Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

I have always been fond of the West African proverb: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
-- Teddy Roosevelt

Good lord! Now Trump wants the U.S. military to trot out its men and materiel in a public display of strength that is a military parade. He doesn't want to conduct a parade of the sorts the nation and jurisdictions in it have hosted for returning members of the military, but rather the sort wherein displays of military might is itself is a key purpose for the parade.

What's the difference between the two types of parade? The incidence of their happenstance and political focus on the military and on the state itself and there being a focus of some measure on the leaders of the state.

Parades for members of the military:

WWII Victory Parade



Desert Storm Victory Parade

Parades about the military:

Let's not kid ourselves, a military parade is the very opposite of "speaking softly" and the only folks who are concerned that others know anything about their "stick," big or otherwise, are sexual predators and bullies of other sorts.

Just like Putin does! And Rocket Man!

D'ya suppose there will be billboards with Trump's picture on em lining the route? Will medals be struck and armbands issued?

Get used to the phrase "papers please!"
Too bad liberals do not appreciate the military that defends them. Give our military praise. France, Great Britain, Poland...lots of democracies have military parades.
This liberal is a two time Army veteran you stupid kunt...and my kids are veterans also....You do nothing but divide all the damn day long..What a fucking waste of air.......
I'd say Rubber Room this piece of crap OP but just deleting it would be better. :puke:
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
It's better then another one of your homo parades

Does a "homo parade" cost the tax payers millions of dollars?
Aids has been pretty costly

And you think there would be significantly fewer cases of HIV if there were no "homo parades"?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think spending millions of tax dollars on a massive military parade is wasting the hard earned pay of the American tax payer.
It's better then another one of your homo parades

Does a "homo parade" cost the tax payers millions of dollars?
Aids has been pretty costly

And you think there would be significantly fewer cases of HIV if there were no "homo parades"?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think spending millions of tax dollars on a massive military parade is wasting the hard earned pay of the American tax payer.
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
France has a huge military parade every year - July 14th. They are obviously, as described by the OP, a dictatorship .


Too fcking funny.


That is not allowed in this thread.

This past year...The French Parade honored the American Doughboys
who went to France and saved Europe the First Time.

Trump was the guest of honor.
This is real?

Holy crap, talk about playing right into the Dems' hands.

Let the Democrats shit all over the parade. BTW! You shitheads claiming the parade is a show of power are wrong. It's a fucking celebration of our military and the public will agree and love the idea. Go ahead and take a knee assholes and watch the results of the 2018 elections.

I am not shitting all over anything. I am opposed to wasting my tax dollars on such a display.
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

And my main point has been opposition to spending millions of dollars on this parade. I notice you conveniently ignored that part.
Watch as the rabid Left foams at the mouth claiming the President wants to be like communist military dictatorships. Ha ha. Damn, I'm getting my dime's worth with this President.

I love it!

Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

And my main point has been opposition to spending millions of dollars on this parade. I notice you conveniently ignored that part.
We don't care about debt. Ask $10 trillion Hussein.
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.

We? I have been consistently opposed to the debt and the mind set that spends tax payer dollars like it means nothing.
Why aren't the conservatives fighting against spending millions of tax payer dollars on a senseless display of the military might that the world already knows we possess?
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

And my main point has been opposition to spending millions of dollars on this parade. I notice you conveniently ignored that part.
We don't care about debt. Ask $10 trillion Hussein.

I care about the debt. And the majority of conservatives have talked against wasteful spending over and over and over. But none have favored actually spending less.
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
We know you're a bunch of homos, too. We remember when Obama lit up the WH with rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage.

And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.

We? I have been consistently opposed to the debt and the mind set that spends tax payer dollars like it means nothing.
Then you did vote for Trump after that massive debt run under Obama.
Does a "homo parade" cost the tax payers millions of dollars?
Aids has been pretty costly

And you think there would be significantly fewer cases of HIV if there were no "homo parades"?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think spending millions of tax dollars on a massive military parade is wasting the hard earned pay of the American tax payer.
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think military parades have no effect on whether we have fewer or more wars.
And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
And what did that rainbow lighting cost the tax payers? $100? $500?

YOu answer was a nice dodge. Conservatives claim to be in favor of not wasting tax money. Why are they ok with this?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.

We? I have been consistently opposed to the debt and the mind set that spends tax payer dollars like it means nothing.
Then you did vote for Trump after that massive debt run under Obama.
Trump will run up the debt along with Congress after complaining about how the debt was increasing under Oblama..Do you see any difference?
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
Your posit was that a military parade was meaningless, as the purpose was already known.

The same holds true of homo parades.

But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.

We? I have been consistently opposed to the debt and the mind set that spends tax payer dollars like it means nothing.
Then you did vote for Trump after that massive debt run under Obama.
Trump will run up the debt along with Congress after complaining about how the debt was increasing under Oblama..Do you see any difference?
Both run up debts. You only complain about one.

There's your difference.
Aids has been pretty costly

And you think there would be significantly fewer cases of HIV if there were no "homo parades"?
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think spending millions of tax dollars on a massive military parade is wasting the hard earned pay of the American tax payer.
Do you think there would be fewer wars without military parades?

I think military parades have no effect on whether we have fewer or more wars.
In that sense they're like homo parades and their effect on aids cases.
Homo prades are financed by themselves, the military and the planned expense is paid for by taxpayers...
But the homo parades don't cost millions of dollars for the tax payers.
We won't even worry about debt when it rages up $10 trillion.

We? I have been consistently opposed to the debt and the mind set that spends tax payer dollars like it means nothing.
Then you did vote for Trump after that massive debt run under Obama.
Trump will run up the debt along with Congress after complaining about how the debt was increasing under Oblama..Do you see any difference?
Both run up debts. You only complain about one.

There's your difference.

Only one is in office now. I, for one, complained when Obama was in office. I complained when George W. was in office.

Unlike partisan hacks, I hold both sides to the same standard.

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