Trump wants to allow religious institutions to openly advocate political views - tax-exempt

Of course, and I think you've got a great example there. Problem comes when others want to abuse it too. Why not just not have tax free for anything? Would seem to then get rid of the abuse. Why is religion special?

Why is any non-profit organization special?

Remember people in these organizations still pay income taxes, it's not entirely tax free. I think the main gripe isn't even about corporate taxes, its about property taxes. The problem is most of these Churches/synagouges/mosques sit on prime real estate in old historic buildings. If you taxed them as any other property, they would probably have to be sold just to pay the tax bill.

I don't know why they're special. I guess people feel they're donating money and this shouldn't be taxed. But the reality is that these companies act like businesses nowadays, some of the employees at the higher end are earning millions.

Property tax is an issue, but then again isn't it always?

If you never had to pay it in the past, enforcing it now would basically mean the loss of every religious building in every metropolitan area.

What do you think the property tax on St Patrick's Cathedral would be if they applied normal rules to it?

Duh, it would be what it SHOULD be!


Why should religious cults get a free ride? They don't even have proof of what their cults are based on. If someone could provide "credible" proof of an invisible supernatural Sky Daddy - then I would agree they should be tax-exempt.
Natural rights given to you by whom? Those that have the guns?

Why do you think your rights have been "given" to you? They just are based upon instinct!

Because the Bible says so...and our founding fathers believed so as well....that's why. What we have now in this country that is no longer home of the brave or home of the brave is a bunch of sheeple that don't have the slightest clue as to how we have been used and manipulated....and excuse me for saying this...but since I started down this road and learned how things REALLY work and how they really are, I have become a bit of a snob and I have very little patience here of late for those that do not understand what we are up against.

MANY people don't share your biblical beliefs! Understand that.

And I am fine with that many don't believe....but leave me the fuck alone and let me live my life the way I see fit. Don't bring your little piss ant code enforcers onto my property and tell me that I can't collect rain water....don't tell me how big or small the garden in my back yard can be. I don't NEED permission to do these things. If I want to paint my house in exotic colors? That's my fucking business because it's MY property....if I want to let my grass grow higher than 6 inches before I cut it? Deal with's not my neighbors that have to deal with it. If they mind their own business, then they will have all they can handle. I have had it up to my neck with this federal "gubermint" entity" that is a for profit corporation and I give them the double middle finger salute every chance I get. I make it my business to be a thorn in their side....fuck'em......fuck them eight ways to Sunday. I despise this corporate entity that lamely attempts to pass themselves off as a legitimate governmental body and let me tell ya, they don't like the fact that I point it out.....fuck 'em...they can eat shit and die.

You are a nut job. An absolute nut.

No, I'm should try it sometime.
Why is any non-profit organization special?

Remember people in these organizations still pay income taxes, it's not entirely tax free. I think the main gripe isn't even about corporate taxes, its about property taxes. The problem is most of these Churches/synagouges/mosques sit on prime real estate in old historic buildings. If you taxed them as any other property, they would probably have to be sold just to pay the tax bill.

I don't know why they're special. I guess people feel they're donating money and this shouldn't be taxed. But the reality is that these companies act like businesses nowadays, some of the employees at the higher end are earning millions.

Property tax is an issue, but then again isn't it always?

If you never had to pay it in the past, enforcing it now would basically mean the loss of every religious building in every metropolitan area.

What do you think the property tax on St Patrick's Cathedral would be if they applied normal rules to it?

Duh, it would be what it SHOULD be!


Why should religious cults get a free ride? They don't even have proof of what their cults are based on. If someone could provide "credible" proof of an invisible supernatural Sky Daddy - then I would agree they should be tax-exempt.
For the same reason an American Indian historical society should not be taxed. It is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate people on a viewpoint, utilizes resources that cost money, and needs to compensate at least some people who make it their full time career.

Why should any non-profit get a free ride? I worked for the only American organization that matches donated organs to recipients. Yup, non-profit. Should they get a free ride?
Why is any non-profit organization special?

Remember people in these organizations still pay income taxes, it's not entirely tax free. I think the main gripe isn't even about corporate taxes, its about property taxes. The problem is most of these Churches/synagouges/mosques sit on prime real estate in old historic buildings. If you taxed them as any other property, they would probably have to be sold just to pay the tax bill.

I don't know why they're special. I guess people feel they're donating money and this shouldn't be taxed. But the reality is that these companies act like businesses nowadays, some of the employees at the higher end are earning millions.

Property tax is an issue, but then again isn't it always?

If you never had to pay it in the past, enforcing it now would basically mean the loss of every religious building in every metropolitan area.

