Trump Wants The EPA gone!!

finally, we agree on something....what we have now is liberal,fascism....straight up....

Im only after what is best for Our Country as a whole and that is it.
You forgot to add you will force me to want what you think too....[/QUOTE]

You believe what you want but if you want to believe on what is best for everyone here, then sooner or later you will see things the same way.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?
Beautiful picture. How silly of me to think china had pollution problems. Thank for the heads up dude
It proves as much as those bullshit pictures you posted.

Yeah, everyone knows there are no pollution problems in china
And there are no manufacturing jobs in America....

Trump is gonna bring them all back, right? Hes going to bring back manufacturing. Thats what his campaign promises is right?....and us, with no kind of environmental protection.
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet. Yea, since corporations aren't people, they don't need clean air and water. Take the few idiots and paint them all alike. Hell, poor people have polluted things, just look at the mess left by the Occupy WS idiots. The EPA was responsible for polluting the river in Colorado. Nice job.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.
Beautiful picture. How silly of me to think china had pollution problems. Thank for the heads up dude
It proves as much as those bullshit pictures you posted.

Yeah, everyone knows there are no pollution problems in china
And there are no manufacturing jobs in America....

Trump is gonna bring them all back, right? Hes going to bring back manufacturing. Thats what his campaign promises is right?....and us, with no kind of environmental protection.
Actually with better environmental,protection.....
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
How, in your fucked up liberal mind, have they polluted?
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.

Yeah, ok. I dont really dout that.
Ok, Im concerned about enforcing the laws but no relaxing of those rules. I dont know much about the rules either but it seems to be working.
finally, we agree on something....what we have now is liberal,fascism....straight up....

Im only after what is best for Our Country as a whole and that is it.
You forgot to add you will force me to want what you think too....

You believe what you want but if you want to believe on what is best for everyone here, then sooner or later you will see things the same way.[/QUOTE]
I believe people's choice in a job is good for everyone....
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.

Yeah, ok. I dont really dout that.
Ok, Im concerned about enforcing the laws but no relaxing of those rules. I dont know much about the rules either but it seems to be working.
Yes....we make no value added metals anymore....shut down two of the world most sophisticated aluminum smelters....don't make TVs or consumer electronics, don't make steel shapes....don't pulp....Ahhhh...but what the fuck do you care, it's only someone else's job.....
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
How, in your fucked up liberal mind, have they polluted?[/QUOT

I told you. Im not a liberal. You are stuck in a rut because your a robot. You see things with blinders on.
I got off the plane in Ontario, Ca 20 years ago after being gone for 10 yrs and while on the tarmac, I saw forest fire smoke in the air. I said to an employee "wow, where the fire? He said "thats not a fire, thats smog" Our lungs, as a child, used to hurt sometimes from air pollution. We were already on the way to ruining our lasnd air and water dude. What are you 20? What a dope. You think corporations wont pollute. Your just a moron.
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.

Yeah, ok. I dont really dout that.
Ok, Im concerned about enforcing the laws but no relaxing of those rules. I dont know much about the rules either but it seems to be working.
Yes....we make no value added metals anymore....shut down two of the world most sophisticated aluminum smelters....don't make TVs or consumer electronics, don't make steel shapes....don't pulp....Ahhhh...but what the fuck do you care, it's only someone else's job.....

He wants to go back to the economy of the 1970s, but he supports the EPA which has made many of the industries we had in the 1970s illegal!
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
Picky and chicken shit. Let's take a look at one little piece of one little regulation. Asbestos containing building materials are any building material containing at least 1% asbestiform minerals. Floor tile and mastic, window glazing compound, plaster, roofing materials, transite, and that's not counting spray on acoustic material, pipe insulation, boiler and furnace insulation.

NIOSH (National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety) conducts extensive testing to determine safe levels of exposure for hazardous and toxic materials. The EPA and OSHA generally regulate permissible exposure limits at 50% of NIOSH regulations. Why water it down so much, especially when worker health and safety and environmental contamination are in the balance? Because EPA regulations are under public comment stipulations. And it's the lobbies to from private industry polluters who testify at the public comment hearings.

Picky and chicken shit EPA regulators know tow to the lobbies to on a daily basis.

And Conservatives want all that to evaporate.
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.

Yeah, ok. I dont really dout that.
Ok, Im concerned about enforcing the laws but no relaxing of those rules. I dont know much about the rules either but it seems to be working.
Yes....we make no value added metals anymore....shut down two of the world most sophisticated aluminum smelters....don't make TVs or consumer electronics, don't make steel shapes....don't pulp....Ahhhh...but what the fuck do you care, it's only someone else's job.....

They went to china so they could pollute. jeeze! you fkn dum, see ya.
Oh yeah, lmao..good idea. Have you seen the air and water and ground in china? You want that here? Just so the greedy corporations can profit off of ruining our water our land and our air?

First, stop accusing companies of not caring about air or water. You've bought into the left's boogey man theories hook, line and sinker. Way to go, puppet.

Second, federal laws prohibit polluting our resources and there are stiff penalties.

Third, we don't need the EPA. It's another bloated agency whose mission is to make laws with little oversight. They answer to Obama and pretty much do as they please.

We can enforce our laws without having all these agencies who exist to go around congress and create laws. The EPA is more geared toward creating cap and trade policies.

Yeah, ok. I dont really dout that.
Ok, Im concerned about enforcing the laws but no relaxing of those rules. I dont know much about the rules either but it seems to be working.
Yes....we make no value added metals anymore....shut down two of the world most sophisticated aluminum smelters....don't make TVs or consumer electronics, don't make steel shapes....don't pulp....Ahhhh...but what the fuck do you care, it's only someone else's job.....

They went to china so they could pollute. jeeze! you fkn dum, see ya. best run away you fucking libtard.....the Trump train is a comin'
I have no problem keeping the EPA, but they need to be stripped of enacting any regulations without an affirmative vote of Congress first. Nothing in the Constitution gives unelected bureaucrats authority to make law.
Congressional approval would render any agency moot. Do you know how EPA regs are established? Do you know what NIOSH is?

No, I really dont know to much about them. I know they can be....picky and chicken shit. Im a believer of protecting our air, land and water. Im know that left up to the corporations, they will pollute, they have proved that.
Picky and chicken shit. Let's take a look at one little piece of one little regulation. Asbestos containing building materials are any building material containing at least 1% asbestiform minerals. Floor tile and mastic, window glazing compound, plaster, roofing materials, transite, and that's not counting spray on acoustic material, pipe insulation, boiler and furnace insulation.

NIOSH (National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety) conducts extensive testing to determine safe levels of exposure for hazardous and toxic materials. The EPA and OSHA generally regulate permissible exposure limits at 50% of NIOSH regulations. Why water it down so much, especially when worker health and safety and environmental contamination are in the balance? Because EPA regulations are under public comment stipulations. And it's the lobbies to from private industry polluters who testify at the public comment hearings.

Picky and chicken shit EPA regulators know tow to the lobbies to on a daily basis.

And Conservatives want all that to evaporate.

Yeah. I know t may sound small, 1%, but asbestos, once in your body, doesnt leave, right?

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