Trump wants to allow religious institutions to openly advocate political views - tax-exempt

The real issue is the reluctance of anesthetists, or humanists, to accept and provide those who believe in God the rights and privileges of free worship.

You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

The belief in God, and rights provided under God, will always remain an obstacle to centralized government control.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one
An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson, many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views.

I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans.

Read The Draft Text Of Donald Trump's 2016 Republican National Convention Speech

So much for the separation of church and state.

When are you ignorant Libtards ever going to get it into your thick skulls - NOWHERE IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION DOES IS SAY SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!

Where in the constitution does it mandate tax exempt status for churches?

It doesn't.

Then how could denying churches tax exempt status violate their free speech or religious liberties?

It wouldn't. Religious institutions get their tax-exempt status from the tax codes - not the Constitution.

You are correct. The Constitution does not address the tax exempt status of an organization. The right of churches, their leadership and their congregation to express their views and to advocate for or against any piece of legislation is guaranteed by the First Amendment. However, the privilege to be tax exempt in the exercise of this right is created by 26 U.S. Code § 501 which is enforced by the IRS.
The real issue is the reluctance of anesthetists, or humanists, to accept and provide those who believe in God the rights and privileges of free worship.

You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

The belief in God, and rights provided under God, will always remain an obstacle to centralized government control.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
When are you ignorant Libtards ever going to get it into your thick skulls - NOWHERE IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION DOES IS SAY SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!

Where in the constitution does it mandate tax exempt status for churches?

It doesn't.

Then how could denying churches tax exempt status violate their free speech or religious liberties?

It wouldn't. Religious institutions get their tax-exempt status from the tax codes - not the Constitution.

You are correct. The Constitution does not address the tax exempt status of an organization. The right of churches, their leadership and their congregation to express their views and to advocate for or against any piece of legislation is guaranteed by the First Amendment. However, the privilege to be tax exempt in the exercise of this right is created by 26 U.S. Code § 501 which is enforced by the IRS.

Exactly. Tax exemption is a privilege, one afforded only to those that meet the criteria laid out in the IRS code.
The real issue is the reluctance of anesthetists, or humanists, to accept and provide those who believe in God the rights and privileges of free worship.

You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

The belief in God, and rights provided under God, will always remain an obstacle to centralized government control.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.
You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
The real issue is the reluctance of anesthetists, or humanists, to accept and provide those who believe in God the rights and privileges of free worship.

You're free to worship. You're simply not entitled to tax exemptions if you're engaged in politics.

You're equating tax exemptions with freedom to worship. They aren't the same thing.

The belief in God, and rights provided under God, will always remain an obstacle to centralized government control.

And you're more than welcome to whatever beliefs you want. Yet rights are still what we say they are. And they exist as long as we protect them.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
Exactly what services are they selling, and why should they be treated differently from other non-profits?
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
do non for profits provide services? are they tax exempt? I'm just trying to set a benchmark here.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
A lot of people do exactly that. No one's going to throw somebody out because they didn't put something in the plate. Again, why should churches be treated any differently from other tax-exempt non-profits?
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
yep, signs the license purchased from the government to be legal. the money pays for the upkeep to the church and the priests time. That's it.
Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
do non for profits provide services? are they tax exempt? I'm just trying to set a benchmark here.
I worked for the non-profit that matches donated organs to recipients. They charge for services, yet are non-profit. Churches don't even charge for most of what they do.
Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
A lot of people do exactly that. No one's going to throw somebody out because they didn't put something in the plate. Again, why should churches be treated any differently from other tax-exempt non-profits?
dude, i go all the time and don't pay a dime. so he's in error. if they were paying for it, they would have to pay as they walked in. oh well, their stoopid is unique.
Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
do non for profits provide services? are they tax exempt? I'm just trying to set a benchmark here.
No, you're trying to avoid any mention of property taxes, or your inability to provide a rational justification for why churches should receive ANY tax exemption. Its kinda fun to watch you flee.

