Trump Wants The EPA gone!!

The obvious flip side of the coin is how industry destroyed everything in its path. Ask the folks in Times Beach, Missouri or Love Canal, New York or Anniston, Alabama or Alliqippa, Pennsylvania.
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..
Youngstown, Weirton, Flint. All happening right now.

Why do you want to run a race to the bottom? Sacrificing health and environment for the sake of a job that, under prudent regulations, could endanger neither.

Are you looking to communist China as your paradigm of fiscal success?
No, I want a race to the top as the industrial leader of the say this will sacrifice health but offer no example besides some local issues or poorly fun .gov facilities...
i said that, with prudent regulation, industry and worker safety and the integrity of the environment can all co exist. What cannot happen is flushing the very notion of environmental protection and workplace safety down the tubes for the short game of polluting jobs.
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..
Youngstown, Weirton, Flint. All happening right now.

Why do you want to run a race to the bottom? Sacrificing health and environment for the sake of a job that, under prudent regulations, could endanger neither.

Are you looking to communist China as your paradigm of fiscal success?
No, I want a race to the top as the industrial leader of the say this will sacrifice health but offer no example besides some local issues or poorly fun .gov facilities...
i said that, with prudent regulation, industry and worker safety and the integrity of the environment can all co exist. What cannot happen is flushing the very notion of environmental protection and workplace safety down the tubes for the short game of polluting jobs.
Just what is a polluting job?
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

It's a great idea. Once a problem's been solved, we don't need a massive bureaucracy to micromanage our lives.

We have a cleaner environment due to PROSPERITY and ECONOMIC GROWTH, not due to the EPA. Wealthier people prefer a cleaner environment and the technology that makes it possible. Poor people are too busy subsisting.
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..
Youngstown, Weirton, Flint. All happening right now.

Why do you want to run a race to the bottom? Sacrificing health and environment for the sake of a job that, under prudent regulations, could endanger neither.

Are you looking to communist China as your paradigm of fiscal success?
No, I want a race to the top as the industrial leader of the say this will sacrifice health but offer no example besides some local issues or poorly fun .gov facilities...
i said that, with prudent regulation, industry and worker safety and the integrity of the environment can all co exist. What cannot happen is flushing the very notion of environmental protection and workplace safety down the tubes for the short game of polluting jobs.
Just what is a polluting job?
In the near term, energy production. So long as we are attached at the hip with fossil fuels, a non renewable resource, there will be pollution.

And the ancillary industries like polymers and plastics, chemicals and metals have nasty tendencies to pollute heavily.

We need regulations to protect the neighborhood and those who work in it.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
Picky and chicken shit. Let's take a look at one little piece of one little regulation. Asbestos containing building materials are any building material containing at least 1% asbestiform minerals. Floor tile and mastic, window glazing compound, plaster, roofing materials, transite, and that's not counting spray on acoustic material, pipe insulation, boiler and furnace insulation.

NIOSH (National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety) conducts extensive testing to determine safe levels of exposure for hazardous and toxic materials. The EPA and OSHA generally regulate permissible exposure limits at 50% of NIOSH regulations. Why water it down so much, especially when worker health and safety and environmental contamination are in the balance? Because EPA regulations are under public comment stipulations. And it's the lobbies to from private industry polluters who testify at the public comment hearings.

Picky and chicken shit EPA regulators know tow to the lobbies to on a daily basis.

And Conservatives want all that to evaporate.

I recall when the EPA decided that asbestos had to be removed from the ductwork in public schools. It turned out the it was safer to leave the asbestos ductwork in place than kick up a lot of asbestos laden dust by removing it, and the cost of removing it was astronomical. That's how the EPA benefits the American tax payer.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..
Youngstown, Weirton, Flint. All happening right now.

Why do you want to run a race to the bottom? Sacrificing health and environment for the sake of a job that, under prudent regulations, could endanger neither.

Are you looking to communist China as your paradigm of fiscal success?
No, I want a race to the top as the industrial leader of the say this will sacrifice health but offer no example besides some local issues or poorly fun .gov facilities...
i said that, with prudent regulation, industry and worker safety and the integrity of the environment can all co exist. What cannot happen is flushing the very notion of environmental protection and workplace safety down the tubes for the short game of polluting jobs.
Just what is a polluting job?
In the near term, energy production. So long as we are attached at the hip with fossil fuels, a non renewable resource, there will be pollution.

And the ancillary industries like polymers and plastics, chemicals and metals have nasty tendencies to pollute heavily.

We need regulations to protect the neighborhood and those who work in it.

When you give up your cell phone, your computer, your car with its plastic interior, your flat screen TV, your nicely painted house and all the thousands of products you use made from plastic, perhaps then we won't think you're the world's biggest idiot and biggest hypocrite.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..
Youngstown, Weirton, Flint. All happening right now.

Why do you want to run a race to the bottom? Sacrificing health and environment for the sake of a job that, under prudent regulations, could endanger neither.

