Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.
Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.
The last time we had a military parade the president had actually been in the military.

No one even thought of referring to him as Cadet Bone Spurs.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Libtards hate the military for reasons unknown to me.
You voted for a guy who only respects soldiers who weren`t captured. The GOP`s supposed love for the military died on election day. Dismissed! I know, Trump has a purple heart and he`s been to Vietnam. BTW, grownups don`t say idiotic shit like "libtard" so I`ll assume school has a 2 hour delay this morning.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.
Maybe neither would be best.
I don't like it. Too North Korea-ish. Or Hitler-ish. I TOLD you all that our Pres is like a kid with his toy soldiers. This is getting out of hand.
When the commander in chief gives an order they don’t consider, they do.
Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Libtards hate the military for reasons unknown to me.
You voted for a guy who only respects soldiers who weren`t captured. The GOP`s supposed love for the military died on election day. Dismissed! I know, Trump has a purple heart and he`s been to Vietnam. BTW, grownups don`t say idiotic shit like "libtard" so I`ll assume school has a 2 hour delay this morning.

Will our President allow POWs in his parade or does he only like those who were not captured?
It's brilliant!

It's a shot across the bow to the Deep State, oath breakers in the FBI, Soros and Obama.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.

So, killing is better than sex?


What a third grade level attempt. You're serious with that stupid shit?

A military parade isn't a show of or representing killing. A great many people in this country have pride and respect for those that fight for us. You'd do well to remember that. Maybe you wouldn't come off as such a simpering hater.
Those assholes in those sickening parades those here are referencing are in no way representative of the everyday, average gay. They don't go about making a mockery of themselves with foolishness and disgusting behavior like sticking dicks in mufflers and anything else that doesn't run away. All on national TV. They are pigs.
You're getting way off track with this gay thing. This is about Mr. Trump wanting to compete with North Korea for the biggest show of military toys. If he could do it while the Olympics was going, he would. Probably can't pull one off that fast, though.

I've watched plenty of parades with the National Guard units and the Veterans of Foreign Wars marching and that's fine and lovely. I do NOT want to see tanks and what-all creeping down our streets. That's showing off our killing potential. We like to do our killing without a lot of advertising.
That's how I feel about it.
The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.
Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

You must admit that Libtard has a better ring than Rightwinger. Perhaps Lefttard is a better word.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.
Maybe neither would be best.
A guy wearing feathers is so dangerous but torch carrying Nazi’s screaming Jews won’t replace us is merely free speech.
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.

So, killing is better than sex?


What a third grade level attempt. You're serious with that stupid shit?

A military parade isn't a show of or representing killing. A great many people in this country have pride and respect for those that fight for us. You'd do well to remember that. Maybe you wouldn't come off as such a simpering hater.
Those assholes in those sickening parades those here are referencing are in no way representative of the everyday, average gay. They don't go about making a mockery of themselves with foolishness and disgusting behavior like sticking dicks in mufflers and anything else that doesn't run away. All on national TV. They are pigs.
You're getting way off track with this gay thing. This is about Mr. Trump wanting to compete with North Korea for the biggest show of military toys. If he could do it while the Olympics was going, he would. Probably can't pull one off that fast, though.

I've watched plenty of parades with the National Guard units and the Veterans of Foreign Wars marching and that's fine and lovely. I do NOT want to see tanks and what-all creeping down our streets. That's showing off our killing potential. We like to do our killing without a lot of advertising.
That's how I feel about it.
Trump got the idea from the Bastille Day parade. Think that won’t include tanks from mr. excess?
Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

You must admit that Libtard has a better ring than Rightwinger. Perhaps Lefttard is a better word.

Right & Left are perfectly acceptable terms for the opposing sides of our political spectrum. "Rightwinger" simply means far right as opposed to being a centrist.
Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Dress Blue Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress blue uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

There`s no evidence that anyone was spit on anywhere. Nobody made that claim until Stallone mumbled it in the first Rambo movie. The topic has been researched and written about.
The Spitting Image - Wikipedia
It's better then another one of your homo parades
You think military parades with tanks and missiles is better than a gay parade with people celebrating equality?

Yes. A parade of our military is far better than a half naked fella with colored feathers covering his dick as he sashays down the street in a rainbow colored tophat.
No it's not. Why would you say something like that?

Have right wingers lost their collective minds??????????????
No, but you obviously have.
Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.

The problem, imho, is that the term "libtard" pops up everytime someone disagrees with a rightwinger.

You must admit that Libtard has a better ring than Rightwinger. Perhaps Lefttard is a better word.

Right & Left are perfectly acceptable terms for the opposing sides of our political spectrum. "Rightwinger" simply means far right as opposed to being a centrist.

You are too smart for me to get in a political discussion. No pun intended or meant.

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