Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

"Small hands" Trump


The pic on the right is NK in the US. Little NK with about 25 million people have a parade once a year.

The bone spur cadet is a f.....g ass.....
Quick much money is it going to cost to repave the streets at 1600 Penn. Ave when the tanks get finished running past the WH?
Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

filthy savages , who do you mean?
French Military parade...

So since you are fond of the French way, are you going to be fond of universal healthcare and public 4 year universities?

What does that have to do with military pride?

You conservatives are always tearing down France. Yet when they do something that fits your agenda, all of sudden the French are cool. So while you're praising their military parade, why not praise the other things they do.

We do not need parades to show off our military power. The unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is enough evidence of our military power.
Just like Putin does! And Rocket Man!

D'ya suppose there will be billboards with Trump's picture on em lining the route? Will medals be struck and armbands issued?

Get used to the phrase "papers please!"
Fat Donnie can show off his toys and then brag to Putin and Lil Rocket Man
Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Dress Blue Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress blue uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.
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Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.
This is real?

Holy crap, talk about playing right into the Dems' hands.

Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Who pays for this? The tax payers?

Who benefits from it? The same men & women who will someday be fighting to get the benefits we promised them?

And showing off the military might is typically to try to intimidate potential enemies. Our potential enemies already KNOW we have the biggest military. It is common knowledge that we spend more than the next 8 countries combined.

Plus, the military might that will be paraded is not what scares our potential enemies. The technology that makes our military so fearsome will not be on display.
Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Dress Blue Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress blue uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

The way our returning soldiers were treated then was an atrocity.

But does that happen now?
Brit’s are proud of their military...

So the US never does military parades?

The UK doesn't do "Let's show everyone how fucking strong we are" parades.

The Hell March is a MARCH, not a parade. They do parade, but they don't do full out, fucked up, let's show the world who we are, military parades.

Understanding something before you post might help.

The UK army has regimental marches. They're not for the public to gush about how great they are at killing.

The last military parade I marched in was down Main Street, West Jeff, Ohio. That was over 35 years ago and wore a pure white t-shirt and carried 30-06 bolt action rifle and had my VFW cap on. That was a Memorial Day Parade and the American Legion marched behind us. We did a few facing movements.

Last one I marched in was MCRD San Diego at graduation. Otherwise units came back from overseas piece meal so no parade. Flew back to restore order in Los Angeles when the filthy savages rioted.

Libtards will call this a lie but I never lie. When I came back from nam the MAC flight landed at LAX and in the airport terminal hippies spat on and called me a baby killer when wearing my Navy Blue Dress Uniform. A Marine Major saw that and came running to my side in his dress uniform wanting to kick their ass. I told the Major no because I am going home on leave.

People often want to express themselves but struggle to find the right source of the problem.

We see people directing attacks to people for no reason on forums like this all the time. Some people use terms like "Libtards" and the like.

What, are you suggesting that all Liberals are retards? Well, you'd be wrong and it's a lie to say such a thing. Also saying you never lie when you've just lied, is lie.

Prove it! You assume facts not in evidence. Lib can mean librarian but tard is self-explanatory.
It's a matter of default fact that the Democrats hate the military, but they do love themselves a big parade.

Showcase our military and it’s fighting strength. Let them march and be proud again after decades of liberals tearing down the military with PC bullshit.
Trump tells Pentagon to plan a military parade - CNNPolitics

Who pays for this? The tax payers?

Who benefits from it? The same men & women who will someday be fighting to get the benefits we promised them?

And showing off the military might is typically to try to intimidate potential enemies. Our potential enemies already KNOW we have the biggest military. It is common knowledge that we spend more than the next 8 countries combined.

Plus, the military might that will be paraded is not what scares our potential enemies. The technology that makes our military so fearsome will not be on display.

Maybe Trump can parade an A Bomb down Pennsylvania Ave

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