Trump wants to buy Greenland

Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland

Hey stupid you can't a country lol.
You have a lot of learning to do on this particular subject.

I have a lot to learn??says the guy who's a Trump supporter.
Yes, indeed you do have a lot to learn.

You said that already nice try you are a Trump supporter which means being brain washed.
Purchasing Greenland would've been great in the mid 1990s with a $5 trillion debt and a budget surplus.

Thanks to the endless treason and porkfests of W and O, we can't afford it now...
His genocidal sanctions in Iraq helped fuel al Qaeda cells everywhere -- they initially wanted Jihad on Israel not us....and there's Kosovo.
Put Clinton on Trail for War Crimes Too,

Not sure about that....Al Qaeda was founded by a Saudi and Osama's biggest motivation was the fact that US troops are stationed in the "holy land of islam"...they've plotted against the US and the west for a long time, yet they were transfixed on the Saudi Arabia issue..that's what limited their spread and made them somewhat obsolete when ISIS far as I know, they are not friends AlQaeda and ISIS..will be funny to see, how they blow each other up....

ISIS came up with the caliphate...why just fight for the holy land if you can just re- occupy the muslim homelands and take it from there?
The mulism brotherood is the largest terror supportive organization world wide...they are HUGE in Egypt (largest mulism population country) and in every country among the muslim population...they support ISIS so it will never be over

Clinton could have loosend sanctions..sure, but in the end it was George the lesser you was the big moron with his invasion
Man, this would be so great. Dump California. Add Greenland.

Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland

Hey stupid you can't a country lol.
You have a lot of learning to do on this particular subject.

I have a lot to learn??says the guy who's a Trump supporter.
Yes, indeed you do have a lot to learn.

You said that already nice try you are a Trump supporter which means being brain washed.
Lol.... this first class Citizen is not brain washed.
Trump working on acquiring more room for Americans to live in. So far, Denmark has said no and Trump hasn't said what he's going to do about it. Denmark hasn't built anything there. They need to stop obstructing progress and let someone in there that can get something accomplished there.

Greenland to Trump: We're Flattered But 'Greenland Is Not For Sale'
That is a good joke, I just love the Presidents sense of humor like we have enough money to buy a nation. If Mexico takes it seriously we will get offers from them. LOL Could you picture Mexico being the next state. The Democrats would love it.
If we did, we'd have Canada surrounded.

If you think of the US support for ISIS, tha yes...without Obummers support, ISIS would have never gotten where they were...and all of that to get Assad out in order to hit Hezbollah....that's what I call blowback!

Now the Geeni is out of the bottle, now we have to deal with it and ain't going anywhere...but he! at least ISIS drained away support from Al Kaida...don't they already fight each other?
This is an ideological war that goes way beyond just Obama and ISIS.
Just look at the US history of bombing people starting practically as soon as the Army stole the Wright Brothers flight models ( that's basically how it went down), and meddling in foreign affairs ( Iran 1953 , Venezuela, Libya....)openly and covertly (we now know)....we're in a superpowers PR war now , which China and Russia are winning , when they should be our allies in defeating the terrorists--but the biggest problem with that is most of the world now view us as the terrorists. And I'm not sounding anti-American...just being real.

At spiking levels, foreign countries now see the U.S as a threat
After the way Trump treated Puerto Rico, another island, the Natives on Greenland know exactly what he would do to them.
Trump working on acquiring more room for Americans to live in. So far, Denmark has said no and Trump hasn't said what he's going to do about it. Denmark hasn't built anything there. They need to stop obstructing progress and let someone in there that can get something accomplished there.

Greenland to Trump: We're Flattered But 'Greenland Is Not For Sale'
That is a good joke, I just love the Presidents sense of humor like we have enough money to buy a nation. If Mexico takes it seriously we will get offers from them. LOL Could you picture Mexico being the next state. The Democrats would love it.
He doesn't keep you informed...he tells you what he thinks you want to hear.
Where is his healthcare plan for example?
When is Mexico sending the cheque as another?

What I've told you are FACTS..ISIS is defeated...after obummer told us that it will never go away...

NK is indeed very quite from what is was....

and so on

as for health care..if you would stop shouting, you would hear what he said about it: he stated that drug costs are too high and that they need to come down...last thing I've heard was that he was using an executive order, so I have to dig in again....democraps have done nothing but obstruct btw...but you don't look into that direction, eh?