Are you looking to communist China as your paradigm of fiscal success?
No, I want a race to the top as the industrial leader of the say this will sacrifice health but offer no example besides some local issues or poorly fun .gov facilities...
i said that, with prudent regulation, industry and worker safety and the integrity of the environment can all co exist. What cannot happen is flushing the very notion of environmental protection and workplace safety down the tubes for the short game of polluting jobs.
Just what is a polluting job?
In the near term, energy production. So long as we are attached at the hip with fossil fuels, a non renewable resource, there will be pollution.

And the ancillary industries like polymers and plastics, chemicals and metals have nasty tendencies to pollute heavily.

We need regulations to protect the neighborhood and those who work in it.
Just waking up in the morning causes pollution....

Solar is terrible on the environment...

I am not sure what plastics, chemicals, or metals you think are polluting....

You speak in generalizations, like your pre programmed with liberal bullshit....

We need less EPA to protect people's jobs so they have neighborhoods to go home to...
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot.

Says who?
I just explained why. Are you aware that the nation actually has six different EPA regions?
It's insane....each is an independent fascist enclave, destroying all industry in its path....
The obvious flip side of the coin is how industry destroyed everything in its path. Ask the folks in Times Beach, Missouri or Love Canal, New York or Anniston, Alabama or Alliqippa, Pennsylvania.
Love canal was caused by the county government who condemned the land despite the fact that the Hooker chemical company didn't want to sell it, and they punched through a clay lined pit containing chemical waste with a sewer line for a school it built on the property. It's a perfect example of how government using force screws up everything it touches.
I just explained why. Are you aware that the nation actually has six different EPA regions?
It's insane....each is an independent fascist enclave, destroying all industry in its path....
The obvious flip side of the coin is how industry destroyed everything in its path. Ask the folks in Times Beach, Missouri or Love Canal, New York or Anniston, Alabama or Alliqippa, Pennsylvania.
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..

It's hilarious that he's trying to blame Flint's water problems on private industry. It's the perfect example of government incompetence. Private industry wasn't involved in any way.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
Picky and chicken shit. Let's take a look at one little piece of one little regulation. Asbestos containing building materials are any building material containing at least 1% asbestiform minerals. Floor tile and mastic, window glazing compound, plaster, roofing materials, transite, and that's not counting spray on acoustic material, pipe insulation, boiler and furnace insulation.

NIOSH (National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety) conducts extensive testing to determine safe levels of exposure for hazardous and toxic materials. The EPA and OSHA generally regulate permissible exposure limits at 50% of NIOSH regulations. Why water it down so much, especially when worker health and safety and environmental contamination are in the balance? Because EPA regulations are under public comment stipulations. And it's the lobbies to from private industry polluters who testify at the public comment hearings.

Picky and chicken shit EPA regulators know tow to the lobbies to on a daily basis.

And Conservatives want all that to evaporate.

I recall when the EPA decided that asbestos had to be removed from the ductwork in public schools. It turned out the it was safer to leave the asbestos ductwork in place than kick up a lot of asbestos laden dust by removing it, and the cost of removing it was astronomical. That's how the EPA benefits the American tax payer.

And don't forget the EPA's Gold King Mine disaster which poisoned the Colorado River.
It's insane....each is an independent fascist enclave, destroying all industry in its path....
The obvious flip side of the coin is how industry destroyed everything in its path. Ask the folks in Times Beach, Missouri or Love Canal, New York or Anniston, Alabama or Alliqippa, Pennsylvania.
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..

It's hilarious that he's trying to blame Flint's water problems on private industry. It's the perfect example of government incompetence. Private industry wasn't involved in any way.

It's a perfect example of Republican government incompetence.
The obvious flip side of the coin is how industry destroyed everything in its path. Ask the folks in Times Beach, Missouri or Love Canal, New York or Anniston, Alabama or Alliqippa, Pennsylvania.
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..

It's hilarious that he's trying to blame Flint's water problems on private industry. It's the perfect example of government incompetence. Private industry wasn't involved in any way.

It's a perfect example of Republican government incompetence.
Um....Flint was democrat incompetence.....
All BAT of its canal actually won awards for innovation...

Don't fall into the liberal trap of seeing yesterday through today's's a pre-school tactic......
Okay, ask the folks in Youngstown, Ohio about she's mic activity associated with the disposal of fracking fluids. Ask the folks in Flint, Michigan about lead contaminated drinking water. Ask the folks in Weirton, West Virginia about the effects of KO-67 electric arc furnace dust contamination of their homes and properties.

Don't fall into a trap laid by polluters that would have you ignore the on going industrial pollution that wrecks property and lives on this very day.
What would you like me to ask them? How's it like to be unemployed because a stupid liberal set an arbitrary rule?

Flint is a joke of bad .gov.....

Please, tell me a pollution problem occurring keep seeing yesterday through today's eyes....just like liberals tell you to..

It's hilarious that he's trying to blame Flint's water problems on private industry. It's the perfect example of government incompetence. Private industry wasn't involved in any way.

It's a perfect example of Republican government incompetence.
Um....Flint was democrat incompetence.....

No, Flint was being run by an unelected, Republican appointed manager when the water poisoning occurred.

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