What do you think the property tax on St Patrick's Cathedral would be if they applied normal rules to it?

Duh, it would be what it SHOULD be!


Why should religious cults get a free ride? They don't even have proof of what their cults are based on. If someone could provide "credible" proof of an invisible supernatural Sky Daddy - then I would agree they should be tax-exempt.

You hate religion, so your opinion on this would be like asking PETA for a recipe for veal cutlets, or a good fur coat dealer.

Sod off, wanker.
Tax churches like business.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.

Yes, I get it. And they're not buying anything? I mean, they're getting something out of the church, right? And then they're paying for the church, right? It's the same as going into a shop and buying something spiritual with the shop saying they don't have a fixed price, they can choose how much they want to give.
and walk out with no goods.
I don't know why they're special. I guess people feel they're donating money and this shouldn't be taxed. But the reality is that these companies act like businesses nowadays, some of the employees at the higher end are earning millions.

Property tax is an issue, but then again isn't it always?

If you never had to pay it in the past, enforcing it now would basically mean the loss of every religious building in every metropolitan area.

What do you think the property tax on St Patrick's Cathedral would be if they applied normal rules to it?

Duh, it would be what it SHOULD be!


Why should religious cults get a free ride? They don't even have proof of what their cults are based on. If someone could provide "credible" proof of an invisible supernatural Sky Daddy - then I would agree they should be tax-exempt.
For the same reason an American Indian historical society should not be taxed. It is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate people on a viewpoint, utilizes resources that cost money, and needs to compensate at least some people who make it their full time career.

Why should any non-profit get a free ride? I worked for the only American organization that matches donated organs to recipients. Yup, non-profit. Should they get a free ride?

Lakhota is a whiny twat who hates religion, conservatives and anything smacking of libertarian ism. She is a progressive statist gasbag, nothing more.
Tax churches like business.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
Tax churches like business.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?
Tax churches like business.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.

What is the basis of taxation for a not-for-profit? What next, you gonna start taxing the Blood Center? VOA?
Tax churches like business.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
A non-profit is allowed to spend money on infrastructure and so can Churches. What will you do when the Church stops using buildings, meets in homes, and all members agree to vote conservative via social media? What you're really upset about will still occur.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

Religion.. he thinks the religious are going to force him to pray. Completely nuts.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.

What is the basis of taxation for a not-for-profit? What next, you gonna start taxing the Blood Center? VOA?
It's starting to sound an awful lot like some non-profits are more equal than others.
Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.

What is the basis of taxation for a not-for-profit? What next, you gonna start taxing the Blood Center? VOA?
It's starting to sound an awful lot like some non-profits are more equal than others.

It just another episode in their attack on religion. Er, uh, sorry, Christianity.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

Lakhota hates organized religion, people who disagree with her, and puppies.
They're not businesses.

Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

I'm not "afraid" of anything here - I just want religious institutions to pay their fair share - just like business. The NaziCons I see posting on this board are living proof that religion is a sham - and they don't deserve a free ride. Religious welfare is bullshit.
Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

Religion.. he thinks the religious are going to force him to pray. Completely nuts.
got to watch out for the Spanish Inquisition
Are they not? They seem to be selling something, people seem to pay for it.

Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

I'm not "afraid" of anything here - I just want religious institutions to pay their fair share - just like business. The NaziCons I see posting on this board are living proof that religion is a sham - and they don't deserve a free ride. Religious welfare is bullshit.
you didn't answer why you want them to pay taxes as a non for profit? You going after them too?

Let's face it, you hate that people have money, right? Set yourself free and just let it out.
Nope.... people donate to maintain the church and pay the pastor. Get a clue.
it also goes to help them serve the poor and needy families.

Fine, then let their charitable donations to help the poor and needy be tax-exempt - but tax the rest. Charities are also tax-exempt.
what exactly is it you're afraid of here?

Religion.. he thinks the religious are going to force him to pray. Completely nuts.
got to watch out for the Spanish Inquisition

Yep, we're all polishing up our thumbscrews.

An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson, many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.

I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans.

Read The Draft Text Of Donald Trump's 2016 Republican National Convention Speech

So much for the separation of church and state.

Yes....I heard about this a few weeks ago after Trump met with Evangelicals....he first learned about that stupidity from them...he had asked them why, with their numbers, they didn't fight harder for religious rights...and they told him....he promised them he would get rid of that crap.....

There is no provision of separation of Church and state in the guys hate Thomas Jefferson...but it was just in a private letter he wrote...and you morons take it for gospel.....

allowing churches to speak on political topics is what you call Religious liberty twit......

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