damn, then I'd have to hear all the whining from liberals about how unfair it is and have to deal with another 500,000 "asylum seekers".
Besides in the imaginary land, where is this invasion fleet?
Nowhere, of course. As everyone knows, his aides and the Pentagon all know he is an utter moron, and so I am sure they just all had a good laugh, once Donnie waddled out of the room.

"Waddled out of the room"....HILARIOUS....An Orange Duck!
Named Donald.
That's actually pretty funny! What's even funnier is the the ducks approval rating keeps going up even with 90 percent negative press from the traitor media and fools like yourself.
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Well, today in yet another interesting thing that comes out of Trump's mouth, WH insiders have said that Trump has been wondering if he can invade Venezuela.

Now, it's one thing to talk about a hostile takeover of another company when you are a CEO of another company, but it is something quite different to talk about invading another country like Trump is currently doing.

Trump repeatedly suggested invading Venezuela, stunning top aides – report

Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.” But the president’s musings about the possibility of a US invasion were more extensive and persistent than that public declaration, according to the Associated Press.

The previous day Trump reportedly took his top officials by surprise in an Oval Office meeting, asking why the US could not intervene to remove the government of Nicolas Maduro on the grounds that Venezuela’s political and economic unraveling represented a threat to the region.

Quoting an unnamed senior administration official, the AP report said the suggestion stunned those present at the meeting, which included the then national security advisor, HR McMaster, and secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Both have since left the administration.

The administration officials are said to have taken turns in trying to talk him out of the idea, pointing out that any such military action would alienate Latin American allies who had supported the US policy of punitive sanctions on the Maduro regime.

Their arguments do not seem to have dissuaded the president.

A grim-faced Tillerson stood alongside Trump the next day at his New Jersey golf course at Bedminster as the president warmed to his theme.

“We have many options for Venezuela, this is our neighbour,” Trump said.

“We’re all over the world and we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away, Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”
Only the black ones----- that also consider themselves as " dual citizens" Any time those nappy headed fucks take over a town it's a complete disaster. White Venezuela has no issues. Bring dollars or Euros. Same with Brazil.

Well said Comrade!
Well, today in yet another interesting thing that comes out of Trump's mouth, WH insiders have said that Trump has been wondering if he can invade Venezuela.

Now, it's one thing to talk about a hostile takeover of another company when you are a CEO of another company, but it is something quite different to talk about invading another country like Trump is currently doing.

Trump repeatedly suggested invading Venezuela, stunning top aides – report

Trump brought up the subject of an invasion in public in August last year, saying: “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary.” But the president’s musings about the possibility of a US invasion were more extensive and persistent than that public declaration, according to the Associated Press.

The previous day Trump reportedly took his top officials by surprise in an Oval Office meeting, asking why the US could not intervene to remove the government of Nicolas Maduro on the grounds that Venezuela’s political and economic unraveling represented a threat to the region.

Quoting an unnamed senior administration official, the AP report said the suggestion stunned those present at the meeting, which included the then national security advisor, HR McMaster, and secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Both have since left the administration.

The administration officials are said to have taken turns in trying to talk him out of the idea, pointing out that any such military action would alienate Latin American allies who had supported the US policy of punitive sanctions on the Maduro regime.

Their arguments do not seem to have dissuaded the president.

A grim-faced Tillerson stood alongside Trump the next day at his New Jersey golf course at Bedminster as the president warmed to his theme.

“We have many options for Venezuela, this is our neighbour,” Trump said.

“We’re all over the world and we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away, Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”
Quoting an unnamed source, insiders have said, according to anonymous reports, and on and on and on....... :rolleyes:
You know, making comments like this isn't going to help our standing in the world.

And, if Trump actually DOES invade Venezeula, that will piss off most of the world, both our allies and enemies alike.

(edited to add)..................And, Trump should realize that musing about a hostile takeover of another company while he's CEO of his own is quite different than musing about invading another country while president.
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OMFG!! Trump said what??

The FakeNews loves unnamed sources.

It's click bait for dummies....

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