As for non-profits, they're subject to specific restrictions on their activities if they want to maintain certain tax exceptions. Why should churches be any different?

Why should churches receive ANY tax exception? You have no there is none.
Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
yep, signs the license purchased from the government to be legal. the money pays for the upkeep to the church and the priests time. That's it.

Funny. Who pays the property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
do non for profits provide services? are they tax exempt? I'm just trying to set a benchmark here.
No, you're trying to avoid any mention of property taxes, or your inability to provide a rational justification for why churches should receive ANY tax exemption. Its kinda fun to watch you flee.

As for non-profits, they're subject to specific restrictions on their activities if they want to maintain certain tax exceptions. Why should churches be any different?

Why should churches receive ANY tax exception? You have no there is none.
they receive tax exemptions cause they are charitable organization offering religious guidance.
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
A lot of people do exactly that. No one's going to throw somebody out because they didn't put something in the plate. Again, why should churches be treated any differently from other tax-exempt non-profits?
dude, i go all the time and don't pay a dime. so he's in error. if they were paying for it, they would have to pay as they walked in. oh well, their stoopid is unique.

Then the church doesn't have to pay a penny of taxes on your tithes. But for those who do pay for services, the money the church is paid would be taxable. Even if you considered the payments 'gifts', gifts are taxable.

And you're fleeing from even the mention of the massive property tax bills that churches are inexplicably exempted from. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to run.
why should they pay taxes again? are they not for profits? What is it they sell? I'm just saying, what are the goods sold? Who do they buy their parts from?

Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
You mean the same churches that take care of orphans and abandoned kids of drug addicts for free?

Just shut up before you hurt yourself.
Why should they be held to different standards than everyone else? They sell services. And services are thoroughly taxable. As is real property.

Why should churches be exempt from the services they sell, why should their land be exempt from property taxes?
what services do they sell. I missed that one

Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free. no one walks in and walks out having to pay for those things? We pay tuition for school, but not the church services. sorry. try again.

That's funny bullshit. Try having a big church wedding and not "donating" for it. Same with most of the other so-called "free" services provided by the church. BTW, don't you pay (donate) anything for church services? Do you just ignore the collection plate...?
You mean the same churches that take care of orphans and abandoned kids of drug addicts for free?

Just shut up before you hurt yourself.

Charities and orphanages are also tax-exempt. What's your point?
Sermons.....religious services....baptisms, spiritual counseling, religious interpretations, scripture readings, christenings, sunday services, temple work.....any and all services that they are paid for by their paritioners through tithes.

And why should church property be exempt from property taxes? The single largest land holder in the city of New York, for the Catholic Church.

Why shouldn't they pay property taxes like everyone else? Why should churches receive ANY tax exemption?
those are all free.

Those are all paid for by parishioners. Churches are selling their services.....why should they be exempt from taxation on them? If the tithes of the paritiioners are merely 'gifts' for 'free services', then the tithes should be taxed as gifts.

Gift in exchange for free service or payment for services......there are still taxes to pay. Why should churches be exempt?

And I notice you won't touch the property tax issue with a 10 foot pole. You do realize that just because you ignore the issue, just because you have no justification for it doesn't mean that it magically disappears.

The world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes, JC.

Why should any church receive ANY tax exemption?
do non for profits provide services? are they tax exempt? I'm just trying to set a benchmark here.
No, you're trying to avoid any mention of property taxes, or your inability to provide a rational justification for why churches should receive ANY tax exemption. Its kinda fun to watch you flee.

As for non-profits, they're subject to specific restrictions on their activities if they want to maintain certain tax exceptions. Why should churches be any different?

Why should churches receive ANY tax exception? You have no there is none.
they receive tax exemptions cause they are charitable organization offering religious guidance.

And as long as they are offering 'religious guidance' they remain tax exempt. When they become political organizations, they are no longer afforded that exception.

See how that works?

Why should payment for religious guidance be tax free?

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