Trump wants Muslim registry

He would not rule it out.

Nor should he have. The job of POTUS is to protect and defend this nation against ALL enemies, FOREIGN or DEOMESTIC. If that requires registration, tracking, or internment, so be it.

Right. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. It's fashionable now to carry on about oh-how-awful Japanese internment in WWII was ----- but those Japanese mainly lived right by the shipyards where the Yorktown and other ships were being repaired and refitted and sent right back to sea. Japanese spies could have lost us Midway. I think the internment was entirely appropriate: we knew how to WIN wars in those days, and we've lost that. Now we can't go to war because the whole nation knows we can't ever win. Trump could change that. He reminds me a lot of Teddy Roosevelt --- except of course for the "speak softly" part.
[QUOTE="healthmyths, post: 12859272, member: 32646]
This was a totally made up ambushed question that was never suggested till the reporter did!!!

Today, the media declared Donald Trump a Nazi. Why? Well, according to outlets ranging from NBC News to The New York Times, Trump endorsed the idea of registering all Muslims in the United States with the government.

There’s only one problem: he didn’t.

His go-to answer when he’s asked questions about topics he doesn’t really get is something along the lines of, “We’re going to have to look at that.”

Huh. This is a good thread; I believed this lie, so I've learned something. When there is a thread with some leftist complaining about something a candidate has supposedly said, assume it may be a lie before replying and go check. I wouldn't report a lie, so I always suppose no one else would: silly me. Maybe the thread parent didn't realize it wasn't true, of course.
Huh. This is a good thread; I believed this lie, so I've learned something. When there is a thread with some leftist complaining about something a candidate has supposedly said, assume it may be a lie before replying and go check. I wouldn't report a lie, so I always suppose no one else would: silly me. Maybe the thread parent didn't realize it wasn't true, of course.
Except the thread title IS true, the Rightists can only lie about it so they blame the media because once the Right hears the magic words "liberal media" they block out any and all facts to the contrary.
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Huh. This is a good thread; I believed this lie, so I've learned something. When there is a thread with some leftist complaining about something a candidate has supposedly said, assume it may be a lie before replying and go check. I wouldn't report a lie, so I always suppose no one else would: silly me. Maybe the thread parent didn't realize it wasn't true, of course.
Except the thread title IS true, the Rightists can only lie about it so they blame the media because once the Right hears the magic words "liberal media" they block out they block out any and all facts to the contrary.

Just one of many stupid comments made by the GOP front runner, and presumably the GOP nominee.

It is going to be wonderful to see Donald destroy the GOP!
[QUOTE="JimH52, post: 12860580, member: 6882]

It is going to be wonderful to see Donald destroy the GOP![/QUOTE]

The GOP has been self-destructing since the 2012 elections, when the professionals lost control and the "clown car" show started with far too many candidates. The professional pols worked very hard to keep control of this election, but wow, did they ever fail ---- more candidates than ever have started up, the debate stages look like the border of Croatia and Slovenia. Also, the professionals evidently told the gullible candidates that they should all say loudly that they were anti-abortion NO MATTER WHAT, even if it had never come up before in their political career, as with Scott Walker. So they did that (except for Trump, who had better sense) and the voters didn't like it and out they go.

I thought Libertarians would replace the GOP like the Republicans replaced the Whigs in Lincoln's time, but instead the leaders are non-politicians who are taking over, Trump, Carson, and Fiorina. Even Cruz and Rubio, the one-term senators, are doing better than the long-time pols.
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Trump distances himself from database to track Muslims
Donald Trump on Friday backed away from the idea that he wants to create a database to track Muslims in America as fellow presidential candidates blasted the proposal as “abhorrent” and “shocking.”

Trump said the notion that he would implement a database as a way to follow Muslims was not his.

“I didn’t suggest a database — a reporter did,” Trump tweeted Friday. “We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America.”