Health care is in my opinon something he will tackle in his second term...first was the economy, than China and foreign affairs...

Mexico is paying dude..ever heard of NAFTA? that unfavorable stupid Clinton project? as efficient as monika's blowjobs I suupose..and as helpful for the US economy...Mexico had a sweat ride but that is over with USMCA..simple is and that pays for the wall

President Trump has achieved more than the past three presidents combined....

NK is lighting missiles just to troll Trump.

Health care was easy according to Trump and he guaranteed "repeal and replace"...there hasn't been a whole lot of "replace".

NAFTA is still in place with a shiny new name that only puts the US at the front of it on new stationery...however that new stationery means a trade imbalance in Mexico's favour increasing month by month.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico
Of course he does.
He's tough and big when he's at home but put him in front of a strong leader and he's as weak as a kitten

HAHAHAHA..good you remember obummer?

Obama Looks Weak Abroad to Those at Home

remember, when obummer couldn't handle NK? let alone China...or Putin

nah, a complete failure as president is his legacy...and btw: the US were passed off as "Superpower of yesterday" in Europe...
Do you remember Trump meekly accepting Putin's word over his own intelligence experts when he was standing next to him...only to talk tough again when he was safely home?

And Europe and the rest of the world is moving on while laughing at the US...I'm sorry to break it to you.
Don't forget his healthcare plan that he's going to announce any day now.
-------------------------------------------- you healthcare beggars still begging for FREE Healthcare and for WE Deplorables to pay your way eh IBD ?? [chuckle]
Hey was Trump that promised an amazing cheap and effective healthcare plan...take it up with him, not me.
Don't forget his healthcare plan that he's going to announce any day now.
-------------------------------------------- you healthcare beggars still begging for FREE Healthcare and for WE Deplorables to pay your way eh IBD ?? [chuckle]
Hey was Trump that promised an amazing cheap and effective healthcare plan...take it up with him, not me.
------------------------------------------------- I just wanted done with the 'Obama care' Mandate IBD . Youse guys can play 'doktor' all day all night just so the Un American Mandate is gone IBD .
What's the difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare PIMSOE?
--------------------------------------------------- as I said earlier , the mandate is gone IDB .
So...this is Trumpcare PIMSOE?
His job is done?
This is an ideological war that goes way beyond just Obama and ISIS.
Just look at the US history of bombing people starting practically as soon as the Army stole the Wright Brothers flight models ( that's basically how it went down), and meddling in foreign affairs ( Iran 1953 , Venezuela, Libya....)openly and covertly (we now know)....we're in a superpowers PR war now , which China and Russia are winning , when they should be our allies in defeating the terrorists--but the biggest problem with that is most of the world now view us as the terrorists. And I'm not sounding anti-American...just being real.

At spiking levels, foreign countries now see the U.S as a threat

OK..first of all, that site has a news flash on the side bar that Epstein hanged himself..which I find hillarious..

anyways: you have to dig a little deeper with that view of the for China: they are the enemy and there can't be any doubt...I could tell you stories and some of them first hand from my Chinese friend that make your skin crawl....Chinese are different and it took Taiwan nearly 50 years to turn into what we concider western style democracy...the problem is not just government but what has become of the people.

Secondly: Japan has always been a very uneasy a nutshell, you could say that the US has wounded, what can only be restored with blood...(to be theatrical)...Japan's honor..Abe is basically a Trump of Japan...his father was very active in the faction, which wants to throw out the pacifist clause in the Japanese constitution....further, when the US broke Japan's economic assault on her in the nineties, that left a lot of bad memories which have turned even more sour with time.

Europe: well, here I can give you first hand experience.....the US are hated...Americans are hated...cause Americans are stupid, fat, imperialistic and of course drive cars that are way too big....they eat too much and watch too much TV and so is a racist hate which ironically is a bit of self,20 years ago, people were fuming at the STUPID AMERICAN who has to drive a big SUV! now, most people here drive SUVs (or soft UVs like the Nissan Note)...they are hypocrites but their hate is a socialist hate....telling others, what they can or can not do and Americans with their unapologetic patriotism and large life style are the enemy....

THAT is the real reason, America is hated...quite sad actually

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