NBC News asked the candidate Thursday night whether there should be a “database system that tracks Muslims” in the country. Trump said “there should be a lot of systems beyond databases” and started talking about the U.S. border and building a wall across it. When asked whether it was something a Trump White House would implement, the candidate said,“Oh, I would certainly implement that — absolutely.”
Trump distances himself from database to track Muslims
Donald Trump on Friday backed away from the idea that he wants to create a database to track Muslims in America as fellow presidential candidates blasted the proposal as “abhorrent” and “shocking.”

Trump said the notion that he would implement a database as a way to follow Muslims was not his.

“I didn’t suggest a database — a reporter did,” Trump tweeted Friday. “We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America.”

NBC News asked the candidate Thursday night whether there should be a “database system that tracks Muslims” in the country. Trump said “there should be a lot of systems beyond databases” and started talking about the U.S. border and building a wall across it. When asked whether it was something a Trump White House would implement, the candidate said,“Oh, I would certainly implement that — absolutely.”
So it now is a "watch list" database.
Can you have a watch list without a watch list database????
Trump distances himself from database to track Muslims
Donald Trump on Friday backed away from the idea that he wants to create a database to track Muslims in America as fellow presidential candidates blasted the proposal as “abhorrent” and “shocking.”

Trump said the notion that he would implement a database as a way to follow Muslims was not his.

“I didn’t suggest a database — a reporter did,” Trump tweeted Friday. “We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America.”

NBC News asked the candidate Thursday night whether there should be a “database system that tracks Muslims” in the country. Trump said “there should be a lot of systems beyond databases” and started talking about the U.S. border and building a wall across it. When asked whether it was something a Trump White House would implement, the candidate said,“Oh, I would certainly implement that — absolutely.”
YOU pointed it out in the above quote!
The idiot reporter not following Trump's comments about building a wall was the FIRST time there ever was any discussion about a Muslim Nazi like data base!
Trump was responding to the Wall comments...NOT the "database"!
So you have found the next group of people you all are going to use to spread your hate about. Lets see you done used the blacks, last month its Hispanics/Mexicans so now it's time to DIVIDE us some more because that's all the Democrat party does folks. they can't win without it.

stop falling for their BS. VOTE them out in 2016

This was a totally made up ambushed question that was never suggested till the reporter did!!!

Today, the media declared Donald Trump a Nazi. Why? Well, according to outlets ranging from NBC News to The New York Times, Trump endorsed the idea of registering all Muslims in the United States with the government.

There’s only one problem: he didn’t.

His go-to answer when he’s asked questions about topics he doesn’t really get is something along the lines of, “We’re going to have to look at that.”

The media has jumped on all of this to suggest that Trump not only favors a Muslim database, but originated the idea.
Sam Stein, the smear artist reporter for The Huffington Post, tweeted about “Trump’s Muslim database idea.” Time reported, “Donald Trump Is In Favor Of Legally Requiring American Muslims to Register on a Database.” MSNBC reported, “Trump crosses new line, endorses database for American Muslims.”

It’s clear from the conversations that Trump doesn’t know he’s being asked by NBC about registering all American Muslims rather than merely Muslim immigrants.
That’s not an excuse for his bloviation and lack of clarity.
But it does show the hypocrisy, once again, of a leftist media that refuses to treat Democrats by the same standard.
For example, when Hillary Clinton was asked at a New Hampshire town hall meeting about Australia’s mass gun confiscation, she gave a Trumpian answer: she said it was “worth looking at.” Unlike Trump, however, she understood the question, as was clear from her full response. There were no headlines in major media about Hillary endorsing wholesale gun confiscation.

No, Donald Trump Doesn't Want to Register All American Muslims. It's Just Another Media Smear.

So here is how this happened. This is in Newton, Iowa, yesterday after a campaign event.
Trump's leaving the stage, and a reporter says,
"Should there be a database system to track Muslims in this country?"
Now, nobody has suggested that, keep in mind.
Trump has not suggested it.
So the reporter's not asking a question bouncing off anything Trump has said.
It's just a question thrown at Trump, and it comes to him in the midst of autograph seekers and fans and supporters wanting to meet him after his performance is finished.

TRUMP: There should be a lot of systems beyond database. We should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it. But right now we have to have a border. We have to have strength. We have to have a wall. And we cannot let what's happening to this country happen.

REPORTER: But is it something your White House would like to implement?

TRUMP: Oh, I would certainly implement that, absolutely.

"It would stop people from coming in illegally." Trump's still talking about the border.

He's still talking about the wall.
He says, "We have to stop people from coming into this country illegally."
So how in the world can Trump be talking about the registration of Muslims or anybody when he's still talking about keeping people out of the country? Muslims are here. This is a good, old-fashioned hatchet job by this low-rent reporter named Hunter Walker who's got everybody in the media reporting it the way he wants because this is what they want people to believe about Trump. This is what they believe about all Republicans. We're bigots, we're racists, sexists and so forth, and Trump's just come along and confirmed it. And I guarantee you there's a contest inside the Drive-By Media to see who can be the one to take Trump out.
Drive-Bys Lie and Claim Donald Trump Said Register All Muslims - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Video for you, you're welcome:slap:

Trump's plan for a Muslim database draws comparison to Nazi Germany
Sometimes things are not what they seem...certainly when the media gets involved. :rolleyes:

How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi

A story is making the rounds on Facebook that claims Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is calling for “ID badges” for American Muslims. The image on the story is of Jewish children wearing yellow starts during the Holocaust. Very frightening–and a lie.
Step 1: Seed. The lie begins with a Yahoo! profile in which Trump is asked, supposedly (the reporter does not provide his exact question), if he would “require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion.”

Trump does not say yes or no. Instead, he dodges the question, and comes back to the question of monitoring mosques (which the U.S. has done in the past): “We’re going to have to–we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

The Yahoo! reporter, Hunter Walker (a hater of note), construes Trump’s answer as follows: “He wouldn’t rule it out.”

How the Media Smeared Donald Trump as a Nazi - Breitbart
So Trump never said he wanted a database of Muslims? Or special identification that noted their religion?

I suspect I'm in some database and my religion is noted, you think not?

Trump said he would require ID badges - FALSE

Trump said he would force Muslims to register in a Muslim only database - TRUE

Only one of those has to be true for him to be a Nazi - he is a Nazi. So are his followers. They are all traitors to the Constitution.
Drive-Bys Lie and Claim Donald Trump Said Register All Muslims
November 20, 2015


RUSH: The Drive-Bys are trying to destroy the two leading Republicans again today, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. They are doing a terrific job of taking Trump out of context. He was leaving the stage, I guess it was last night, he was doing a personal appearance somewhere, he was leaving the stage, he's finished, and a Drive-By gets amongst the autograph speakers and starts peppering him with questions. He answered a question and it's how the reporter is purposely misinterpreting it to say that Donald Trump last night said that he's in favor of a registration database of all Muslims in the US, and everybody in the Drive-Bys has run with it, and he didn't say it. We have the audio sound bite coming up to illustrate it.


RUSH: Now, I don't know if you have seen it yet today. There are stories all over the Drive-By Media -- the Associated Press, Yahoo News, I mean, it's everywhere -- that Donald Trump supposedly is calling for the registration of all Muslims in America. Trump is demanding that they all be registered and that a massive database be collected. CNN is all over reporting this. Even the Wall Street Journal has picked up on it. There's a problem, though: Trump didn't say it. I'm gonna tell you what happened. At a recent public appearance Trump's coming off the stage after one of his usual one hour to 90-minute appearances.

He's probably worn out and spent, and there's the usual crowd of autograph seekers and supporters and fans, and amongst them is a Drive-By Media reporter who says to Trump, "Should there be a database system that tracks the Muslims that are in this country?" Trump says, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it. But right now we have to have a border. We have to have strength, we have to have a wall, and we cannot let what's happening to this country happen again." Reporter: "Is that something your White House would like to implement?"

There's no specificity there. The question is just, "Is that something your White House would like to implement?" Trump has given a multifaceted answer. He says, "Is that something," without specifying what he's asking about. Trump said, "Oh, I would certainly implement that, absolutely," and that's how they report that Trump "demands a database and registration for all Muslims," when he didn't say it! He never said it. It's a Journalism 101 trick. It's right out of the manual they teach you at the first year of journalism school in how to destroy political opponents or powerful people you don't like. It's that common a technique.


RUSH: Now, I'm not sure, but I think that the reporter that asked Trump the question and has totally, totally twisted this purposefully to convey something that did not happen, I think the reporter works for Business Insider. I think the reporter is Hunter Walker. If that's who it is, you need to know that this guy is a major backer of Hillary Clinton, as most in the Drive-By Media are. He has written endless articles championing her, and now I think he writes for Yahoo News and is the Business Insider politics editor.

So here is how this happened. This is in Newton, Iowa, yesterday after a campaign event. Trump's leaving the stage, and a reporter says, "Should there be a database system to track Muslims in this country?" Now, nobody has suggested that, keep in mind. Trump has not suggested it. So the reporter's not asking a question bouncing off anything Trump has said. It's just a question thrown at Trump, and it comes to him in the midst of autograph seekers and fans and supporters wanting to meet him after his performance is finished.

Drive-Bys Lie and Claim Donald Trump Said Register All Muslims - The Rush Limbaugh Show

And the 5 day ROLLING AVERAGE on Reuters..... Trump going UP!!!!

Reuters ^ | 10/20/2015
Liberals have hinted and hedged at a complete GUN Registry system in the US because 'guns Kill People' or whatever - they're dangerous.

So you're OK with a known terrorist walking into a gun show and buying a gun, right?

So, just throwing this out there, neutrally, for discussion....if we have to register all guns because they and their owners are potentially dangerous then why not register Muslims, who are also potentially dangerous?
Maybe we should only register Nazis like yourself.
REPORTER: Should there be a database system that tracks the Muslims that are in this country?"

TRUMP: There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it. But right now we have to have a border. We have to have strength, we have to have a wall, and we cannot let what's happening to this country happen again.

REPORTER: Is that something your White House would like to implement?

RUSH: There's no specificity there.

Yes there is you fat moron.
You have it ass backwards. The Yahoo interview was the day before, the follow up at the campaign event the next day was a NBC reporter.

You're a sheep. It doesn't help you left loons the majority of you still believe Sarah Palin actually said she could see Russia from her house. LOL


House Call

This from a total left Lib-a-tard sight... Dumba$$
I was asking for a link that proves:"the majority of you still believe Sarah Palin actually said she could see Russia from her house."

Do you have one?

I love the ignorance of Libtards who, when faced with having to make intelligent responses to posts, divert - especially something that happened more than 7 years ago.

It must be blissful to never have to face the present!

Shit for brains, I didn't bring it up. Can you read English, follow a conversation at all? Stupid perhaps?
The idiot reporter not following Trump's comments about building a wall was the FIRST time there ever was any discussion about a Muslim Nazi like data base!
You are just parroting your MessiahRushie's lie.

As I pointed out, Trumps Nazi like Muslim registry database was discussed the day BEFORE at his Trump Tower office in a sit down interview. The reporter at the Iowa campaign was following up on Trump's previous comments.
So you have found the next group of people you all are going to use to spread your hate about. Lets see you done used the blacks, last month its Hispanics/Mexicans so now it's time to DIVIDE us some more because that's all the Democrat party does folks. they can't win without it.

stop falling for their BS. VOTE them out in 2016
So you are against registering Muslims.....yes or no.
So you have found the next group of people you all are going to use to spread your hate about. Lets see you done used the blacks, last month its Hispanics/Mexicans so now it's time to DIVIDE us some more because that's all the Democrat party does folks. they can't win without it.

stop falling for their BS. VOTE them out in 2016
So you are against registering Muslims.....yes or no.
muslim immigrants, they are registered, as are all other immigrants:thup:
The people have spoken...


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